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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Avatar 2 Calgary, Alberta Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Dec 6) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent increase Thurs 8 37 650 6952 7602 0.0855 196 Small housekeeping-98 seats added to total seats due to clerical error. Also 1 show added Starting Thursday I will be doing Thurs and Fri show counts.
  2. Avatar 2 Eastern Canada (no comps) Thurs Dec 15 (Taken Nov 30) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Quebec 4 19 612 4449 5061 0.1209 Nova Sc 5 12 273 3715 3284 0.0831 New B 4 11 76 2586 2678 0.0283 St Jon NF 1 4 67 849 916 0.0731 Minor adjustment in Nova Scotia, had a duplicate of a theatre so one taken away, came out to 1 extra theatre with one less show.
  3. Avatar 2 Eastern Canada (no comps) Thurs Dec 15 (Taken Nov 30) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Quebec 4 19 612 4449 5061 0.1209 Nova Sc 5 12 273 3715 3284 0.0831 New B 4 11 76 2586 2678 0.0283 St Jon NF 1 4 67 849 916 0.0731 Minor adjustment in Nova Scotia, had a duplicate of a theatre so one taken away, came out to 1 extra theatre with one less show.
  4. Will be posting East Canada today, but then Im away for the weekend so no posting again till probably Tues.
  5. Avatar 2 Toronto Ontario, Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 29) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent increase Thurs 10 54 1548 12193 13741 0.1126 + 180
  6. Avatar 2 Toronto Ontario, Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 29) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent increase Thurs 10 54 1548 12193 13741 0.1126 + 180
  7. Ah okay. If you're good with tracking Vancouver thats fine- these other CDN cities are keeping me pretty busy lol
  8. Okay. I was willing to add Vancouver to my list-I was sure someone tracked BC usually, was it you? I wasnt sure LOL. EDIT yes it was apparently lol
  9. Avatar 2 Calgary Alberta Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 28) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 8 36 454 6604 6854 0.0662 +104 sold from previous count 3 days ago
  10. Avatar 2 Calgary Alberta Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 28) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 8 36 454 6604 6854 0.0662 +104 sold from previous count
  11. Avatar 2 Canada East (Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland) Thurs Dec 15 (Taken Nov 27) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent + from previous Quebec 4 19 526 4535 5061 0.1039 99 Nova Sc 4 13 273 3011 3284 0.0831 99 New B 4 11 76 2602 2678 0.0283 76 St Jon NF 1 4 60 856 916 0.0655 27 Please note that Nova S, New B have added 2 added theatres. Okay so as the experiment continues, found more theatres in Quebec, Nova and and New B-but for sanity sake am keeping them to 4 each province. And am keeping Newfoundland with its one Theatre because I didn't want it left out )
  12. Avatar 2 Canada East (Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland) Thurs Dec 15 (Taken Nov 27) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent + from previous Quebec 4 19 526 4535 5061 0.1039 99 Nova Sc 4 13 273 3011 3284 0.0831 99 New B 4 11 76 2602 2678 0.0283 76 St Jon NF 1 4 60 856 916 0.0655 27 Please note that Nova S, New B have added 2 added theatres. Okay so as the experiment continues, found more theatres in Quebec, Nova and and New B-but for sanity sake am keeping them to 4 each province. And am keeping Newfoundland with its one Theatre because I didn't want it left out )
