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Everything posted by toutvabien

  1. I dig anything I've seen from Craig Gillespie so color me interested. Didn't even know Anthony Ramos is in this, really dig him. Can't help but feel like MCU is gonna waste him in one-off villain role in Ironheart; the man could have been one of the X-Men or something.
  2. I just noticed Guardians had an estimated 27% drop this weekend with a new live action cbm opening. Damn! And it's not even the leggiest Guardians movie...
  3. Seems like all their problems would be solved if the guys just explored their potential bisexuality. Anyways, love Guadagnino, Suspiria is an all time favorite of mine. Bones and All was cute.
  4. IIRC there was once a hybrid live-action/animation film in development over at Pixar. They do have a history for having some of the most interesting cancelled/shelved projects.
  5. RT is waiting a little longer these days before certifying films - I think it started back with Wonder Woman 1984. Even if there are few reviews added, I think it shall get tha certification by this coming weekend. I'm also hoping for great legs for this one, it would be cool if it's discovered while it's still in theaters instead of on Disney+
  6. I think getting BvS and Suicide Squad back to back killed all the hype of the DCEU, but they were already too invested, there was still droves of people going to watch these films (even if they missed their goal projections) and the massive success of Wonder Woman and Aquaman only made things more complicated. There was a good time, right after Justice League bombed, when it felt like WW and AQ would be the only continuing franchises and everything around them would slowly reboot (and The Flashpoint-inspired Flash film was always intended to play a role in that), but the lack of solid leadership led to multiple projects produced by stars to move forward (Birds of Prey, Black Adam seeing the light of day eventually). Honestly, The Flash bombing seems pretty obvious; this incarnation of the character debuted six years ago in the failed Justice League film that was the big event of the failed DC cinematic universe (seven, if you count his cameos in BvS and Squad). That's the last thing most casual fans and moviegoers remember - ZSJL is a whole other story. By comparison, Doctor Strange had 4 crowd pleasing appearances in acclaimed films in the five and a half years it took for him to get a sequel since his 2016 debut.
  7. If it gets to $300M, that would be one of the biggest overperformances ever imo. I think any nine-digit number would be very good and qualify it as a hit and if it flirts with $200M it's already gonna be a real big overperformer in my eyes.
  8. Whole movie sounds cool, it seems like it has a clear identity, dramatic heft, a compelling dyamnic between the three leads (Monica being upset that her hero was missing for so long/Kamala being excited to meet and team up with her hero) and it sounds like it has a bit of that good old fashioned Marvel quality.* The only thing that concerns me is that it seems like they decided to lean into a more comedic/sillier tone for CM right at the time when Marvel is getting backlash for being too unserious. But we'll see. That didn't get in the way of GotG getting love from fans. Maybe a strong story and connection to characters is enough to get past that.
  9. Yea, I referred to Hamilton to prove that politics can drive an audience, such as white Liberals making Hamilton huge because of its diversity, a show that wasn't accessible to racialized communities and minorities.
  10. I don't want to be misinterpreted, I personally don't even tolerate Democrat/liberal politics, as I don't see them as left enough. And I'm not really intersted in critiquing whatever efforts Disney makes in reaching a wider audience. If I want to critique Disney's business decisions, there's FAR MORE to get into and there's a lot of room for discussion on Disney's actual politics or even how they integrate and interract with politics when adveritising their films (just look at any Disney film that they claimed to have queer representation). Just wanted to point out that "humans rights are not a political issue" is not entirely correct and that just because it isn't, that doesn't mean inclusivity in film is political.
  11. Gotta love Sony for this trashy campy Spidey rogues cinematic universe(?) but ATJ looks way too dressed.
  12. I mean, human rights are formed and protected by the law and that has very obvious connection to politics. It is a political opinion and takes political power to want/be able to strip certain groups/communities of people off their rights or to simply hold power and privileges over them - a bigoted political opinion, but still. It is political to be turned off by black-led films. The thing is, inclusivity and representation in Hollywood aren't exactly political. Disney understands how much profit they can make off black audiences by having a black actress as their live action Ariel. They also know that decision can get white liberals/Democrat voters/left-leaning people AND other racialized communities to get interested in such film. Big Hollywood studios want money and diversity makes money; and the audience interest drive can be political. And that goes beyond film; ever wonder who made Hamilton huge?
  13. The Flash is actually the only one that completely missed its tracking. We went from most of the industry expecting it to clear $70M easily and go even higher ($85M+) to Deadline spinning that this was their tracking for the 4-day weekend all along to the film failing to make $70M even on the four-day. Quantumania's tracking always had it at $100-105M 3-day and $120M 4-day until it dropped right before it opened and then the film opened in line with early industry tracking. Most people on BOT thought GotG was not selling well enough for $130M opening and even the trades had it dropped to $110M closer to release, to the point were $118M was seen as better than expected.
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