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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. So what the hell was all the online hubbub about? Have we really become that sanitized?
  2. If Joker really isn’t the absolutely morbid and “problematic” film that people have been claiming it is, I’m going to be extremely annoyed.
  3. I find it difficult to believe that Phillips wasn’t hoping for some Oscar buzz when he pitched the movie to WB, or when he hired Joaquin Phoenix.
  4. I suppose OUATIH does have the advantage of actually taking place in 1960s Hollywood, but I still have a feeling that Jojo Rabbit will win for the same reason that Green Book did. Of course, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it’s a PG-13 movie about why bigotry is bad, so that’s something it has in common with GB.
  5. I didn’t even think about it before, but now that you mention it, I actually think that Jojo Rabbit really does have a good chance of winning Best Picture. I’m certainly not expecting the Academy to give it to The Irishman, what with it being a Netflix film and all.
  6. I have to say, even though I previously thought that a little controversy for Joker would be a good thing, I’m looking forward to the day where we can have a controversy free DC movie. All this chatter over Joker has been exhausting.
  7. The thing is that the reason Weinstein eventually got taken down is because victims like Rose McGowan came forward. I’d imagine that a number of people in Hollywood like Quentin Tarantino probably didn’t tell people about Weinstein’s actions out of fear for their own careers. You could say that’s cowardly of them, but unless the victims came forward, there probably wouldn’t have been much they could’ve done.
  8. What exactly would the people who knew about Weinstein’s actions have been able to do? If the victims weren’t going to come forward, then all they would do would be potentially ruining their own careers by accusing a powerful industry figure of sex crimes.
  9. I’m kind of surprised it took this long for the Joker thread to get locked. It seems like there is no way to have a civil discussion about that movie. In other news, there seems to be virtually no enthusiasm in Birds of Prey, which pleases me.
  10. It doesn’t. That’s exactly her point. Disney is a big corporation. They don’t care about social justice, except when it helps their bottom line.
  11. She actually did say that them identifying that there was some sort of problem in their work is a good start. She simply said that they’re doing it in a very cynical and focus tested sort of way. At no point did she ever say that diversity is a bad thing. In fact, she went out of her way to say that Disney could probably use more inclusion behind the scenes for their movies. Again, she criticized the fact that this movie has a white director.
  12. The majority of Disney movies have white leads, including the Beauty and the Beast remake, where a white woman is the protagonist. By your logic, she’d give that movie a pass, but she doesn’t. Where are you even getting this idea that she wants white women to be the center of attention, especially when you’re obviously not even remotely familiar with her?
  13. At no point in the video does she ever even imply that she wants white women to be the center of attention. She even criticizes the fact that Disney got a white person to direct their remake of Aladdin. What she suggested they do is to actually address these controversial topics, rather than simply pretending that they never existed to begin with. If you want to get a better idea of what she’s saying, you could simply watch the video. Even if you don’t like it, you’d at least know what her arguments are.
  14. Her point wasn’t that a corporation trying to make their work more progressive is a bad thing. Her point was that Disney mostly only pays lip service to the idea, without doing any of the necessary leg work. In other words, Disney will try to defend themselves from criticism by trying to make their female characters seem more empowering and making fun of some of their old cliches, but they’re not willing to acknowledge the more uncomfortable aspects of their past films, such as their racism or their glorifications of absolute monarchies. If she were your typical white woman feminist, she would probably be more likely to applaud Disney for their surface level attempts at being “progressive”.
  15. I’m not a fan of the word “woke” myself, but her underlying argument is that Disney’s attempts at being seen as progressive are disingenuous and lazy, and that they refuse to acknowledge the more problematic aspects of their past films, such as the racism in the original Dumbo, in favor of on the nose girl power messages (Lindsay Ellis is a feminist, just so you know).
  16. Lindsay Ellis definitely isn’t one of those anti-SJW types, if that’s what you’re wondering.
  17. There’s supposed to be a trailer for Birds of Prey tomorrow, so we’re probably not getting a trailer for GvK this week. Maybe they’ll attach one to Terminator: Dark Fate or something.
  18. So, Lindsay Ellis did a video about Disney’s attempts to be “woke”, and she talks a bit about this film in particular, so I thought I’d share it for anyone who’s interested.
  19. Hot take: Sometimes I find myself wishing that Zack Snyder’s DC universe didn’t fall apart, simply so that we wouldn’t be back at square one with Batman.
  20. There are self-proclaimed incels on the Internet. They aren’t a thing that people just made up out of thin air in order to make fun of people who can’t get laid. Still, I’m fairly certain that the majority of people who would be classified as such are relatively harmless. I do thinks it’s weird that the Joker is apparently perceived as a poster boy for these people, though. Even though I’ve always preferred to imagine the Joker as being asexual, it’s clear that most writers don’t view him as such, considering the existence of Harley Quinn.
  21. I don’t know if I’d say that he’s a great person to work with, but I haven’t heard stories of him being a diva like I’ve heard about Jared Leto.
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