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Everything posted by VENOM

  1. Avatar and endgame still fighting it out, meanwhile Star Wars Rise of the Clickbait will have its work cut out to beat Jumanji 3.
  2. Just look at that, ever since Pixar got bought out by those jabronies they been turned into sequel pumping animations.
  3. Even if it got nominated for an Oscar I still wouldn’t go see it, I’m not interested in more Toy story movies, I haven’t said it’s good or bad
  4. The reason why I count captain marvel as a sequel is because the only reason it was made was to bring captain marvel into EG so even though it didn’t happen after IW it’s still a sequel of the MCU, I mean that’s why it’s called the MCU right? All these films and characters are just sequels of each other that dip in and out of different timelines. You can’t call them original movies.
  5. Disney animated sequels are getting worse.. finding dory, Ralph breaks the internet, toy story 4 and there remakes just scream cash grab. When’s the last time these guys came out with a movie that wasn’t a sequel or remake?
  6. No I agree it’s disappointing for them and they should be disappointed after hyping Disney up that much. I mean why would it open at 180? Was anyone really asking for toy story 4? I’m just saying outside of comic book movies does Disney have much to offer that anyone wants to see? Maybe they might get lucky with the odd remake or avatar movie but generally speaking there movies outside of MCU make modest amounts.
  7. It didn’t even have like 17 movies of lore to build up hype or any die hard fans behind it when it came out so yeah it was a one of the kind performance
  8. Still can’t believe they spent 200 million on this but ran out of dark blue paint for Jennifer Lawrence. Her mystique looks like someone who hasn’t seen the sun in weeks compared to the other movies
  9. It’s was all just one big cgi fest for me, that goes for most movies these days. I remember the days of real fight scenes like in the first matrix, felt real because it actually was.
  10. It’s not like they need to make a profit since the studio is now dead and owned by Disney. The actors and all the crew got there pay check so it’s all good.
  11. Right on! For me this year I’m looking forward to IT chapter 2 and Ford vs Ferrari. Two completely different types of films that I just can never see Disney ever making and I don’t even know what studios they are from because it shouldn’t matter.
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