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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I feel like Sony will do everything they can to ensure that Spider-Man 4 has Tom Holland and Tom Hardy’s characters finally meet. These Venom movies more or less owe their success to piggybacking off the MCU anyway.
  2. Assuming, this is financially successful, they ought to scrap that dumb GI Joe crossover idea and focus on animation moving forward.
  3. Zaslav also supposedly wanted Phillips to be the one in charge of DC at one point, which goes to show how hilariously out of touch he is.
  4. I would imagine the demographics are different enough that it won’t be a big deal.
  5. BoP had good reviews too. While we’re at it, so did Shazam, which also had an A on Cinemascore. Reviews don’t immediately guarantee big returns.
  6. The problem with the excuse that TSS flopped because of Covid and the day and date strategy is that Godzilla vs. Kong did noticeably better, despite having come out when lockdowns were still in place for the most part. I think the truth is that TSS simply didn't have any of the things going for it that the 2016 film had. No Will Smith, no Joker, no crazy mainstream soundtrack, a confusing title, etc. Anyway, I think one thing that’s become apparent in the 2020s is that DC has a sequel problem, and to be honest, I’m not sure if The Batman 2 will be able to avoid that pitfall. The movie was well liked, but I don’t know if it has the same kind of post-release momentum that Batman Begins had.
  7. Don’t see what’s so bad about the title. Would people have preferred it follow the naming convention of every other sequel and be called “Rise of Harley Quinn” or something?
  8. It’d be crazy if this were to take Blade’s spot in November 2025, but I would imagine that’s not possible, unless they overwork the animators again, which would obviously be a shitty thing to do. The only reason I’m not sure about 2026 is because that’s seemingly when the next MCU Spider-Man movie is coming out.
  9. I think giving Joker a sequel always sounded like a cynical idea that cheapened the supposed purpose of the original. Not everything needs to be a franchise. Yes, I know the first one made a lot of money, but so did Titanic.
  10. With all the talk about MCU Spider-Man 4 being another multiverse adventure, the plan is probably for Tom Holland to finally meet Tom Hardy’s Venom, so I wonder if this will have an after-credits scene that sets that up. It would be redundant after the post credit scene in Let There be Carnage, but these movies pretty much thrive on the MCU connections anyway.
  11. If this movie truly does give the finger to the people who hailed the original as a masterpiece, then I can’t see anyway that a drop doesn’t happen. Maybe not in terms of OW, but certainly in terms of its legs and OS gross.
  12. Ridley Scott movies have had director’s cuts for decades. That’s not a recent thing. Director’s cuts used to be commonplace in Hollywood before the Internet suddenly decided they were bad.
  13. By the way, am I the only one who thinks this movie getting rave reviews would’ve been more concerning than it being polarizing? The former would’ve suggested to me that Phillips chose to play it safe.
  14. I always assumed a drop was a pretty likely possibility. The first movie had the novelty factor behind it (and since this apparently needs to be stressed, I specifically mean it was a novelty as far as movies based on superhero comics are concerned) and had an unprecedented cultural movement behind it. The media wouldn’t shut up about how “dangerous” the movie was, which I think got a number of people curious to see what the fuss was about. Of course, this film isn’t out for another month, so it’s obviously too early to make judgements about how it’ll perform compared to its predecessor.
  15. I see you conveniently ignored the part where I specifically said “by the standards of a CBM”. You do know what ‘CBM’ stands for, right?
  16. TDK also borrowed heavily from Heat. This stuff if nothing new. Films homage other films all the time. Ironically, Matt Reeves cited Taxi Driver as an inspiration as well.
  17. I can imagine that Phillips and Phoenix did this for the easy paycheck, and not so much because they felt there was an interesting story to tell. Say what you will about the first Joker movie, but it did something different by the standards of a CBM, and I've always felt that giving it a sequel would cheapen it. They should’ve let the original stand on its own.
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