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Dominic Draper

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Posts posted by Dominic Draper

  1. 2 hours ago, imbruglia said:

    because there were lots of people on film twitter hating this for "over a year", not just random people but big cinephile accounts, blue checks, critics.

    they've been overly harsh with this. "let's see marvel's cinema lol!!" "marvle is trying to get oscar smh!" "having sunset is not cinema".

    you can see that in some of that rotten reviews. 

    I'm not saying it should be +80% or +7 film. but the RT are definitely getting down-weighted by those section of critics.

    This is how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good posters into fan boys.

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  2. 7 hours ago, dudalb said:

    I repeat: Marvel fanboys are spoiled rotten.

    Agree that any studio would kill for a franchise with a rate to sucess like  Marvel Studios has had.

    And it's not like Eternals is being panned. It's not getting great reviews, more like OK or Pretty Good rather then bad.

    And it not like with CBM getting bad reviews dooms a movie at the box office. Look at the Venom movies...crappy reviews (with which I pretty much agreed) but they made a lot of profit for Sony.

    Someday MCU will have an out and out box office flop.It's the law of averages, it's going to eventually happen. I don't think it will happen with Eternals though.

    They already have an out and out box office flop. The Incredible Hulk.

  3. As someone who hadnt read the book and hadnt seen Lynch version. I hated this, and it took a lot of will power not to walk out. The movie is 90% the color brown. I couldn't care less about any of the characters, the lore and world seems so muddled and vague I am not sure what I am supposed to even care about it.


    It's just lifeless and sterile and the supposed spectacle was flat and not engaging.

  4. 19 hours ago, Chicago said:

    It seems to me Vin and co didnt like the fact that The Rock joining the franchise made it more relevant at the box office. 

    Have you taken a look at rocks box office career before joining the franchise? Its like night and day after joining the franchise. Seeing Diesel and Rock together was one of the main draws of five, along with it being the best film in the franchise. Its not like rock was who he is now when he joined. He was releasing duds like Faster. Fast Four, pre rock joining, was a higher grossing film than any film rock had made in his career prior to joining the franchise. 


    Seems to me like rock wanted control of the franchise and took his shot. That's why he made this public. He has the personality of a politician and moves like one. With Paul gone he saw an opportunity.


  5. Didnt care for this much. There was a lot of disapproval vocally from my audience for the ending as well.


    It just felt like it could have been a tight enjoyable movie at like 2 hours, but instead it's an almost 3 hour long slog that I felt every single minute of. 


    I'm still left with only really loving casino royale, while the rest of the Craig films were ranged from only okay to bad for me.



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  6. 2 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

    Anyone miss video game tie ins to movies. Trying to think when was the last big one before studios stopped having them made.


    1 hour ago, RobrtmanAStarWarsReference said:

    Amazing Spider-Man 2, unless you count Lego games, cheap shovelware or things like the Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom remake releasing around the same time as the third spongebob movie

    Funny enough the tom cruise mummy movie had a game. And it was actually pretty damn good. It was a 2D metroidvania esque shoot em up.


    Also, best video game movie tie in, chronicles of riddick. Game was so good.

  7. 18 hours ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


    He was also correct when he said Malignant had bad screenings. 

    He may have been correct about that but he also went for months about how it was going to be awful and an event for how bad it was etc etc. And then it comes out and gets pretty good reviews and found an audience that loved it  and even with a run of the mill cinemascore that was uneventful.


    People were pretty convinced the movie was going to be a train wreck solely because of him.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Krissykins said:

    I liked 47 Metres Down and Strangers Prey At Night (on second viewing)


    Not huge on The Other Side of the Door and 47 Metres Down Uncaged was just ok. 

    All still better than the Resident Evil films in my opinion lol. 

    I loved 47 meters down just for having the sheer audacity to go with that ending.


    Strangers prey at night was fun as well. Other 2 were ehhh

  9. On 9/30/2021 at 3:02 PM, Menor said:

    Yeah that's fair, the humor would not be accepted by critics now (even then many critics gave bad reviews because they found it too offensive). 

    I remember critics complaining about the Reggie scene. Which is an absolutely hysterical scene and killed with audiences. Critics are absolutely awful at judging comedy and horror and always have been.

