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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. So, 2021 isn’t an anomaly? They’re really doing four films a year moving forward? That’s pretty crazy. I guess this will be the ultimate test to see whether or not superhero fatigue is a real thing.
  2. How did Sonic miss the chance to do a tie-in with the Sonic the Hedgehog movie? They even serve hot dogs there. The opportunity was gift wrapped for them!
  3. I’ve said this before, but for me personally, I have no trouble believing that Snyder’s version of the movie would’ve been a big mess, but I’d still like to see it. I’m not one of those hardcore Snyder Cut enthusiasts, but I do think that Snyder’s plans for where the story was heading were interesting, and it’s kind of a shame that we’ll never get proper closure to the story that he started. That’s why I think it would be nice if we at least got to see the last thing he worked on before he left. At the very least, I’m pretty sure it would’ve made for a more interesting film than the overly safe and generic mishmash we ended up getting.
  4. I mean, I guess I could sort of understand it from the standpoint that Paramount is perhaps so desperate for this movie to do well that they decided to manufacture some drama around it so that they could make themselves look good by making it seem like they listened to criticism. I’m not saying I believe that, but I could sort of see why some might think that.
  5. So, what does everyone here think of the conspiracy theory that Paramount gave Sonic a bad design on purpose in order to generate buzz for when they decided to fix it? A number of people on Reddit seem to be convinced that was the case.
  6. Good design. I have no clue why they couldn’t go with something like that in the first place, but better late than never.
  7. I was hoping that David F. Sandberg’s test screenings video would’ve caused people to dial back on their obsession with these things.
  8. Those clowns again? What is it now? Did Patty Jenkins or Gal Gadot make some kind of feminist comment?
  9. Man, the box office for this movie really goes to show how much Genisys dropped the ball. If this had been the first Terminator film in 10 years, there definitely would’ve more interest in it. I’m not saying it would’ve had a TFA style increase, but I’d imagine that it would’ve at least managed to clear $500 million worldwide.
  10. No, I mean, why did someone just randomly post in this old thread when it stopped being relevant over half a year ago?
  11. Millennials are older than you might think. They’re generally defined as people who were born between 1980 and the mid to late 90s. You might be thinking of Generation Z’s.
  12. That does not sound like a good idea at all, but far be it from me to question Kevin Feige’s decisions at this point.
  13. For me personally, I have no trouble believing that Snyder’s version of the movie would’ve been a mess, but I still would like to have seen it.
  14. At this point, I’d settle for being able to read the script for the original version of JL.
  15. Like with Terminator: Dark Fate, GB2020 is supposed to be a revitalization of a beloved 80s franchise that’s coming out a mere four years after the last movie tanked. That was why I made the comparison.
  16. Does the failure of Terminator: Dark Fate spell trouble for this movie?
  17. Disney is big because it knows how to milk established IPs for all they’re worth. Aside from Marvel and Star Wars, there’s also the live action remakes. Even as far as Pixar is concerned, the studio’s biggest films of the 2010s have all been sequels.
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