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Everything posted by DavidBrennan

  1. It's really a shame about TR sucking, because early trailers looked OKAY at least, and the original was (by today's standards) a pretty imaginative, legit sci-fi flick. There really aren't too many like that nowadays, and I had slight hopes that TR could fill the District 9/PotA role.But I'm not surprised it blows.
  2. Yeah, that was all bullshit. TR was never going anyplace. That was obvious once word got out it was a clunker.
  3. Just wanted to gloat for a second. I can always tell when Nikki's hyping up a phony battle. She's been nuthugging TDKR since day one, and I knew she wanted to have a, "It's a Rocky story, the little engine that could!" headline tonight, in response to her own earlier bullshit numbers for TR.
  4. Considering how terrible TR's reviews are (and the ad campaign failed to add any ideas onto the cool action displayed in early trailers), I think anything CLOSE to 30m is a triumph.But I expect it to probably settle in at the low 20's and TDKR to continue to monopolize the barren theater industry for one more week. Nikki's done this a ton of times before, with odd over-estimations of movies like this.
  5. Me, too.But I get the feeling that Nikki is just over-stating it so that later on she can make up some more bullshit about how TDKR "came from behind against incredible odds" or whatever else. She's been building up TDKR non-stop.
  6. One interesting demographic stat I'd really like to see:TDK vs. TDKR's female attendance. I would bet that tons of the women (both young and middle-age) who devour US and People Magazine and watch 'Access Hollywood' and TMZ who went to see TDK because of the hoopla about Heath Ledger didn't show up. So I'd predict a significant drop in female attendance from TDK to TDKR.
  7. Yeah, that might've been having some hyperbolic fun. But somebody here (I forgot who) made a SERIOUS prediction for 300m on, like, Tuesday or Wednesday!(But, yeah, anybody who predicted anything CLOSE to 200m for TA does indeed deserve props, even if that prediction was just sarcastic.)
  8. There were cops at the theaters. Numerous moviegoers noted cops hanging around when they walked into the theaters for the show. And when cops did go to the actual screen....they refused to go in when he was firing, but instead stood outside. So, for the love of God and all that is Holy....please let's not have the effete cries for, "MORE COPS AND ENHANCED SECURITY MEASURES!!!"
  9. A "bastard" is the dude who cuts you off on the interstate. This is a murderous animal who must (and will) spend the rest of his life in a cage.
  10. Speaking of news reports: predictably, they've hidden the audio of the cops refusing to go into the theater when the murderer was killing people and the screams and gunfire could easily be heard on his walkie-talkie.The mainstream media will call the cops heroes. But if you're reading this, just remember what the cops actually did when it mattered: nothing. (NOTE: This was the exact same thing at Columbine.)No more ranting on that, I promise.
  11. There's no question he was. That was stated on the news early this morning, when the cops revealed he called himself the Joker and was wearing Joker clothing (beneath his clothing that looked like a murderous thug....I mean, a SWAT costume.)
  12. Yes, presales. You seemed to be implying that you know walk-ups were down (from what they would've been in some parallel universe or whatever). Sorry if I misunderstood your post.
  13. Oh, the diehards are planting their excuses already. "It would've beaten TA and even AVTR....but that shooting cost it $300m!" Right. STFU. All the quotes from theater owners, Nikki's sources, common sense, and elsewhere indicate this has had no measurable B.O. effect. Traditionally speaking, any publicity is good publicity, and so it can be argued that this could BOOST business. WE DON'T KNOW.
  14. It could have AVTR or TITANIC legs!Wait. Nolan < Cameron. Movies prostrating before the government < Movies which celebrate the common man over government(Okay, okay, I know that's starting shit. Forgive me!)
  15. (Watching BB on the FX channel now. I love how simple fires cause a huge stone castle of a house to implode on itself. If only Medieval generals understood this, they wouldn't have wasted all that time on battering rams and stone catapults!)With the Olympics, TRCL, and TE2 coming up soon, and no Heath Ledger to bring in the Us Magazine crowd, this has exactly a 0% chance of catching TA.
  16. "Coward" was just my opinion. If you have a different opinion, that's okay.The facts are that the cops stood outside the theater while the murderer was shooting and victims were screaming, saying they needed gas masks before they'd enter. Incidentally, a VERY similar dynamic occurred at Columbine.But if you still think that that was "heroic!", that's your opinion.This is the real world, not a movie or TV show, dude. Save you submissive groveling to cops for somebody who cares, and that's not me.As far as my "sensitivity", I believe that all human life - yours, mine, any stranger reading this, Bill Gates, a homeless crackhead - is equally sacred and precious.I believe that the 137 souls who died in car accidents today in the U.S. (the daily average) are also sacred, and their losses are tragic.Now just ignore my posts rather than bitching, please.
  17. No, I remember reports this morning saying that theaters were showing absolutely no change in the trendlines after the incident. It's a non-factor, commercially. (Or it seems that way, at least.) All the people in the "man on the street" interviews were also rolling their eyes when reporters were asking them, "Aren't you scared!?!?!?"
  18. Good call.And WB must know numbers would get out, anyway, which makes you wonder what their motive was. To posture as sympathetic? More free publicity?
  19. This was always going to be frontloaded, IMO.This isn't nearly as much a four-quadrant movie as TA, nor does it have the populist, pro-little guy, anti-government undercurrent that most all enduring classics have (from Star Wars, to Shawshank, to Titanic, to Avatar), and in fact seems to be pretty submissive toward the powerful, at least judging from commercials and reviews. So this was going to be much more fanboy centric than many people were thinking, IMO.
  20. Thanks for the link, TLK. Guess Nolan isn't religious, since he didn't say, "Thoughts and prayers." (And, once again: it is absolutely confirmed the murderer was inspired by the movies.)
  21. What? That makes absolutely zero sense. How is it insensitive to state objective facts with no connection whatsoever to this? If they're so "sensitive", then they should pull TDK from Netflix and Best Buy, since the murderer was dressed as the Joker and identified himself as the Joker.
  22. No, the only thing that could beat him were dosages of synthetic testosterone that would kill a brontosaurus. Tragically, it did.
  23. BTW, for the weak, effete dudes who were calling for metal detectors at movie theaters? The dude came in through the fire escape. And there were plenty of cops already in the theater. But they were craven cowards who said they needed gas masks to enter the theater, even as the terrifying cries of the victims and the gunshots of the murderers can be heard over their walkie-talkie communications.
  24. No, the tragic irony here is that you're a million times more likely to die in a car accident or even get hit by lighting than be shot by a gunman, and yet dumbass Americans watch so much damn TV they have no grasp on reality, and so, yeah, they accept idiotic security measure (see: TSA).
  25. BTW, my prediction for TDKR back in February was 475m. I think that that's now going to be a near bullseye.
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