  10. 1 minute ago, Chicago said:


    I think sacrificing The Harley/Joker romance for Jokers own billion dollar grossing movie has just proven to be the right choice though. More of those edgy teens turned up for Joker than SS. It changed course completely it's been a huge success. Going by that, it would seem the one thing TSS didn't do well enough is steering far enough away from its predecessor. I would have stripped everyone and started fresh. Having half the characters and Idris in the lead made it look like they'd just replaced Will Smith's character with another black guy. Didn't realise it was a different character until I saw the movie.


    I get there are some people that would watch a Joker/Harley romance movie, but I don't think that audience is high enough to justify doing it, there are better options

    They could have done both though. Really embrace that multi verse aspect.

  11. 2 minutes ago, cax16 said:

    This is a pointless conversation honestly, I don’t agree with your opinions so this is just gonna go back and forth. 

    The bottom line is the new Suicide squad is rated way higher in critic and audience scores which means people liked this way more so WB did the right thing going in another direction and trying to build off that. The only reason this movie was even made is cause they wanted to give Gunn free reign and take whatever DC IP he wanted when Disney fired him. If they see interest in Peacemaker isn’t there then they won’t keep trying to build off this and will let Gunn take on another IP. 

    We have different definitions of doing the right thing then. Alienating your own fan base and producing 3 flops in a row doesnt sound too appealing for a movie studio. But between creative talent and audiences , alienating people seem to be WB's strength nowadays.


    And personally I hope Gunn never gets his hands on another DC IP.

  12. 10 minutes ago, cax16 said:

    I used to think like this as well but unfortunately if this was true the new movie would of opened a lot higher then it did. The general audience didn’t care about the Suicide squad cause it was a bad movie that benefited from having little to no competition. If they liked it like you say they did they would of showed up to see this one. The general audience has no idea if this was a sequel or semi reboot or whatever it was classified as. They saw Suicide squad in the title and obviously thought of the first movie and didn’t want to give this a chance in theatres, and most people in the states probably watched it on Max.


    Again, you’re entitled to your opinion but I know a ton of people who saw the first movie and despised it, I remember at the time of release how much people hated it and said how dumb it was. 

    They didnt show up to this one because it basically disregarded the first film and was basically a reboot with not much in common.  How was this film at all appealing to the younger audience like the first film was? So not only do you have the portion of the audience that hated the first film not showing up, but you also dont have the audience that did like the first film not showing up because it looks nothing like the first.


    It was a film that basically looked appealing to nobody. Which is why it did so, so poorly. I'd say JL2017 has the same issue where it was a film that appealed to nobody. People that hated BVS hated it, and the Snyder cultists hated it too.



  13. 1 hour ago, wildphantom said:

    how much would Venom have made this weekend if it was on tv for free though? 

    you make some good points, but the television factor is what makes the performances of both movies incomparable.  At least to me it does. I’ve kind of bracketed the ‘straight to free tv’ clan to a whole other universe. One which WB are stuck in until the clock strikes midnight at the end of the year. 

    Kudos to Sony for seeing the light after what Shang Chi did.  They must be hyped about what Spidey is going to do in two months. 

    This is totally fair, and there is no doubt Max effected it. Who knows what Venom does without it being exclusive.


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  14. 59 minutes ago, Chicago said:


    TSS is their 3rd highest rated film on IMDB which has 10-20 times the sample pool of audience reviews as Rotten tomatoes. TSS is higher rated than both BOP and SS on all metrics, even RT's audience score despite your claim. No-one's saying TSS is some beloved film, it was just better received than their other 2 attempts and has left a better impression. We already saw the damage SS did to BOP, now we've seen the damage SS, BOP, Covid and same day streaming has done to TSS. 


    And don't get me started on the music in that film. It was just random songs playing scene after scene trying to disguise their shitty plot. The film wanted to be GOTG so bad that it made sense to just hire the guy. And the Harley/Joker romance? Who wanted more of that? Who are these people? I think we can safely say Leto's Joker was despised, the guy even took a break from social media after.


    But yeah I don't think TSS and Venom are similar at all, the reception to their first outings were far too different from each other, one made us want to see more whereas the other didn't

    Or, maybe BOP and TSS suffered because they ripped Harley away from Joker and people arent interested in Harley like that and the films just werent appealing on their own. Maybe, the films failed because of the films themselves. 


    It's not like WW or Aquaman suffered from being in BVS or JL. 


    Instead of blaming everything else, maybe it's just that WB panicked and instead of working with what they had they ignored the reasons the films were popular in the first place and now theyve had 3 box office duds in a row to show for it.


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