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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Was going to post East coast numbers for Canada for Scream 6, but there's almost nothing available for Presales right now out east. Ill just leave it today and go start tomorrow with west coast (no point doing Canada wide numbers if I can't include eastern Canada)
  2. So Im wondering seeing performance of last few MCU movies-I do wonder if we are seeing a situation where there are MCU fans steadily going to see the films, but the more "casual" fans are not coming out as much. Im just seeing similar numbers for the past few. Dr Strange 2 955 World Wide, Black panther 2 800 Million, Thor 4 600 million. I see Antman probably bouncing around 6-700 million when done. I just wonder going forward with Box office if there's a set kind of minimum number now that an MCU film will do-like can we assume it will do at least 600-700 as far as returning MCU fans, with casual film goers making difference of how well a film does?
  3. Scream 6 Thurs Mar 9 and Fri Mar 10 (T=16) Toronto and Montreal Canada Toronto # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 4 10 139 2879 3018 0.0460 Fri 4 20 97 5845 5942 0.0163 Montreal Thurs 2 5 56 922 978 0.0572 Fri 2 7 18 1838 1856 0.0096
  4. Scream 6 Thurs Mar 9 and Fri Mar 10 (T=16) Toronto and Montreal Canada Toronto # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 4 10 139 2879 3018 0.0460 Fri 4 20 97 5845 5942 0.0163 Montreal Thurs 2 5 56 922 978 0.0572 Fri 2 7 18 1838 1856 0.0096
  5. WB isn't helped by (apparent) test screenings for Aqua 2 are.....going kind of poorly. Hard to say how much any test screenings have effect on, but if Shazam does poorly, and Aqua doesn't do well either, have to wonder how much of that is a collective (conscious or otherwise) response from the news about Gunn doing (another) reboot/reimagining of DC, and the "well if this is a lame duck ending because Gunn is rebooting, why bother" type of thing. Have to keep an eye on DC films for the final few before Gunns restart to see if people are either A waiting for Gunn's or B (and worse), just eventually get a "why bother"?
  6. Scream 6 (T-17) Vancouver and Calgary Canada Thurs Mar 9 and Fri Mar 10 Vancouve # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent 3 10 91 2033 2124 0.0428 3 17 27 3851 3878 0.0069 Calgary 4 10 21 2191 2212 0.0094 4 17 28 3857 3885 0.0072 Just a reminder and Caveat that Canada can be quirky it seems with Horror, no 2 horror films are always alike. And Presales for Horror in Canada (from what Ive seen) anything outside of T-7 isn't always representative of how the film is going to do. Still we all like data, and any data is good Still in "building up data" phase, as any previous horror comps I have are from Toronto only. Also my reminder that Canada BO counts are based on per theatre basis and availability-there are still many theatres in Canada that don't even have pre-sales availability at the moment because they haven't unlocked seats yet. For example Vancouver area literally has 3 theatres, but Calgary area has like 7 I think, but I am only putting 4 to try and keep the counts comparable. Yes Canada is a different beast alright....
  7. Scream 6 (T-17) Vancouver and Calgary Canada Thurs Mar 9 and Fri Mar 10 Vancouve # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent 3 10 91 2033 2124 0.0428 3 17 27 3851 3878 0.0069 Calgary 4 10 21 2191 2212 0.0094 4 17 28 3857 3885 0.0072 Just a reminder and Caveat that Canada can be quirky it seems with Horror, no 2 horror films are always alike. And Presales for Horror in Canada (from what Ive seen) anything outside of T-7 isn't always representative of how the film is going to do. Still we all like data, and any data is good Still in "building up data" phase, as any previous horror comps I have are from Toronto only.
  8. Interesting.... https://www.cbr.com/the-marvels-release-date-late-2023/ Wonder if this part of Disney's idea of trying to spread out the films more-but going from a summer blockbuster window to Early Nov now.
  9. Just wondering @charlie Jatinder or anyone else (and I may have missed it) the Avatar OD/Weekend was for Canada?
  10. Im going to have to just stick with a couple of those-maybe Wick and Shazam. I do have time to do counts but trying to manage 4 counts at the same time might be a bit much for my little brain lol. Going to focus more on Fast X mainly when its just a TAD closer to opening....like I dunno, maybe the same MONTH?
