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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. First we have a couple of simple charts to be added in...... First chart is the "Regions chart" or Part E of the Pre-Season. On this chart it seemed most of the relevant players did ok here with only @Simionski making a reasonable dent into @Matrix4You's lead here. Below the Regions final score card (the answers it was based on were a few pages back ) goffe's score in an anomaly as he did not answer this question. # Regions (Part E) Score 1 grey ghost 190,000 2 That One Guy 190,000 3 MovieMan89 180,000 4 Simionski 175,000 5 aabattery 165,000 6 Chewy 155,000 7 darkelf 155,000 8 Exxdee 155,000 9 kayumanggi 155,000 10 Spaghetti 155,000 11 The Panda 155,000 12 Tree 155,000 13 JJ-8 150,000 14 24Lost 140,000 15 Telemachos 140,000 16 bcf26 130,000 17 damnitgoerge08 130,000 18 jj99 130,000 19 Kalo 130,000 20 WrathofHan 130,000 21 Matrix4you 120,000 22 Wrath 120,000 23 Blankments 115,000 24 DamienRoc 105,000 25 Baumer 100,000 26 grim22 90,000 27 Alfred 80,000 28 Jake Gittes 80,000 29 cmasterclay 65,000 30 MrPink 55,000 31 #ED 45,000 32 Mike Hunt 45,000 33 Chasmmi 40,000 34 Fancyarcher 35,000 35 Water Bottle 35,000 36 Empire 30,000 37 Bastien 20,000 38 glassfairy 20,000 39 narniadis 20,000 40 franfar 10,000 41 Goffe -50,000
  2. So It all comes down to this, All the Weeklies have been tallied and included. All the SOTM's measured diced and remeasured for good measure (thanks @Matrix4You for all your hard work here) and tallied in. And now the Pre-Season Questions have all been tallied and I can reveal that I have won in a magical turn of events... oh wait, that's the Box Office League game in about a month or 2's time.... Now I am sure there will questions and queries and arguments. (Oh if you have any questions about your scores on the SOTM's, please post in before Chasmmi begins posting the final reveals so tweaks can be made..... you'll know where the line is drawn......) I should note, that the scores are spread such than anyone who is in the top 15 are a chance of winning this game....... Though @Matrix4You needs only have a reasonable Pre-Season and he has this wrapped in the bag..... still @Simionski and @Jake Gittes lurk a mere 400k off matrix4you's pace......... So it begins...
  3. FINAL Score Table (Prior to Pre-Season Scoring) # User Pre- season Entry GRAND TOTAL PreSeason Total SOTM etc Weekly's Total 1 Matrix4You YES 2,582,000 20,000 984,000 1,578,000 2 Simionski YES 2,138,000 20,000 758,000 1,360,000 3 Jake Gittes YES 2,136,000 20,000 753,000 1,363,000 4 Exxdee YES 2,035,000 20,000 633,000 1,382,000 5 WrathofHan YES 2,006,500 20,000 657,500 1,329,000 6 darkelf YES 1,945,000 20,000 550,000 1,375,000 7 Wrath YES 1,864,000 20,000 522,000 1,322,000 8 aabattery YES 1,836,500 20,000 554,500 1,262,000 9 Chewy YES 1,809,000 20,000 595,000 1,194,000 10 Baumer YES 1,809,000 20,000 568,000 1,221,000 11 Grey Ghost YES 1,806,500 20,000 520,500 1,266,000 12 Chasmmi YES 1,800,500 20,000 557,500 1,223,000 13 The Panda YES 1,790,500 20,000 382,500 1,388,000 14 jj99 YES 1,723,500 20,000 455,500 1,248,000 15 Telemachos YES 1,683,500 20,000 694,500 969,000 16 kayumanggi YES 1,663,500 20,000 390,500 1,253,000 17 Kalo YES 1,658,000 20,000 641,000 997,000 18 Empire YES 1,642,000 20,000 679,000 943,000 19 24Lost YES 1,592,000 20,000 424,000 1,148,000 20 DamienRoc YES 1,549,000 20,000 311,000 1,218,000 21 Fancyarcher YES 1,538,000 20,000 275,000 1,243,000 22 That One Guy YES 1,519,000 20,000 380,000 1,119,000 23 Alfred YES 1,474,500 20,000 238,500 1,216,000 24 Blankments YES 1,368,000 20,000 362,000 986,000 25 bcf26 YES 1,364,000 20,000 401,000 943,000 26 glassfairy YES 1,279,500 20,000 203,500 1,056,000 27 JJ-8 YES 1,217,500 20,000 263,500 934,000 28 Spaghetti YES 1,183,000 20,000 257,000 906,000 29 franfar YES 985,500 20,000 287,500 678,000 30 damnitgeorge08 YES 969,500 20,000 403,500 546,000 31 Water Bottle YES 863,500 20,000 96,500 747,000 32 narniadis YES 734,500 20,000 311,500 403,000 33 grim22 YES 340,000 20,000 30,000 290,000 34 MrPink YES 101,000 20,000 -52,000 133,000 35 MovieMan89 YES 8,000 20,000 -156,000 144,000 36 Tree YES -19,000 20,000 -75,000 36,000 37 #ED YES -23,000 20,000 -92,000 49,000 38 Bastien YES -54,000 20,000 -74,000 0 39 cmasterclay YES -63,000 20,000 -127,000 44,000 40 Mike Hunt YES -107,000 20,000 -127,000 0 41 Goffe YES -127,000 0 -127,000 0
