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Posts posted by HeyItsMoses

  1. I'm sorry, but if Rth is correct (and since it's 2 AM on the west coast, he probably is) then there's simply no way it doesn't get it. As someone just said, Universal will fudge it if they have to at this point.

    Your only prayer is that Rth made a typo. Or Universal doesn't want to fudge for whatever reason.

    Closer to 3am, but who's keeping track.


    I just don't see it dropping that hard though. I think demand is still there, and it'll break the record.


    And again, if it comes close, Universal will make it happen.

  2. The whole I-Rex escape scene is just flat out silly. I can get behind that its an intelligent animal but this is ridiculous. How does an animal know that there are heat senses monitoring it and that it can hide from them with its abilities and set up an elaborate escape plan of luring them into the cage and then escaping free when they run to escape. Its ridiculous.


    As is knowing that it has a tracking bug inside it. Firstly, I highly doubt that unlike what is stated in the film that it remembers where it was put in. You are not putting a tracking bug in a fucking I-Rex unless it was under heavy sedation. Even if it somehow does remember where it was put in.....so what? How in the hell is an animal meant to know that it can be tracked by what was put inside it?


    As is the I-Rex talking to the raptors and convincing them to turn on the humans. We have seen so far that it is a non stop killing machine, and now we are somehow meant to believe that despite looking completely different to the raptors, it knows that it can talk to them in a language that it apparently learnt in complete isolation away from all other animals??? WTF!?!

    You're seriously complaining about all this?

    Why not complain about the actual premise of the film? Because it's so fuckin plausible that scientists can get dinosaur DNA from insects that were fossilized millions of years ago..

    • Like 1
  3. I saw it yesterday (er, today?) at a 12.30am showing, loved it.


    Today at 4pm tried to see it again, the AMC I was at was sold out, and next available showing was at 7ish. Similar fate with the 2 other AMC theaters we looked into. Went to a United Artist theater for a 5.30pm showing, everything was sold out until 10pm. People in line were even buying tickets for the next day.


    Ended up going to a Pacific Theaters, they had a lot of showings, and we were able to get in for a 6.30pm showing. People loved it. 


    Debating if I should watch it for a 3rd time on Sunday. 


    If Friday was estimated at $83m ($64m without previews), and it's Saturday is estimated at $70-$74m, that's a 10-15% increase. How much of a drop should we be expecting? 


    Worst case scenario, -20%? 


    That gives it a $56m-$59m Sunday. 


    Not having a solid estimate of Saturday, can we expect something like this...


    $83m + $74m + $59m = $216m
    $83m + $70m + $56m = $209m.


    Universal, work your magic and break this record. 

    • Like 1
  4. So, it looks like the Marvel Universe is going to have a total of 21 movies?


    I wonder if they're going to keep going with the franchises after Avengers 3. Since they will just be introducing Doc Strange, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Inhumans. Could easily have a trilogy for each franchise, and even complete Guardians with a third movie also.


    All in all, this Universe is massive, with as many films as the James Bond movies, but in a linear fashion, with one giant story that's intertwined. 


    Marvel is a fuckin genius, and it will be crazy if they do a Phase 4, 5, 6, and have another Avengers Trilogy. I mean, who wouldn't want to see X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spiderman return to Marvel and join the Avengers or be part of the Universe? It'll be amazing. 

  5. Are people seriously complaining that Guardians is falling short of $100m? This is a fuckin joke, right?


    The General Audience, myself included, had no idea what the fuck GotG were until Marvel started marketing it. 


    The sheer fact that it's Opening Weekend is already over 40% Higher than more well known Superheros in Marvels arsenal (ie, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor) is just fuckin amazing!


    Plus, this is just the first installment for the franchise! It's already bigger than CA2 and Thor2. 


    If this doesn't hit $100m, it's not going to bother me. I actually see it performing a lot like Iron Man now. 


    First installment falls short of $100m, and the 2nd will break out even higher. Can't wait for 2017 for Guardians 2. :)

    • Like 1
  6. I think it'll be fun to see everyone's TOP 10 Most Anticipated movies for next year.


    Have the movies that you're most excited to see in order. At the end of the year (or maybe even at the end of the summer), we'll have a census of the movie that everyone is most excited about for next year!


    I'll start.


    1. Jurassic World

    2. Avengers 2

    3. Star Wars 7

    4. Mad Max

    5. Terminator

    6. Bond 24

    5. The Good Dinosaur

    8. Assassins Creed

    9. Ant-Man

    10. Ted 2


    I'll probably change the order of this before the year is over. But if everyone can submit their Top 10 before the year ends, that will be awesome.