  11. Yea, like i had a whole bunch of data when I was doing Toronto only and it was great, then I decided to do Canada wide stuff get a bigger picture. For me its more about getting the data out for everyone to take a glance to see how Canada is doing compared to US, even if it is just percentages. Im able from time to time get Canada BO numbers when it gets posted in the Canada thread-but in meantime I just post the data I have to contribute and even if people get an eyeball of data for their own comparisons, Im happy to provide that
  12. Right...so which (regular Im looking at YOU Fast X) counts do I do. Decisions, decisions. So I think Ill just keep doing what im doing, 1 region a day and maybe last week of counts add a comparo of previous final day/week of what the Canada counts were at that time. (IE Shazam Final Vancover add Quantum final comparo Final Vancouver, Calgary ect and then final total count for week of Shazam vs Quantum). To save my sanity (already asking questions about itself lol) I will only do these comparos in final week.
  13. Avatar # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Toronto Thurs 10 96 2981 20337 23828 0.1251 Quebec Thurs 4 37 1350 7965 9315 0.1449 Nova Sc Thurs 5 31 762 5835 6597 0.1155 New B Thurs 4 27 254 4916 5170 0.0491 St Jon NF Thurs 1 12 210 2102 2312 0.0908 Calgary Thurs 8 61 1215 8801 10016 0.1213 Total 32 264 6772 49956 57238 0.1183 Toronto Fri 10 81 4003 16361 20362 0.1965 Quebec Fri 4 29 1860 5674 7534 0.2468 Nova Sc fri 5 15 794 2926 3720 0.2134 New B fri 4 12 408 2268 2676 0.1524 St Jon NF friday 1 6 47 183 230 0.2043 Calgary friday 8 44 1255 7484 8739 0.1436 Total 32 187 8367 34896 43261 0.1934 Cobbled together final week (approx) of avatar for comparison (I hadn't started Vancouver yet. Toronto has a lot more as I was trying to do the "get as many as can" rather than focus on 4, but its percentage that counts lol Final Canada wide Quantum Thurs Total 24 176 7490 34629 41719 0.1795 Friday Total 23 175 6498 37941 44439 0.1462
  14. I just did Thor 4 but I can certainly do Avatar by comparison. Give me a couple of minutes I can hike up and compare the Avatar final week to Quantum
  15. Thor 4 Thurs Fri T- 9696 7401 3 % .22 .1794 11074 8200 2 % .2535 .1794 12736 9710 1 % .2892 .1494 Antman Quantum Toronto (I believe final Toronto count was Tues) Thurs Fri 2518 2248 .2485 .2357 Canada Wide final count(taken yesterday) Thurs Fri 7490 6498 .1795 .1462 As for Comps its really a challenge because Im doing 1 region a day, so when I do Canada week it is an approximate. Also Toronto Numbers I was doing a LOT more theatres regionally (10) compared to Canada wide (4), so those numbers will be a bit higher for the Thor 4 than the Quantum numbers. I mean just going by the percentages and not trying to figure out the whole hypothetical amount made, you can see it's doing comparable to Thor 4. Id certainly be happy in future when I do my Canada weekly wrapups to show comparatively what Toronto was doing for other shows during that time if that would help at all. And for future films I certainly don't have an issue of say I do a Vancouver count, doing a comparative percentage to what Vancouver did for Avatar/Antman Quantum ect at around same sales time. I am doing this as an organic type of idea, so im certainly open to ideas/ suggestions
  16. Comps are a bit weird at the moment as I just started with Avatar and now Antman doing across Canada counts, my previous comps are from Toronto area only, and wasnt sure if it was applicable in these cases. I could bring up some counts I have from Toronto for previous film percentages just to do a comparison. Let me see what I can bring up just so people can see some numbers from some previous films.