  13. Bunnies!!!! ( I admit I don't fully understand the context here but gosh these bunnies made my day!)
  14. Avatar 2 Toronto Ontario Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 26) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 10 54 1368 12274 13660 0.1001 +293 seats sold (+1 show added) since last update (3 days ago)
  15. Avatar 2 Toronto Ontario Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 26) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 10 54 1368 12274 13660 0.1001 +293 seats sold (+1 show added) 3 days ago
  16. Avatar 2 Calgary AB Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 25) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 8 36 350 6731 6954 0.0503 Seats sold from previous +127 seats (3 days prior)
  17. north Posted just now So-just doing Montreal I was only being given 4 theatres for the area, If I want to do quebec proper I may have to do more breaking down, but I figured I would use Montreal, and throw in Halifax (Nova Scotia), Moncton (New Brunswick) and St Johns (New Foundland) Still in the early testing phases here, but this gives us an East of Ontario look. Avatar 2 Montreal, Halifax, Moncton, St Johns Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 24) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent montreal 4 19 427 4634 5061 0.0843 Halifax NS 2 8 174 2118 2992 0.0759 Mon NB 1 2 0 520 520 0 St Jon NF 1 4 23 961 984 0.0233 Im assuming as we get closer slowly more seats will show up at these theatres. Will have my first Calgary AB update tomorrow (and I am willing to do Vancouver if person who covers that area is alright with it-but again, no toe stepping
  18. So-just doing Montreal I was only being given 4 theatres for the area, If I want to do quebec proper I may have to do more breaking down, but I figured I would use Montreal, and throw in Halifax (Nova Scotia), Moncton (New Brunswick) and St Johns (New Foundland) Still in the early testing phases here, but this gives us an East of Ontario look. Avatar 2 Montreal, Halifax, Moncton, St Johns Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 24) No Comps # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent montreal 4 19 427 4634 5061 0.0843 Halifax NS 2 8 174 2118 2992 0.0759 Mon NB 1 2 0 520 520 0 St Jon NF 1 4 23 961 984 0.0233 Im assuming as we get closer slowly more seats will show up at these theatres. Will have my first Calgary AB update tomorrow (and I am willing to do Vancouver if person who covers that area is alright with it-but again, no toe stepping )
  19. Right now both Calgary and Toronto are showing much more sales in 3D/AVX/HFR/insert cool sounding bunch of letters here than the 2D shows, so far by a decent margin. Im sure when I check Montreal tomorrow it will be same. Be interesting to see how that trend continues forward.
  20. Avatar 2 No Comps Toronto Ontario Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 23) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 10 53 1075 12585 13660 0.0786
  21. Avatar 2 No Comps Toronto Ontario Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 23) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 10 53 1075 12585 13660 0.0786
  22. There is a Lady/Gent who I believe covers Vancouver/BC? I didn't want to step on toes in that case. I'll happily do Vancouver if BC isn't being covered, I seem to remember there is someone who does (unless my memory is bad lol)?
  23. Avatar 2 Calgary AB Canada Thurs Dec 15 (taken Nov 22) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 8 36 223 6731 6954 0.0320 So yes I bit the biscuit and am doing 3 Canadian cities on a rotating basis. Im starting with Calgary today, next will be Toronto tomorrow, and Montreal on Thurs. I will then come back to Calgary with a update from last take, and so forth with the other cities. Oh and now for the first time those lovely letters "HFR" are showing up on my seat counts (Im guessing this will be Hollywoods new toy when the movies proceeds to become a money tree) For my sanity I am doing Thurs ONLY right now, there will be no comps, just pretty much data. Fridays I will work on when are within a week or so of the opening (because Cineplex likes to wait till that time to drop majority of inventory). I am doing this for avatar only. If I actually am okay with this, I may carry this idea to other movies to get a more Canada wide look. Hopefully I do not end up saying:
  24. Avatar 2 Calgary AB Canada Thurs Dec 15 # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 8 36 223 6731 6954 0.0320 So yes I bit the biscuit and am doing 3 Canadian cities on a rotating basis. Im starting with Calgary today, next will be Toronto tomorrow, and Montreal on Thurs. I will then come back to Calgary with a update from last take, and so forth with the other cities. For my sanity I am doing Thurs ONLY right now, there will be no comps, just pretty much data. Fridays I will work on when are within a week or so of the opening. I am doing this for avatar only. If I actually am okay with this, I may carry this idea to other movies to get a more Canada wide look. Hopefully I do not end up saying:
  25. Right....so, I had a thought (yes it hurt). I don't have any real comps for Avatar on my end...Like maybe MCU (?), but very little. So Im thinking of doing something different for Avatar. Im thinking (haven't decided fully yet), if I might just do 3 top ten theatre areas in Canada (Maybe like Toronto, Montreal, maybe Edmonton or Calgary-I won't step on the person doing BC's toes ). Won't be doing comps but will be doing the usual seat counts so theres more of a geographic overview of Canada. IF (thats a big IF) I do this, Im NOT doing essentially 30 theatres a day, at least not until like a week before opening I would try to alternate between 3 cities, one a day, (IE Toronto day 1, Montreal Day 2, Calgary day 3, Day 4 Toronto with change in how much sold prior). If Im stepping on anyones toes let me know. Still havent decided fully, but am leaning that way.
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