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Everything posted by nguyenkhoi282

  1. @danhtruong5 fight me but i'm having FFH over 22M and EG approx 2M this weekend. I just have the feeling.
  2. Eh release the two movies at the same time and maybe i'll agree with you. But since both has advantages and disadvantages, God knows how long this discussion will go on.
  3. I think you should also mention MCU fanbase Edit: oops i saw the other post
  4. Eh, anticipated from Sunday number. •12th -weekend (2.1) [-33%] = 851.6 -‎weekdays (1.4) = 853 •13th <= The Lion King -weekend (2) [-32%] = 855 Need 3.4M more from OS by Sunday.
  5. If it does 2.788M on Sunday, the cutural zeitgeist effects may hit the week after and push it to 2.795M. Give it two more weeks and 2.8B will be done.
  6. It's just funny. Irony. Nothing against it. I hate AMATW and loved the first IT. But it may actually happen, i peg IT 2 at like 650M WW so if it underperforms ever so slightly, Wasp could come out on top.
  7. Part of me want Disney to just say fck it and let EG top Avatar next weekend. But a bigger part want it to top on the following weekend. Because on that weekend, FFH, Aladdin, and The Lion King will all top 1B. And TS4 will top 900M as well.
  8. Actually, that OS number is what i'm curious to see the most. It will determine ETA of Avatar.
  9. Market expansion isn't always equal as increase in ticket buyers. China population hasn't risen much over the past 10 years. 12 times more screens? Well then demand will be satisfy 12 times quicker, not necessarily become 12 times bigger. That is the basic in explaining why movies have generally weaker legs in China compare to other markets. You can ask @Gavin Feng or @POTUS 2020 for clarification.
  10. Been tracking it for the last 3 hours. Seems to be increasing just fine. Added 10M past hour.
  11. But there are factors that can never be accurately weighed. Gross and admissions are widely used because they can be counted. Others simply cancels each other out, more or less to a degree where things are so overly complicated that you should just give up.
  12. It doesn't have to come out on top in every country to win in total. Just that ER made the gross look so damn bad in Europe that other countries aren't enough to make up for it.
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