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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I saw a couple of user reviews that complained about the show being “woke”, so that probably has something to do with it. Never mind the fact that the graphic novel had very clear anti-fascist themes, and that Rorschach was portrayed as a far right nut job who Alan Moore has gone on record to say that he dislikes.
  2. I can just imagine the uproar that would’ve happened if Adam McKay chose to make fun of the MCU in the post credit scene for Vice, rather than the Fast and Furious franchise.
  3. God, all the people I’ve seen who are implying that Martin Scorsese is irrelevant or something are making me hope that The Irishman becomes a big hit.
  4. “Cinema” will most likely be dead in the near future, outside of Marvel and whatever else Disney decides to milk.
  5. I’ll at least take BvS over TASM2 or that godawful animated adaptation of The Killing Joke.
  6. It was a joke. I was referencing the second trailer. I guess it didn’t land. You're right, though. This is getting an unusual amount of buzz for an A24 film.
  7. Yeah, I’m still having trouble mustering up enthusiasm for this.
  8. Can we please stop with the “if x movie did this, then x movie can do this” argument?
  9. Mongal? They’re going cosmic with this film? If so, I would’ve preferred they went with the New Gods.
  10. There probably would’ve been a lot more excitement for this movie if Genisys was never made.
  11. Which is funny because The Wolverine had one. That was back when Fox tried to give off the impression that they cared about continuity.
  12. All this Martin Scorsese drama is reminding me of that fake Chris Nolan quote from 2014 about how real movies don’t have end credit scenes. Nolan never actually said that (what he actually said was that Zack Snyder shouldn’t put a post credit scene in Man of Steel just because Marvel does stuff like that), but it certainly pissed some people off regardless.
  13. I don’t think random CNN contributors are in anyway benefitting from the movie.
  14. Well, the Patriots have cheated before, so I don’t know if that’s the comparison Kevin Feige would appreciate.
  15. It’s really not like the Nolan movies. The Nolan Batman movies were still superhero movies at the end of the day. Joker isn’t a superhero movie at all.
  16. Why would he have been credited for it to begin with? He had absolutely nothing to do with the movie.
  17. Sometimes I wish WB would just do their screenings in house like Disney does, so we wouldn’t have to constantly hear reports that a DC movie sucks before it’s even released.
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