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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. On a lighter note (I hope), I noticed an interesting parallel between Batman and Spider-Man. Back in the Summer of 2012, we got a Spider-Man reboot and a third Batman movie that were released a few weeks apart from each other. In the Summer of 2021, we’ll be getting a Batman reboot and a third Spider-Man movie released a few weeks apart. Just thought that was fun to point out.
  2. I believe the Rotten Tomatoes criteria states that non theatrical or limited release movies can be certified fresh with only 40 or so reviews.
  3. I didn’t say that The Lighthouse is going be seen by tens of millions of people, but for an A24 movie, it’s being talked about quite a bit online, and assuming it does well for an indie film, it might be able to paint a new image of Robert Pattinson among at least a few people who are only familiar with him through the Twilight franchise.
  4. How does one define opening high in 2021? Opening below $150 million in 2021 seems pretty lackluster to me, especially if the movie has Thursday night previews that begin at 1:00 PM or something. TDK opened to $158 million in 2008, and that movie didn’t have 3D tickets or Thursday night previews. Besides, Matt Reeves isn’t exactly a crowd pleasing director.
  5. Three superhero movies opening in less than two months will mean that at least one of these films will most likely be left in the dust, just like what happened to Shazam! Anyway, I’m betting that the Matt Reeves Batman movie won’t be a huge hit. Batman as an IP took a massive hit in the past three years, and I don’t see what hook a Batman movie directed by someone like Matt Reeves could possibly have. Sure, Robert Pattinson is a good actor, but the general public only knows him as a sparkly vampire. Then again, people are talking quite a bit about The Lighthouse, so maybe that will help change at least some people’s perception of Pattinson.
  6. But there isn’t decent space between them. Again, it’s three movies coming out in the span of less than two months.
  7. I didn’t notice the release date. I assumed it was going to be released at the beginning of July. Still, this means there will be three CBMs in the span of less than two months.
  8. Didn’t this whole conversation start because of the news that people were afraid the movie would inspire violence?
  9. The movie is a work of fiction. If you’re afraid that it will inspire people to commit acts of violence, then you’re contributing to the narrative of the people who use movies and video games as a scapegoat. It’s just like when people spread that debunked rumor that the Aurora shooter identified as the Joker. It places the blame on the wrong thing.
  10. This movie finished filming a while ago. I don’t see the sense in delaying it at this point, since that would suggest that they plan on spending more money on it in reshoots. They might as well just release it and get this whole thing over with.
  11. The Joker is a fictional character just like Thanos. This trend of blaming movies and video games for acts of violence needs to stop.
  12. Again, Thanos was the center of the story in IW. Not only did he have more screen time than any of the heroes, but he was the one character in the movie who had a complete arc. The movie very much played out as his journey. IW was his story.
  13. Blaming movies for acts of violence is no different from blaming violent video games. What exactly is speculating that a movie will inspire some nut to shoot people supposed to accomplish? Are people trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy?
  14. The funny thing about all this is that Infinity War was also centered around a villain, and it went through great lengths to humanize him in spite of all the atrocities he committed, yet there was hardly any controversy over that. For the record, I actually like IW quite a bit. I just think it’s funny how that movie got a pass for making you sympathize with the murderous bad guy, while Joker is apparently problematic for doing the same.
  15. Can we maybe not spread false information about a mass shooting for the purpose of putting down people who are excited about a movie? James Holmes wasn’t dressed in Joker makeup. He wore body armor, a gas mask, and dyed his hair orange. Does any of that scream the Joker to you?
  16. Here’s the thing, the approach worked with Tenet because because the film has a lot of mystery surrounding it, and Nolan is probably one of the few directors today whose name alone is enough to generate hype for a movie. Also, the teaser for it played nearly a year in advance. GvK can’t afford that same luxury. KotM was a massive underperformer, and this movie comes out in half a year. They need to release a trailer online so that as many people will see it as possible.
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