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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Too bad we`d be banned for posting hardcore evidence so I suggest you google the monster dick truck.
  2. Borelando must remain a failure. he`ll be 36 in January and still acting the same character in movies that gave him exposure 10 years ago. What a loser. His problem is this: actors act their age, stars act younger age. Borelando is neither an actor (can`t act for shit) nor a star (can`t open a movie for shit). And look at other actors of that generation and around it. He`s done by far the worst.
  3. I`m not touching those guys. I`m anti-Armitage/Turner/Borelando/Lilly (only because she is duped into Boyens evil ploy to bring down Katniss)
  4. You mean bearded up Merry. That` s like an anti-couch casting couch casting. She`s got the role for pretending to bang an actor with connections to the production team.
  5. No, it`s that few people had a chance to see her candids. So the shock is quite staggering. That`s what happens when we are fed celebrity Photoshop jobs and then they do the red carpet and voila - Dry Toadsville.
  6. because he is. he sleepwalked through the movie, looked bored as fuck, was turning his betetr profile to the camera (what a poseur) and pretty much was doing the handsome actor schtick without really trying to create a distinguishable character. And I don`t think I`m too harsh on his non-perforemnce just because I saw the acting sensation that is DU a day before. he`s a lazy ass who thinks he`ll stand out just because 98% of his peers in the movie wouldn`t make an entry on Sexiest,etc list.
  7. ballsack didn`t have wrinkles like dried up Toadriel.
  8. By TH actors I mean Thorin douche, Katniss`s Granny, Borelando and those annoying 30something prankster pricks.
  9. TH can`t bomb but actors can. I want them to bomb and they will. Bomb bitches bomb! esepcially Katniss wannabe. WTF were they thinking when they cast someone who could be Lawrence grandmother?
  10. he`s not going to happen. The actor is already 41 and all his pre-TH credit is BBC. he ha sno charisma. he`d bomb if they tried to make him the leading man. If Viggo who can speak like an American couldn`t make it big this punk certianly won`t.
  11. In TH. I want them to bomb with the indsutry that nobody give them good roles and that they disappear into oblivion from where they came from. And if I want someone to bomb they bomb. So bomb!
  12. I just want all actors from TH to go back to BBC and shampoo commercials when all is said and done. It isn`t much to ask. I know that even fanboys won`t mind not seeing any of them ever again in anything relevant so we are on the same page.I`ll also keep reposting this real life (no Photoshop bullshit) picture of Tauriel so that her fans don`t get boners when she starts wileding 2 daggers: Too bad siggie-size picture doesn`t show wrinkles in their full glory so I can`t make a sig.
  13. Hope no. Please no. NO! We`ll see how it goes from here. It`s a drop time.
  14. LOL, he gave that guy from your avatar a thankless role. It`s laugahble that he left Being Human for playing Legolas clone in the background.
  15. Charisma, great chemistry between the cast, humor that actually works, great internal relationships and character moments,real stakes. On top of a pretty decent action.
  16. Their precious Armitage (Thorin) won`t break out. And that punk is a poster for easy-to-please cuase he`s the lamest of the brooding warrior cliches and yet fanboys really dig the character although he isn`t even among better within the franchise (Boromir and Aragorn kick his ass). His perforemnce wa snothing to write home about and he looks like Gerard Butler on a diet. generic crap.
  17. TH doesn`t have a hot PTA. It deserves to lose some theaters.
  18. Yeha, it must be easy-to-please factor because humor was unfunny. I watched the movie with different age groups and even kids were left cold. Only Gollum and Bilbo exchange got some chuckles. But the slapstick parts, Radagast and mashrooms line fell flat with a thud. So that leaves non-stop action that wasn`t exciting because it was obvious nobody wa sin any danger and Gandalf Ex Machina was oversued so many times you knew he`d do it again. So predictability ahoy. Now what baffles me is that LOTR is supposedly loved and held in high regard for its character moments. This thing barely had any. So I`m really confused.
  19. No. It`s about time TH starts dropping heavily and losing theaters. FOTR is much better movie so I don`t want TH to pass unadjusted FOTR. I really don`t get repeat business for TH. It`s an OK movie but there`s nothing in it to watch over and over again. I asked fanboys to enlighten me what make them watch over and over and still haven`t gotten a well-explained answer that is void of generic "because it`s awesome". I`d really like to know cause this baffles me.
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