  4. And in what is not great surprise because he has been motoring along in both the weekly and SOTMs and winning the QOTW helped is @Matrix4You, who is clear on both the final weeklies and final SOTM charts. Still @Simionski and @Jake Gittes aren't too far off the pace here at the moment. The old man @Squadron Leader Tele also did very strongly here, sadly his weeklies were a little off the pace this time around. Still it comes down to this, next post is the final chart before the scoring of the pre-season commences...........
  5. SOTM Final Scores Includes QOTW & BOTM scores in the total as shown (ie. all SOTM 1- 13 + QOTW + BOTW 1 & 2 # User SOTM etc QOTW BOTM 1 BOTM 2 1 Matrix4You 984,000 240,000 20,000 50,000 2 Simionski 758,000 180,000 20,000 10,000 3 Jake Gittes 753,000 7,500 30,000 50,000 4 Telemachos 694,500 7,500 -20,000 10,000 5 Empire 679,000 7,500 20,000 25,000 6 WrathofHan 657,500 165,000 5,000 10,000 7 Kalo 641,000 82,500 25,000 8 Exxdee 633,000 150,000 5,000 -25,000 9 Chewy 595,000 210,000 -15,000 -25,000 10 Baumer 568,000 165,000 -20,000 25,000 11 Chasmmi 557,500 105,000 5,000 10,000 12 aabattery 554,500 7,500 30,000 50,000 13 darkelf 550,000 150,000 5,000 10,000 14 Wrath 522,000 105,000 5,000 10,000 15 Grey Ghost 520,500 75,000 -20,000 10,000 16 jj99 455,500 240,000 5,000 10,000 17 24Lost 424,000 75,000 20,000 -25,000 18 damnitgeorge08 403,500 36,000 5,000 25,000 19 bcf26 401,000 60,000 5,000 10,000 20 kayumanggi 390,500 90,000 5,000 10,000 21 The Panda 382,500 7,500 5,000 10,000 22 That One Guy 380,000 240,000 30,000 10,000 23 Blankments 362,000 7,500 -30,000 10,000 24 narniadis 311,500 7,500 20,000 10,000 25 DamienRoc 311,000 75,000 5,000 10,000 26 franfar 287,500 7,500 20,000 -25,000 27 Fancyarcher 275,000 0 -20,000 -25,000 28 JJ-8 263,500 7,500 20,000 25,000 29 Spaghetti 257,000 7,500 5,000 25,000 30 Alfred 238,500 7,500 5,000 -25,000 31 glassfairy 203,500 7,500 5,000 -25,000 32 Water Bottle 96,500 7,500 -15,000 -25,000 33 grim22 30,000 36,000 -20,000 -25,000 34 MrPink -52,000 12,000 5,000 -25,000 35 Bastien -74,000 0 -25,000 36 Tree -75,000 0 -25,000 37 #ED -92,000 12,000 -25,000 38 cmasterclay -127,000 0 -25,000 39 Goffe -127,000 0 -25,000 40 Mike Hunt -127,000 0 -25,000 41 MovieMan89 -156,000 0 -25,000
  6. Right first up here are all the SOTM scores :- # User SOTM 1 SOTM 2 SOTM 3 SOTM 4 SOTM 5 SOTM 6 SOTM 7 SOTM 8 SOTM 9 SOTM 10 SOTM 11 SOTM 12 SOTM 13 1 Matrix4You 59,000 -29,000 14,000 79,000 69,000 75,000 70,000 84,000 83,000 5,000 -15,000 95,000 85,000 2 Simionski 65,000 21,000 12,000 54,000 87,000 75,000 -5,000 117,000 72,000 -10,000 -5,000 -5,000 70,000 3 Jake Gittes 66,000 48,000 18,000 86,000 84,000 52,500 85,000 138,000 53,000 -65,000 -15,000 40,000 75,000 4 Telemachos 28,000 76,000 24,000 211,000 98,000 41,000 75,000 111,000 8,000 -10,000 0 -5,000 40,000 5 Empire 59,000 32,000 10,000 121,000 79,000 64,500 30,000 58,000 83,000 -15,000 -30,000 95,000 40,000 6 WrathofHan 59,000 19,000 -4,000 64,000 83,000 58,500 30,000 158,000 0 -75,000 15,000 -5,000 75,000 7 Kalo 35,000 0 0 177,000 88,000 64,500 30,000 94,000 50,000 -45,000 15,000 -15,000 40,000 8 Exxdee 80,000 0 16,000 195,000 87,000 42,000 30,000 34,000 82,000 -30,000 -30,000 -5,000 2,000 9 Chewy -6,000 53,000 3,000 74,000 81,000 69,000 30,000 95,000 71,000 -30,000 -50,000 -5,000 40,000 10 Baumer 1,000 66,000 -4,000 72,000 74,000 63,000 15,000 89,000 42,000 -30,000 15,000 -5,000 0 11 Chasmmi -26,000 23,000 -4,000 -2,000 68,000 64,500 0 57,000 52,000 -20,000 30,000 95,000 100,000 12 aabattery -14,000 58,000 24,000 134,000 81,000 49,000 30,000 85,000 20,000 -20,000 -15,000 -5,000 40,000 13 darkelf 15,000 -11,000 12,000 106,000 83,000 63,000 30,000 38,000 44,000 -30,000 -30,000 -5,000 70,000 14 Wrath 12,000 63,000 12,000 104,000 87,000 42,000 30,000 -15,000 42,000 -25,000 15,000 -5,000 40,000 15 Grey Ghost 36,000 51,000 16,000 95,000 87,000 46,500 30,000 38,000 36,000 -30,000 15,000 -5,000 40,000 16 jj99 31,000 3,000 8,000 1,000 63,000 76,500 -45,000 -15,000 83,000 -25,000 -15,000 -5,000 40,000 17 24Lost 54,000 -50,000 45,000 93,000 69,000 39,000 30,000 32,000 27,000 -15,000 -30,000 60,000 0 18 damnitgeorge08 0 50,000 3,000 280,000 64,000 34,500 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 19 bcf26 35,000 51,000 2,000 88,000 87,000 48,000 30,000 -15,000 0 -5,000 -15,000 -20,000 40,000 20 kayumanggi 4,000 9,000 -4,000 54,000 96,000 82,500 -40,000 61,000 61,000 -20,000 -15,000 -5,000 2,000 21 The Panda 26,000 42,000 -4,000 114,000 87,000 75,000 -15,000 -4,000 59,000 -45,000 -50,000 75,000 0 22 That One Guy 18,000 -37,000 3,000 53,000 80,000 33,000 -20,000 -15,000 33,000 -15,000 -30,000 -5,000 2,000 23 Blankments -23,000 95,000 12,000 97,000 67,000 70,500 -5,000 66,000 0 -10,000 -30,000 -5,000 40,000 24 narniadis 8,000 22,000 0 218,000 73,000 -12,000 -35,000 47,000 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 25 DamienRoc -2,000 21,000 0 42,000 97,000 69,000 -50,000 25,000 29,000 -15,000 -30,000 -5,000 40,000 26 franfar 30,000 10,000 24,000 63,000 37,000 60,000 91,000 0 -20,000 -30,000 20,000 0 27 Fancyarcher -8,000 7,000 -4,000 55,000 87,000 54,000 30,000 53,000 61,000 -20,000 -30,000 -5,000 40,000 28 JJ-8 12,000 2,000 0 77,000 79,000 48,000 -5,000 46,000 37,000 -45,000 -15,000 -100,000 75,000 29 Spaghetti 66,000 4,000 38,000 38,000 67,000 64,500 -15,000 -35,000 39,000 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 30 Alfred -24,000 -11,000 46,000 53,000 77,000 40,000 14,000 46,000 -15,000 -30,000 0 55,000 31 glassfairy 60,000 -29,000 3,000 67,000 74,000 -5,000 -15,000 81,000 -10,000 -5,000 -5,000 0 32 Water Bottle 6,000 -8,000 10,000 51,000 86,000 -1,000 -20,000 15,000 0 -10,000 15,000 -15,000 0 33 grim22 28,000 1,000 24,000 80,000 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 34 MrPink 42,000 8,000 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 35 Bastien -8,000 0 0 53,000 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 36 Tree -8,000 0 52,000 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 37 #ED 15,000 0 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 38 cmasterclay -8,000 0 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 39 Goffe -8,000 0 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 40 Mike Hunt -8,000 0 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0 41 MovieMan89 -37,000 0 0 -12,000 -35,000 0 -20,000 -12,000 -15,000 0
  7. Agree with your scoring btw... I think @chasmmi forgot the -ve is only based upon the difference between 16th and the film if it makes it intot he top 15. Also I have rounded up each answer as per the question above (revised answers in red) Chasmmi for your benifet (highlighted in red... ) this is what happens when you make your scoring too complicated If your number 1 film finishes in the top 15 LOSE 600 points for every million more than the 16th placed film it makes jj99 3k (abstain)
  8. @chasmmi, @Matrix4You It's Round Up always..... (from the SOTM question ) " you can abstain for 3000 points All final scores will be rounded up to the nearest 1000 points. Deadline is 11.59pm on Thursday may 11th " I'm checking the rest now to make sure you have it right.
