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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The fact that it’s filming nearly two years ahead of its scheduled release date has me almost convinced that it’s so Gunn can work on GotG Vol 3 in time for a 2022 release date. I don’t know what would mean for the quality of this film, but hopefully he’ll bring his A-game.
  2. I’m surprised that the teaser still hasn’t been released in any official capacity. WB seems to be displaying quite a bit of secrecy with this movie.
  3. I was going to say that, but then I remembered that Dark Phoenix is technically a Disney movie, and that FFH is technically a Sony movie.
  4. Considering the underwhelming performances of so many of the movies this year, I can’t say I blame people for the pessimism.
  5. People don’t seem to be trying to bury this film. They just seem to be tempering their expectations for the movie’s box office numbers.
  6. Unless Marvel plans on releasing four movies a year, it seems fair to assume that the won’t be seeing another MCU Spider-Man film for a while after all. Their schedule is way too stacked as it is.
  7. Now that I think about it, it does seem weird that out of the Marvel movies being released in 2022, BP2 is the only one that’s actually confirmed. I suppose they want to keep fans guessing for a while.
  8. They already have release dates set through 2026 for Star Wars.
  9. They aren’t going with what worked last time for Black Panther or Doctor Strange. As for the Blade movie, why do you see it being released in the late Summer?
  10. They’re releasing BP2 in May, even though the first one was released in February, so I don’t see why they’d feel obligated to release CM2 in February. That seems more like a date they’d reserve for a newcomer like Blade.
  11. Isn’t that movie supposed to start production this year or something? If so, it definitely should be possible for GotG 3 to make a July 2022 release date, although it may be pretty exhausting for James Gunn.
  12. That does seem possible. I’m guessing July 2022 will be for GotG 3.
  13. I for one am not expecting the movie to have a high CinemaScore rating. It definitely doesn’t look like the kind of movie that you would go see to get your blockbuster fix, and that’s fine by me. I’m interested in seeing it because of how different it seems to be from all the other CBMs out there. I like CBMs fine, but I want to see them branch out and be more experimental. Besides, it’s painfully clear at this point that DC has no chance of beating Marvel at their own game, so why not do something completely different? They’re better off leaving the shared universe model to Kevin Feige, especially since he’s pretty much the only one who has been able to make it work.
  14. And the Matt Reeves movies were just boring slogs with no personality. I’m pretty sure WB only chose him because they were desperate to get the Batman movie off the ground after Affleck dropped out. His movies aren’t even crowd pleasers.
  15. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m really impatient for that Joker movie to get here. Part of that is because I’m genuinely interested in seeing it, and another part is because I want to see if my club turns out being right. Mostly though, I want the conversation to move away from Marvel for a change.
  16. I don’t know about everyone else, but after yesterday and today, I think it’s fair to say that the Marvel fandom has its fair share of...interesting people. Edit: By the way, this isn’t meant to be taken seriously.
  17. As much as I dislike Disney, Sony’s decision to share Spider-Man with Marvel Studios wasn’t done out of generosity, but desperation. Sony was in an extremely rough financial spot at the time, and given the underperformance of TASM2, it was clear that they needed to come up with something to rejuvenate their biggest franchise, and they quickly realized that letting the character interact with the Avengers was the best and easiest way of doing so.
  18. It’s interesting that they decided to make this movie so long if many people apparently think the long runtime is unjustified. I guess WB just felt confident about releasing a long movie after seeing how well Endgame did?
  19. I’m not expecting Matt Reeves to make a Batman movie where anything stands out about it. The guy has no style or vision, and his movies are all pretty disposable and forgettable. The only thing I even remember about that last Planet of the Apes movie is the Coca Cola product placement.
  20. I don’t trust Matt Reeves to deliver an interesting Batman movie that can set itself apart from all the ones that came before it. The guy is a painfully boring director.
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