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Dominic Draper

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Posts posted by Dominic Draper

  1. 9 hours ago, exomassey said:

    The thing is with this movie, even though it wasn’t a smash hit, doesn’t seem like it really did a lot of damage either.


    They can easily rework the Black Adam character a little and then put him into an ensemble. The Rock fighting around with other DC heroes will probably get people more excited, he’s still a popular figure who can attract audiences.


    I'm not sure rocks ego would be okay with being relegated to bit player in other peoples movies.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Very few of the superhero movies make profit from theatrical box office alone though.   

    Shang Chi was thrown around as a comparison earlier. That cost $150-200m and made $430m. Isn’t that allegedly getting a sequel? 

    Shang chi was very well received and MCU films almost always make more on sequels. Something you cant say about this or DC films.

  3. On 8/28/2022 at 7:33 AM, cax16 said:

    This isn’t a shot at you or anyone in general but I find these comments weird.


    This has been a passion project for the Rock for over a decade now so what do people really expect from him? This is the way he is with everything he does so of course he’d be going extra hard on a project like BA that means a lot to him. Every time he’s on twitter he’s sharing posts of all the JSA and anything to do with the movie, I think his passion for the project is pretty cool tbh.

    This movie has a lot on the line for him cause he wants to build out that side of the dceu with his production company. 


    Personally ( besides the fact that I’m a big dc fan) I’d really love the movie to perform well for him for all he’s done. I really wish they kept that August release date cause unfortunately I think this movie is gonna get eaten up from the hype of Wakanda Forever. So hopefully he can do enough to get a decent size opening weekend around the world but we’ll have to see. 

    As a DC fan I barely even recognize Black Adam in this. Its just another rock project.


    Rock is passionate about whatever is making him money. Tequila, an energy drink or his latest film while he makes comments that make it seem like he doesnt understand black Adam as a character at all.


  4. Oof. 


    That was complete and utter hot garbage. 


    I dont think I've ever sat through a film that was this painfully unfunny. The atmosphere in my audience was uncomfortable, nobody was laughing. It was like watching a comedian bomb on stage.


    Portman and Hemsworth continue to have negative chemistry.


    $250M and somehow one of the ugliest, shoddy looking blockbusters I've seen in years.


    Christian Bale is the only redeeming quality in this film. He gives a great performance, but he is just wasted on this film. 


    Ragnarok had tonal issues but at least it was funny. This had the same tonal issues but none of the jokes actually land. After what felt like the 10th screaming goat scene it felt like Taika was intentionally making a bad film to see what he could get away with in some of kind of inside joke at your expense.



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  5. 7 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Just because it suits your opinion, doesn’t make it right. 

    Verified is obviously more reliable, internet trolls and people that haven’t even seen the film can’t review it. 

    73% verified lines up with its 71% from Top Critics. 


    Funny that WW84 is still being brought up, 

    Eternals is now closer to other superhero films in the 40% range, you could start comparing to them instead ;) 

    Verified is more reliable for a film where the vast majority of people didnt watch it in theatre and thus couldnt access that? 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Ms Lady Hawk said:

    I don’t think we want to get into a majority v. minority argument based on your anecdotal evidence. Maybe you visit places on the net that confirm your priors? Maybe your friends think like you? RT verified score for WW84 is 73%. RT overall critics rating is 58%, so a majority of critics were fresh. The average top critic score on RT IS 71%. Metacritic score is 60. Even the low IMDB score of 5.4 which is slightly greater than 5/10. So I would disagree that a majority of people hated it. I think the movie was divisive with passion on both sides. 

    Okay, this is my last post about WW84. I don’t want to get yelled at by the mods. Let’s talk about this movie, shall we? 

    The IMDB score is the lowest of any modern DC film. Its below stuff like BVS and suicide squad. The unverified RT audience score is lower than those. Its letterboxed score is 2.4, lower than those. Its MC audience score is lower than those. It had the same cinemascore as the first SS.


    I mean, your basically clinging to the heavily flawed metric of a verified audience score of a movie that was available on streaming day 1 and the only people that would go see WW84 in theatres during a very worse time in the time in the pandemic would be the biggest fans.



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  7. 54 minutes ago, Menor said:

    Verified audience has a strong correlation with Cinemascore, while the unverified one didn't. Verified is better. I don't see how whether a score aligns with your perception of the film is relevant. Plenty of people did enjoy WW84.

    And what about when unverified didnt exist for the majority of the time?

  8. 52 minutes ago, Ms Lady Hawk said:

    Why would you say that? Because you didn’t like it? I don’t know why folks have to continue to bring up WW84. As far as critics, I think both movies will probably have people believe they didn’t deserve their rottens. Looks like fans may like Eternals more than WW84 (MCU’s huge fan base helps with that) and critics hated Eternals more than they did WW84. All subjective and that’s why we should all judge for ourselves. 

    Because literally everywhere on the internet the film was ripped to shreds for how bad it was, and every single person I know also didnt like it.


    The amount of people that liked WW84 from all accounts is in the minority.



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  9. 12 hours ago, Krissykins said:

    Unverified is the opposite of accurate. 

    At least with Verified, you know the voter has actually seen the film, without any agenda.

    I would say WW84 44% unverified score is a much more accurate representation then its 73% verified for example.


    And just because its verified doesnt mean anything about a person not having an agenda so that's an odd comment. 

    • ...wtf 2
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