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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. That’s weird. If Disney+ is supposed to generally be reserved for family friendly titles, why would they get Fox Searchlight to make content for it? Are they going to get Fox Searchlight to specifically make safe and sanitized content?
  2. Isn’t Disney+ supposed to be for the more family friendly content? If anything, Fox Searchlight would probably be relegated to Hulu.
  3. While I don’t care much for Scarlett Johansson, I do think the whole idea of “cancelling her” is pretty stupid, though that’s mostly because I think cancel culture in general is a blight on the world. The simple fact of the matter is that Scarlett Johansson is human, and humans tend to be flawed, and often say stupid things. If we’re going to “cancel” anyone who’s ever said something we disagree with, then we might as well cancel the entire human race.
  4. I don’t know about that. The MeToo era has caused a lot of people in Hollywood to turn on Woody Allen. Many actors and actresses have basically been forced to apologize for ever working with him. It doesn’t help that Ronan Farrow has become a pretty powerful journalist, and he’s pretty firmly against Allen.
  5. I was referring to the 2010s when I said “the past decade”. Anyway, Kill Bill was always intended to be a single film before Miramax split it into two movies. As for the Lord of the Rings films, while it’s true that Tolkien intended for it all to comprise a single book, he was told to split it into three volumes, and each of the films were based on a single volume. IW & EG are not in the same boat as those. They were always intended to be two separate films.
  6. In the case of all the other “Part 1/Part 2” films of the past decade, they were based on a single book that got split into two separate movies. IW/EG represented a different situation from that. Sure, both films took inspiration from the Infinity Gauntlet storyline in the comics, but they weren’t exactly straightforward adaptations of it, especially not EG.
  7. Can’t a lot of their lack of inclusiveness in the past be blamed on Ike Perlmutter?
  8. Making conclusions about movies based on nothing isn’t exactly a uniquely leftist thing to do. Did you miss all the discourse surrounding Captain Marvel?
  9. While I do agree that the Joker works best when you know almost nothing about him, I think that mostly applies to him when it comes to his dynamic with Batman. Not having Batman for him to work off of is already a massive change to the character, so as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter what they decide to do with him in a stand-alone story. As far as I’m concerned, they can do whatever the hell they want in a situation like that. My only real concern is that I hope it doesn’t affect the comics or any future adaptations. As for the incel aspect, some people who’ve seen the film have said that it really isn’t some alt-right fantasy. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2019/sep/02/incel-violence-joker-rightwing-film-joaquin-phoenix
  10. Wasn’t it more than half that was donated, while the remainder was for campaigning for the release of the so called Snyder Cut?
  11. For the record, many of the Snyder Cut enthusiasts have donated money to suicide prevention.
  12. The Conjuring franchise consists of your typical jump-scare filled horror movies. Sure, they’re different from superhero movies, but they’re hardly experimental. As for Jordan Peele’s films, those are certainly different, and there is a lot to talk about with them, but they hardly represent the kinds of movies that are currently dominating the market.
  13. I certainly didn’t say it’s never been done before. I’m just saying that in the current age we live in, the idea of a major studio film that isn’t a big CGI extravaganza is undoubtably something that many people would be enamored by.
  14. I would argue that a major part of its appeal is that you don’t see very many studio films of that nature these days. In an age where VFX driven franchise films are dominating the market, a movie like Joker almost seems like an anomaly. I enjoy superhero movies as much as anyone, but I’m interested in Joker precisely because it’s a CBM that promises to be different from all the other CBMs these days.
  15. Unless it consists entirely of Bill Skarsgård doing this, I’m not interested.
  16. Comparing the strength of fictional characters has always been a silly practice, especially when you consider how ridiculously inconsistent the feats of comic book characters are. All that aside, Darkseid won’t even be facing off against the Justice League on film, so there’s not even going to be much of a point in comparing him to Thanos in that regard.
  17. That guy on the ferry boat who threw out the detonator was pretty memorable for a nameless side character.
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