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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. What, you are in the industry? I don`t think that GdT would have made as safe and bland movie as PJ did. So from that perspective, maybe PJ involvement was better because he didn`t do anything to piss off fans. The movie was as safe as it gets. He even Aragornized Thorin and promoted him into a bigger lead than Bilbo because Aragorn was fanboy`s favorite character. So that was big pandering to fans. GdT might have tried to shake things up a bit especially in design department which would`ve pissed off everyone who wanted status quo even if it resulted in a far lesser product.
  2. LM and TH have no business here. LM was all close-ups and TH was pretty but forgettable. Cinematography really didn`t stand out like in LOTR, but than, nothing really stood out in that movie save Gollum doing Gollum thing.I didn`t like Pi`s vomitted cotton candy look either but it`s been showing on Cinematography lists so I guess it`s in.Skyfall and Django definitely must be nominated.
  3. Gee, B, don`t you know that giving those movies anything but 10 is considered hate? 6/10 is my rating for TH as well. That is not hate. Hate would be 0/10 or 1/10.
  4. Offical studio estimateshttp://www.boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/?view=&yr=2012&wknd=52&p=.htmSomebody embed the chart!
  5. I loved that Schultz always introduced his horse.The ending with Django and the girl where he does those silly things to impress her is growing on me the more I think about it. It`s totally earned. Want to see it again on Tuesday.
  6. It doesn`t work that way with audiences when it comes to novelty and familiarity. FOTR was a novelty, TTT was familiar. But if you are talking about quality of work, A game (LOTR) vs autopilot (TH) than yeah, I don`t expect TH sequels to be shot with more directorial flare than AUJ.
  7. You`re mixing apples and oranges. There`s a difference between familiar and workman-like. TTT was already familiar but apparently no less magical because PJ put top quality work in it, his A game as I call it. OTOH, TH is familiar but his direction was really workman-like and without flare. Not bad but not inspiring either. Definitely not his A game.So Avatar sequels will be familiar but whether JC is going to bring his A game or direct on autopilot remains to be seen.
  8. Look down, look down And you might see Les Miz! look down, look down the Top 10 weekend list!
  9. An open letter to Andy Serkis: Darling Andy, You want the Oscah. Than why the fuck are you letting PJ exploit your ass in mo`cap? Txt Tarantino now! Your big fangirl, Fish
  10. Floppit is created by fanboys only. Everyone who ever predicted that TH would make:a) ROTK * inflation % *3D%, or that TH would make _______(insert laughably overblown number) because _________(insert another movie) made ______(whatever that movie made), orc) whatever other nonsense formula and irrationale were used to calculate the unrealistic amountis responsible for it`s looking like a flop now. You gave everyone who was ever insulted when tried to reason with you a weapon for mocking your lack of good judgement. You made TH a Floppit. You and only you. There.
  11. "Floppit" term is far less hating on the movie itself and far more making fun of loony predix and predictors. Which is why fanboys are so sensitive. They know they are the target, not the movie itself, and it reminds them that it`s 100% their fault why other posters can now come up with Floppit-type of mock names.
  12. Totally. I think that TH fanboys banded together after TH got middling reviews and are now pretending that TH is some grand achievement in film-making when the truth is that nobody involved in that movie (from director to actros to composer to cinematographer,etc) brought their B game let alone A game. It isn`t a bad movie by any stretch but it isn`t very good either. It`s OK. critics got it right. 6.5 averige is about right. Everything about it is servicable when it isn`t a flat out disservice (Radagast, extended slapstick that didn`t do anything for individual charactersiation, Azog the lamest villain of 2012) but not beyond that. Riddles in the Dark doesn`t improve the movie but makes more obvious how weak and forgettable other content around it is.
  13. Hey loonies, guess what? I`ve seen TH, LM and DU so I can talk about each and compare and I`m right on the money why DU is having such an amazing WOM. OTOH, you`ve only seen TH so your credibility is a floater in the toilet until you see DU and LM. especially DU since DU is the story here. So if I could give TH a balanced review, I`m sure you can be objective about DU. But you have to see it because your arguments are in-valid in every way including ticket sales. You don`t know exact content of the movie so you don`t know why this is amazing success.
  14. This.Also, it won`t kill a TH fan to give DU credit for breaking out. The movie`s a breakout hands down no spin no damage control. TH is doing well except compared to loonie expectations so that makes loonies bigger TH enemies than anyone around here joking about Floppit. Nope, it won. It was supposed to be #3 behind LM. BTW, where`s LM? I`m looking down, and down, and down and still can`t see it.
  15. Yep, DU was expected to drop yesterday by people around here because that`s the R pattern. I remember I said that Top 3 had small Friday increases because they were Saturday movies and was quickly corrected that DU was not a Saturday movie. Guess who was right.
  16. What B said. DU is NOT comparable to DT. DU is a breakout hit of the season, no small fit for an original movie. DT had a built-in fanbase. And it had the biggest jump in Top 3.
  17. And I smell a Jacksonite who either didn`t get DU in his/her theater yet or is too busy watching TH to take a break and see something that may change his/her POV on what great script, directing, characterisation,acting, humor, action, cinematrography, costuming,etc really are. If you haven`t seen DU than I can understand why you may think that plates tossing is the hight of humor but I dare you to think like that after seeing DU`s KKK scene. Also, what DU actors do actingwise is what TH actors would never be able to. None of them gave their 100% in TH (Serkis was great but Gollum is always the same, no stretch here) nor PJ gave his 100%. I`ve seen the movies so I can compare. OTOH, DU is A+ game accross the board. That you can`t get from BBC Z-listers.
  18. :rofl: :wub: I think I spend too much time reading ADF. They have a couple of crazy brains over there so they rub off or something.
  19. Tarantino deserves to be nominated as the director. I don`t think Django`s missing a Best Picture nom now.The WOM must be out of this world. It has great humor as opposed to no humor (LM) or bad humor (TH,PG). It has blood soaked battles as opposed to bloodless ones (TH). It has real star power doing something completely different (Leo) as opposed to no stars (TH) and stars who we already saw singing (Jackman, Hathaway). It has trully engaging characters on all sides of good/bad spectrum. And though I adore Riddles in the Dark, Django dinner blows it out of water. Completely. Like, woosh! Tsunami.
  20. Haven`t you read last 20 pages? It`s a floppit. Canada sucks.
  21. It would be absolutely phenomenal because of the disaprity of theaters, R vs PG-13 rating and LM having been tipped to take #1 or #2. But either way, this unexpected photofinish is insane. I hope it boosts Django standing with the Oscars. It has it all now - stellar reviews and bone fide blockbuster status which should make up for getting late to schmooze some precursors.
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