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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. So when are big milestones going to happen? I guess crossing $300 mio dom will happen after crossing $700 mio OS and $1 billion WW or something?
  2. Did any of those open on Tuesday and was 3 hours long with commercials so its turnover was slower? Apples and oranges. LM burned some demand already. TH is a Saturday movie. You can count on Sat jump regadless of Friday one.So if Friday happens to be less satisfying it means nothing really.
  3. LM is still playing in under 3000 theaters,no? Scratch $40m 3 day.It needs more theaters and they`ll probably add those after holidays. Missed opportunity. Don`t know exactly why they did it but it`s a bad decision through and through.DU is holding better because WOM is better? It`s the best movie in the top 3 by a large margin.
  4. Hell no. Ultraviolent un-PC hard R movie with upside down hairy junk and tons of blood and N words is holding remarkably well during a freakin Xmas season. That`s a galaxy fa far away from Meh.
  5. Well, considering that POTC couldn`t even muster $250 mio despite 3D this is good.
  6. But shouldn`t. One showstopper number does not a BSA make. Also, her work in TDKR was much stronger and rangey. That`s a role for which she should win.
  7. Sheen`s on Razzie longlist which is ridiculous because he was getting raves even from reviews that trashed BD2. So it`s just a stupid BD2 hate that swept those who were actually praised.
  8. yes he does. Over Arkin, DeNiro, Bardem for sure. Haven`t seen The Master so I can`t judge whether PSH is playing PSH or does something new with his role. But MM and DU boys should be on the shortlist.
  9. Yep, that`s what they were going for. He wasn`t supposed to be an exception to the rule, some supervillain, but just a despeakable guy who believed in despeakable things and did despeakable shit because it was OK and everyone did it at the time. Hell, one of biggest cheers came when Django blew off Candie`s sister. She was a bitch too because she let all that shit happen. It`s really that Candie represents the wrongness of the whole system than some special one-of-a-kind villain. IMO, that makes him more dangerous because there were many like him, heck, everyone was really like that because the system sanctioned it. When Schultz refuses to shake his hand it`s less about Candie as an individual and more about "the way of the South". It` s just that Candie represents that way at that particular moment and since Schultz can`t right the whole wrong he could at least do something about this particular specimen. But his disgust is squarely with the whole system.Quesiton. Did anyone kinda lose interest after Schultz died? He was really the heart and soul of the movie for me so when he died I wasn`t engaged anymore. It isn`t that Django`s plight did nothing for me but the character certainly didn`t engage like Schultz cause brooding introverts never do unlike excuberant extroverts.
  10. Unadjusted FOTR numbers. Lets not forget that little fact. 3D, Imax and inflation.
  11. My reviews in the review section. I gave it a C+. My biggest beef is with turning Thorin into the main protagonist over Bilbo. Such a boring, unegaging character played by bored-looking actor who thinks being a hottie is enough, no acting effort required. may be judging actors more harshly after seeing DU but this guy just plain sucked as Aragorn Lite, DU or not. Not to mention that he usurped the leading character status from a much more compelling one.
  12. Mizheads have already seem LM and LM is also playing in less theaters. But Django is a better movie so it looks like WOM is really kicking in.
  13. yeah, take Avatar out and THL win would have posted the worst ratings ever.
  14. No show for anything was sold out when I left TH at 6:20pm. My TH show was half full also so I guess the whole day was less busy.
  15. Cooper needs a huge hit to pull that off which SLP isn`t. Linc, OTOH, is. So advantage DDL.
  16. Sheen in BD2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bardem in Skyfall
  17. Another thing that really annoyed me was that there were several instances that go like this - Bilbo does something,like confront the enemy, tries to save the ponies, save Thorin`s ass, and then the whole gang jumps to help him. There weren`t moments where individual characters make a bond. We had that scene with Nori and another with Bilbo and Balin and I guess Bilbo being pranked by Annoying and Irritating (yes, I know they are Kili and Fili but my God were they awful!) would be considered sorta whatever trying to distinguish them a bit but there weren`t character moments between dwarves including Emo Loner Plank`o`Oak. LOTR was completely different. Everyone interacted with everyone, at least fellowship members interacted with one another. But here, there`s a bulk and there are 3 individual characters and that`s that. So cut the bulk in half I say and develop those who make the cut.
  18. But that`s Daldrey spot. LM will get its own spot, not a Daldrey one. It isn`t a bad movie. It just has too many close-ups and Dutch angles whatever that means.
  19. LM is getting nominated because there are 10 Best Picture slots and at least Hathaway if not Hathaway and Jackman are also getting nominated. critical score and awards are two different things because critics don`t vote for Oscars. I don`t think it`ll win Best Picture but nominations will keep the buzz alive.
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