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Posts posted by The GOAT

  1. The other night I went to a screening of the Dark Knight for the first time in theaters. It's actually incredible. Gave for a much better experience on big screen with loud speakers, so I could experience the score and sound mixing for all it's greatness. There is not a SINGLE scene which I did not find entertaining. The only improvement that my mind can conjure up is if Anne Hathaway was casted as Rachel Dawes. 

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  2. 28 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


    Except that's not her fault. This all started because she wrote a MeToo article and never named a single partner. Then everyone else blew it up. She should not be blamed for this and it's wild that that's what you're implying 

    You know at one point the trial felt like the most publicized case since OJ drove that white Ford Bronco and showed how the gloves don't fit, so they must acquit. It completely tarnished both of their careers and basically showed that they were both crazy psychos that like engage in zero sum games.

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  3. 3 hours ago, BoxOfficeFangrl said:

    The Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Game halftime show is so low rent compared to the Super Bowl one, but that is even cheesier than normal, ha ha.

    The SuperBowl is where all of America gather to watch some good fashion football. In comparison, this was just regular season game on Thanksgiving. This performance was particularly special because it happened a little over 2 months after 9/11.





  4. 2 hours ago, ZeroHour said:

    Shareholders and Wall Street do not actually like seeing these companies bleed money and they're not just going to think "oh well, the stocks will all just bounce back when the strikes end" because they know the longer this takes to resolve, the longer the gap will be between when these companies run out of fresh content and when the content they create post-strikes is ready to deliver. 

    Stock prices for all these companies will go down regardless of the outcome, so I guess the strikers can have moral celebratory victory when that happens. But at the same time, It would seem as though the studios will have a much better time hanging on than the Entertainment workers who work to live.

  5. 10 hours ago, Bob Train said:

    With the Taylor Swift thing about to do huge numbers, maybe that guy who said theaters would become roadside attractions, with nothing succeeding except for "event movies" was right. Cinema loses.

    If the theaters were still offering $5 tickets like they did in 2000s, I would wager the business would reach all time peak ticket sales. 


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