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Everything posted by DavidBrennan

  1. Right, and when a dozen commercial fishermen, farmworkers, or other good men working in the private sector are killed, you really care, right?No, you don't.Dude, stop posing. None of this effects any of us, unless our family or friends happened to be among the victims. We're far more likely to lose loved ones to car accidents, cancer, or other things than this.(FYI: Of the ten most dangerous jobs in the U.S., all 10 are in the private sector. Being a cop isn't even close to one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/radley-balko/police-fatality-statistics-2012_b_1619725.html)
  2. CNN downgraded deaths to 12.(Fox News had reported 15 - firmly - earlier.)
  3. Fox News is just calling it "Movie Massacre". So they're sticking with pure alliterism. (As they cut away to a pet food commercial. They're sure serious about this!)
  4. Yet another "law and order" "expert" on FoxNews is calling for more cops and security at theaters.Moron interviewers ignoring the fact that every witness noted a strong police presence at the theater (not just security, mind you, but police, too) and that the dude crashed in. People used to say, "Hard cases make for bad law." Now, people LOVE prostrating themselves as they call for more government.(BTW, if you're worried about your safety? Stop smoking, cut your carbs, and wear your seat belt. Those have about a 1,000,000x more significant effect on people's lives than these tragedies.)
  5. What's your friendship with this mass murderer - including mostly children? Why do you lie for the mass murderer?LEAVE ME ALONE.
  6. In my opinion, let the BKB thing go. There's no cause to see who can pose as more indignant than the last.He made a post that was clearly inappropriate (though not nearly justifying the "Oh no you di'int!" hatred here), and has CLEARLY backtracked and tried to make amends.No need to pile on. He's apologetic. Let it go.
  7. http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/07/24/3088679/norway-killer-espoused-new-right-wing-pro-israel-philosophyNow that you're proven to be lying for a mass murderer....YOU should be ashamed of yourself. But you're obviously proud to cover for a murderer, so you're clearly beyond shame.This is my last post on the matter. LEAVE ME ALONE.
  8. Norwegian killer story, from a Jewish newspaper: http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/07/24/3088679/norway-killer-espoused-new-right-wing-pro-israel-philosophyNow leave me alone.
  9. Norwegian killer was an avid Zionist and cited support for Israel as a motive.It's O.T. Leave me alone about it and do your own damn research.
  10. I don't mean to sound like an ass when I say this....but truly the biggest impact this might have on B.O. is, if the story stays compelling (and that's a big "if") people will opt to watch this on TV rather than go to the theater tonight. Has happened many times - with Michael Jackson's death, 9/11, Katrina, O.J.'s Bronco chase and many other times - where news (or "news") dampens B.O.
  11. It's both, chief. Really? Cool. Where else? Please cite specific examples. Thank you. So....you want the government to command you not to wear fan costumes because you're terrified that people conceal weapons in them. Then you should live in a nudist colony, because I can promise you it's very easy to conceal a gun in any clothing.What servility.People should be dressed as they choose. If you are terrified of the dudes dressed as Darth Vader or Gandolf at your local comic book convention....then just don't go, terrified dude.
  12. I know you're full of ****.Thanks for saving me the trouble of doing research for you (which you should get off your lazy ass and do yourself, anyway).
  13. Pulling it (which I cannot possibly imagine happening) would be the biggest boon ever for Torrent. Whatever cams are out there of it (and I'm sure there are already some) would be the most downloaded files since Teri Hatcher.
  14. By that logic, clothes must be banned, too.Pulling an ugly poster with a dude garbed like a mass murderer about to shoot a crowd is simple and logical. If you like looking at the visage of the mass murderer, that's your business. Gaze upon it online for hours. But many people wanna, ya know, escape when we go to the theater.
  15. Once that murderous animal said he was doing it to support Israel and kill Muslim sympathizers, that story went deeper into the closet than Ted Haggert.But this also, I think, plays perfectly to a common fear (fantasy in some, considering how people love doomsday prophecies) of a mass shooting in a public place. For me personally, all life is sacred, and so no murderer is worse or better than another. But I do understand the interest in this story because of the multiplex aspect of it.
  16. Thank you for your opinion.ABC just interviewed their F.B.I. veteran who called for the banning of fan costumes at events. Pulling creepy poster = NOT overreactionBanning fan costumes = Overreaction
  17. No, they're going to pull posters for a movie with an armed dude garbed in black ready to shoot at a crowd looks IDENTICAL to an actual armed dude garbed in black who did shoot at a crowd. (That's a SWAT guy?)
  18. The shooter was described as basically looking identical to the, uh, "cop" in this poster for TDKR. This banner = pulled from theaters.
  19. Just watched ABC News and a young woman with the last name "Seeger" was interviewed. It was the most crisp and vivid account of the scene in theater #9 yet. Described gunman as NOT looking like people dressed in fan costumes, but instead looking like "SWAT or military guy". Based upon Seeger's account of how this murderous animal was dressed, the only thing that can be sure is that this TDKR poster (which was probably inappropriate to begin with, since the good "cop" looks like a murderous assailant) will definitely be pulled: http://www.flicksandbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/bane-batman-the-dark-knight-rises-wallpaper-banner-poster.jpg
  20. Just feel like I'd be in dereliction of my membership duties if I didn't take two seconds to just write.... ....185m!!! Unbelievable! Con-fucking-grats to everybody involved! I still have my USA Today saved from when Batman Forever broke the record with, I think, 54m in '95. The increase in BO over the course of 17 years is insane. I'm now much more inclined to believe that TDKR can crack 200.
  21. Yeah, but there seems to be a piling on and, usually, the word "flop" is used for movies with sizable budgets, not generic and disposable romcoms (which opened at a disappointing but not terrible #2 or 3, incidentally).
  22. What was the budget for 5YE? It looked like just a modest, low-budget RomCom, so why the declaration of it being a flop?
  23. We'll see.This is not disposable shit like AR and it's not being sold to morons in the hivemind Borg who only see shit that on OW because they want to be like everybody else. It's a good product for the common man (and woman), and my thinking is they'll get to it in due time.
  24. Still holding out hope for my Titanic prediction (after the OW) of passing TLK and hitting 90. C'mon, classics!
  25. Decent hold for Titanic, but nowhere near what I was hoping for. My dream of it surpassing TLK are slim.Shit hold for a shit movie with AR. Good riddance.
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