  9. That is insane. I thought 80-85 was high end. But 100+ unrealistic. With around 49 OD. I'm thinking 101 is lowballing it. 110 is closer. Wow.
  10. I don't think so... pretty sure it's all done and dusted now. feel free to check but up to everyone to mention any errors in the scoring so check all that you can... if I get time i'll post all the scores I have for SOTM's ... Just BOTM 1 & 2 need to be checked and finalised I think though I have scores for them already.
  11. Watch this space over the weekend because ever so slowly the big reveal will come. Will tidy up the weeklies + SOTMs once BOTM1 scores are confirmed sometime in the next 24 hours. It's gonna be a wild ride... I can assure you (and I am safe to say this) that the winner will come from someone in the top 41 players in the game Anyone want to hazard a guess on which chart was best predicted this summer ?
  12. Right all that scoring has led us to here.... here is the updated chart..... We aren't done yet though. BOTM 1 scores need to be checked..... this will be it for tonight my time - it's bed time.. well past it # User SOTM etc QOTW SOTM 2 SOTM 4 SOTM 5 SOTM 10 SOTM 12 SOTM 13 BOTM 2 1 Matrix4You 946,000 240,000 -29,000 79,000 69,000 5,000 95,000 85,000 10,000 2 Simionski 769,000 180,000 21,000 54,000 87,000 -10,000 -5,000 70,000 25,000 3 Jake Gittes 675,000 7,500 48,000 86,000 84,000 -65,000 40,000 75,000 10,000 4 WrathofHan 671,500 165,000 19,000 64,000 83,000 -75,000 -5,000 75,000 50,000 5 Empire 654,000 7,500 32,000 121,000 79,000 -15,000 95,000 40,000 10,000 6 Telemachos 640,500 7,500 76,000 211,000 98,000 -10,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 7 Kalo 626,000 82,500 0 177,000 88,000 -45,000 -15,000 40,000 10,000 8 darkelf 604,000 150,000 -11,000 106,000 83,000 -30,000 -5,000 70,000 50,000 9 Exxdee 596,000 150,000 0 195,000 87,000 -30,000 -5,000 2,000 -25,000 10 Chewy 595,000 210,000 53,000 74,000 81,000 -30,000 -5,000 40,000 -25,000 11 Chasmmi 571,500 105,000 23,000 -2,000 68,000 -20,000 95,000 100,000 50,000 12 Baumer 549,000 165,000 66,000 72,000 74,000 -30,000 -5,000 0 10,000 13 Wrath 536,000 105,000 63,000 104,000 87,000 -25,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 14 Grey Ghost 520,500 75,000 51,000 95,000 87,000 -30,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 15 aabattery 516,500 7,500 58,000 134,000 81,000 -20,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 16 jj99 465,500 240,000 3,000 1,000 63,000 -25,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 17 24Lost 424,000 75,000 -50,000 93,000 69,000 -15,000 60,000 0 -25,000 18 bcf26 415,000 60,000 51,000 88,000 87,000 -5,000 -20,000 40,000 10,000 19 damnitgeorge08 388,500 36,000 50,000 280,000 64,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 10,000 20 That One Guy 380,000 240,000 -37,000 53,000 80,000 -15,000 -5,000 2,000 10,000 21 kayumanggi 364,500 90,000 9,000 54,000 96,000 -20,000 -5,000 2,000 10,000 22 The Panda 362,500 7,500 42,000 114,000 87,000 -45,000 75,000 0 10,000 23 Blankments 358,000 7,500 95,000 97,000 67,000 -10,000 -5,000 40,000 10,000 24 DamienRoc 312,000 75,000 21,000 42,000 97,000 -15,000 -5,000 40,000 50,000 25 narniadis 311,500 7,500 22,000 218,000 73,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 10,000 26 franfar 289,500 7,500 10,000 63,000 -20,000 20,000 0 -25,000 27 Fancyarcher 249,000 0 7,000 55,000 87,000 -20,000 -5,000 40,000 -25,000 28 JJ-8 248,500 7,500 2,000 77,000 79,000 -45,000 -100,000 75,000 10,000 29 Alfred 238,500 7,500 -11,000 53,000 77,000 -15,000 0 55,000 -25,000 30 Spaghetti 204,000 7,500 4,000 38,000 67,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 