  7. I don't think DC can do it. Man of Steel might be the start of them creating their Universe, but I don't think it's going to be as big and complex as how Marvel does it.


    Looking at the two studios, DC doesn't stand a chance against Marvel.


    Marvel grossed $6,467.9m from 34 movies, averaging $190.2m per movie with their biggest grosser being The Avengers with $623.4m.

    DC grossed $3,311.6m from 25 movies, averaging $132.5m per movie with their biggest grosser being The Dark Knight with $533.3m.


    With inflation, Marvel beats DC $7,274.1m to $4,802.1m and the averages from $213.9m to $192.1m.


    If you wanna compare tickets sold. Marvel trumps DC with 913.8m to 603.3m, that's over 300m more tickets!


    If DC was to set up an Avengers type of universe with the Justice League, how are they gonna do it?


    It seems to be going from Man of Steel, to Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice...then what? Superman and Batman are their two biggest superheros. Not sure if The Flash, Wonder Woman, or even Aquaman will do good. They tried Green Lantern, and that shit was garbage.

  8. I was watching the end scenes of Thor 2 (saw it in theaters, but slept through most of it), and it explained a lot of stuff to me. Which got me thinking of the scope and size of this Universe. 


    It's fuckin insane! I mean think about it, they have fuckin PHASES for this Giant Fuckin Story Arch! 


    Phase 1

    1. Iron Man

    2. The Incredible Hulk

    3. Iron Man 2

    4. Thor

    5. Captain America: The First Avenger

    6. The Avengers


    Phase 2

    7. Iron Man 3

    8. Thor: The Dark World

    9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    10. Guardians of the Galaxy

    11. Avengers: Age of Ultron


    Phase 3

    12. Antman

    13. Captain America 3

    14. Thor 3

    15. Doctor Strange?

    16. The Incredible Hulk 2? 

    17. Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

    18. Avengers 3?


    I don't know what else they got planed after Captain America 3. I would think that they'd have another Thor movie, and maybe even have a Trilogy for the other Franchises (Hulk, Guardians, Dr. Strange, Antman)?!


    This is probably the most elaborate and complex Universe we have ever seen. 


    Do you think anything can ever top this?!


    I think that this Universe will stand the test of time, and be talked about for generations to come.


    But that's just my opinion.

  9. I went to an early screening also, and although it wasn't bad, it wasn't amazing either. 


    The story wasn't complicated to follow, I don't know what most critics are complaining about. 


    The movie starts with the explosion in 1954. Fast forward to about 1989, and you see signs of the MUTO monsters, and the scene in Japan at the plant where Bryan Cranstons wife dies. Fast forward to present time, and the MUTO is revealed, and escapes. Guess they were preserving it to study it's biology. Bryan Cranston dies. 


    At least me and like 2 other people around me literally went, 'What The Fuck?!' 


    The cities that this all takes place in, is somewhere in Japan, Las Vegas, and it ends in San Francisco. I'm thinking, wow, a monster movie where New York doesn't get fucked up, lol. 


    The first fight scene pissed me off. Just when Godzilla and the Male were about to fight, the fuckin doors close on it? It then showed the fight scene on the news, it was pretty funny. 


    The final fight scene could have been way better. Because everything that pretty much lead up to it, was Godzilla roaring 3 times. I get it, his roar is fuckin awesome, let's see him fuck some shit up already!


    Anyway, when they actually fought, Godzilla was getting fucked up at first, double teamed by the male and female. When the male fought Godzilla, he died pretty quick when Godzilla whipped his tail and slammed him on the building. Like really? That's how he died?


    When he fought the female, it was okay. The way he killed her though was fuckin awesome.


    The Atomic breathe will NOT disappoint. 


    The ending was okay, and you see him swim away, and it ends. There is nothing after the credits, so don't waste your time sitting in the theaters.


    Pretty much, I expected more. Too much human element, not enough Godzilla fuckin shit up. And when it did show Godzilla, you get 3 roars, and two okay fight scenes. 


    Maybe cause my screening was in 3D, and I hate 3D movies, and that could've been why I didn't enjoy it much.


    I know I'm definitely going to watch it again this coming weekend.


    I give it an 8/10. 





    Ps. Hopefully it earns enough to get a sequel. A part of me has a feeling that it won't cross $200m, but I really want it to. Internationally, it should be good. Should make $600m worldwide, at the minimum. 

    • Like 2
  10. That's because ROTF didn't have bad WOM.  That's a fallacy.

    neither does wom, so why the harder drop?


    if anything, personally, i think mos wom is better then rotf, so again, why the steeper drop?

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