  17. Antman Quantumania Thurs Feb 16 and Fri Feb 17 (Taken Feb 15) (Final count) Eastern Canada and Week round up. # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Nova Sc Thurs 4 27 825 5385 6210 0.1328 fri 4 25 436 7651 8087 0.0539 New B Thurs 3 12 306 2278 2584 0.1184 fri 3 14 285 4307 4592 0.0620 St Jon NF Thurs 1 13 398 2129 2527 0.1574 fri 1 21 486 3989 4475 0.1086 weekly Canada roundup # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Vancouve Thurs 4 29 1414 4448 5862 0.2412 Calgary Thurs 4 30 735 5992 6327 0.1161 Toronto Thurs 4 36 2518 7614 10132 0.2485 Quebec Thurs 4 29 1294 6783 8077 0.1602 Nova Sc Thurs 4 27 825 5385 6210 0.1328 New B Thurs 3 12 306 2278 2584 0.1184 St Jon NF Thurs 1 13 398 2129 2527 0.1574 Thurs Total 24 176 7490 34629 41719 0.1795 Vancouve Fri 3 25 1325 3552 4877 0.2716 Calgary Fri 4 30 640 5935 6575 0.0973 Toronto Fri 4 37 2248 7288 9536 0.2357 Quebec Fri 4 23 1078 5219 6297 0.1711 Nova Sc fri 4 25 436 7651 8087 0.0539 New B fri 3 14 285 4307 4592 0.0620 St Jon NF fri 1 21 486 3989 4475 0.1086 Friday Total 23 175 6498 37941 44439 0.1462 Final count for Antman. Getting the hang of the counts and hopefully it brings a bigger picture of whats going on up North
  18. Antman Quantumania Thurs Feb 16 and Fri Feb 17 (Taken Feb 15) (Final count) Eastern Canada and Week round up. # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Nova Sc Thurs 4 27 825 5385 6210 0.1328 fri 4 25 436 7651 8087 0.0539 New B Thurs 3 12 306 2278 2584 0.1184 fri 3 14 285 4307 4592 0.0620 St Jon NF Thurs 1 13 398 2129 2527 0.1574 fri 1 21 486 3989 4475 0.1086 weekly Canada roundup # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Vancouve Thurs 4 29 1414 4448 5862 0.2412 Calgary Thurs 4 30 735 5992 6327 0.1161 Toronto Thurs 4 36 2518 7614 10132 0.2485 Quebec Thurs 4 29 1294 6783 8077 0.1602 Nova Sc Thurs 4 27 825 5385 6210 0.1328 New B Thurs 3 12 306 2278 2584 0.1184 St Jon NF Thurs 1 13 398 2129 2527 0.1574 Thurs Total 24 176 7490 34629 41719 0.1795 Vancouve Fri 3 25 1325 3552 4877 0.2716 Calgary Fri 4 30 640 5935 6575 0.0973 Toronto Fri 4 37 2248 7288 9536 0.2357 Quebec Fri 4 23 1078 5219 6297 0.1711 Nova Sc fri 4 25 436 7651 8087 0.0539 New B fri 3 14 285 4307 4592 0.0620 St Jon NF fri 1 21 486 3989 4475 0.1086 Friday Total 23 175 6498 37941 44439 0.1462 Final count for Antman. Getting the hang of the counts and hopefully it brings a bigger picture of whats going on up North
  19. Looking at these and others, the showing that the only mcu film that's its going over 100 percent, its sobering. My personal speculation is that if Disney is seeing these types of numbers in their own tracking, they have to really be hoping that the WOM is good for the film in order for it to really pick up, which isnt a guarantee. Could be a very interesting Board meeting Come Monday morning at Disney Headquarters if this is OW is seen as underperforming in a concerning manner.
  20. I read a few reviews and they are were not kind to the film. The Box Office will be telling.
  21. Antman Quantumania Thurs Feb 16 and Fri Feb 17 Toronto Ontario and Montreal Quebec # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Toronto Thurs 4 36 2518 7614 10132 0.2485 Fri 4 37 2248 7288 9536 0.2357 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Quebec Thurs 4 29 1294 6783 8077 0.1602 Fri 4 23 1078 5219 6297 0.1711
  22. Antman Quantumania Thurs Feb 16 and Fri Feb 17 Toronto Ontario and Montreal Quebec # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Toronto Thurs 4 36 2518 7614 10132 0.2485 Fri 4 37 2248 7288 9536 0.2357 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Quebec Thurs 4 29 1294 6783 8077 0.1602 Fri 4 23 1078 5219 6297 0.1711
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