10,000 31 glassfairy 203,500 7,500 -29,000 67,000 74,000 -10,000 -5,000 0 -25,000 32 grim22 32,000 36,000 1,000 80,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 33 Water Bottle 22,500 7,500 -8,000 51,000 86,000 -10,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 34 MrPink -52,000 12,000 8,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 35 Bastien -74,000 0 0 53,000 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 36 #ED -92,000 12,000 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 37 Tree -101,000 0 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 38 cmasterclay -127,000 0 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 39 Goffe -127,000 0 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 40 Mike Hunt -127,000 0 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000 41 MovieMan89 -156,000 0 0 -20,000 -15,000 0 -25,000
  13. Final Weekly Scores After 18 weeks of duelling it out, it was @Matrix4You who took the honours in the weekly question and quite convincingly with a commanding nearly 200k lead over second place, which is possibly one of the biggest leads we've seen for this. Congratulations to @The Pumpkin Spice Panda, @Exxdee, @darkelf and @Jake Gittes for also fairing well here (the top 5) Of note, 2nd to 8th was only separated by 60k and in fact to signify how close this game is, 2nd to 18th is separated by less than 200k (the lead our leader has at the moment ) Here is the final weekly chart :- # User Weekly's Total Week 18 Make Up 1 Matrix4You 1,578,000 112000 2 The Panda 1,388,000 103000 55000 3 Exxdee 1,382,000 60000 67000 4 darkelf 1,375,000 102000 5 Jake Gittes 1,363,000 97000 6 Simionski 1,360,000 96000 7 WrathofHan 1,329,000 81000 8 Wrath 1,322,000 135000 9 Grey Ghost 1,266,000 81000 10 aabattery 1,262,000 65000 11 kayumanggi 1,253,000 69000 12 jj99 1,248,000 99000 13 Fancyarcher 1,243,000 75000 14 Chasmmi 1,223,000 56000 15 Baumer 1,221,000 75000 38000 16 DamienRoc 1,218,000 93000 47000 17 Alfred 1,216,000 92000 18 Chewy 1,194,000 78000 19 24Lost 1,148,000 69000 20 That One Guy 1,119,000 95000 21 glassfairy 1,056,000 79000 44000 22 Kalo 997,000 64000 23000 23 Blankments 986,000 24 Telemachos 969,000 69000 25 bcf26 943,000 103000 56000 26 Empire 943,000 85000 27 JJ-8 934,000 71000 55000 28 Spaghetti 906,000 29 Water Bottle 747,000 30 franfar 678,000 31 damnitgeorge08 546,000 32 narniadis 403,000 33 grim22 290,000 34 MovieMan89 144,000 35 MrPink 133,000 36 #ED 49,000 37 cmasterclay 44,000 38 Tree 36,000 39 Bastien 0 40 Goffe 0 41 Mike Hunt 0
  14. Related to my other mistake... Annabelle snuck in after when these answers were done. Though i ask @chasmmi Annabelle is Warners via new line so does it still count(it's the third film)
  15. For Q7 this I disagree. Does WW count in this case as it's the first film. Unless we count the whole DCEU but then GOTG2 can't be 1... GOTG 2 is ok as long as stick gotg and not MCU. SMH - err The first trilogy all are higher I believe. Annabelle - conjuring franchise? i have 1 maybe 2 at most. Still think NO is correct.
  16. For clarity on china. If the film was released during the game it counted. There are 2 major releases most picked that haven't been released in China yet. - SMH - war for pota if u had either or both of these I went to your 6th and 7th options. But if u r asking if I am counting cars 3, valerian or Dunkirk if u had them as they aren't in the top 5, yes I did. If I didn't there are some where we wouldn't even have a top 5.... but don't worry u can't get a -ve overall score for China.
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