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Posts posted by AdamKendall

  1. 9 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    The Marvels is another Birds of Prey, except WB were smart enough to only spend 80M on that picture. And WB usually isn't smart with its money so that's saying something. Lol


    Will The Marvels sell a similar amount of tickets as Birds of Prey opening weekend?

    BoP did 33 million in 2020 ... around 39+ million in 2023.  So I guess it probably sold half a million more tickets.



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  2. This doesn't really bother me for this specific movie as I'm not really interested in seeing it, but I'm absolutely annoyed at this more recent trend of studios seemingly approving trades to just put out spoilers or in the case of Indiana Jones put out the stuff like 'who's involved in the last scene' ... or 'stuff with his Fedora'. 


    I mean, it's Variety, Hollywood Reporter, EW doing this so it's obviously stuff studio wants out, but just no fucking respect for viewers to do this shit the day a movie opens.

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  3. Overall, I enjoyed the movie ... like 6.5 or 7/10, but it's infuriating that the CGI was just so horrific at times and 3rd act falling apart strikes again.


    I really enjoyed the first act ... well, outside that unbelievably horrible Batman suit they put on Affleck.  I appreciate the 'blue'ish cape, but that shit armor they put over him was hideous looking.   I liked Barry being a hero, even in the cheesy moments.


    The 2nd act up until they saved Supergirl was also pretty enjoyable to me.  I liked seeing Keaton back as Batman ... and thought Sasha Calle started pretty good as a Supergirl.


    HOWEVER, the 3rd act.  I'm totally used to the standard CGI action fest in these movies (and the CGI was brutal in this instance) ... but my issue is more so with the whole Kryptonian army.  There's just no presence with Zod in this film ... it's all fucking CGI shit mixed with his voice  ... same with the others.   It just feels so hollow ... there's nothing there ... you simply know it's going to become a situation where the other Flash is eventually going to be revealed as becoming Dark Flash ... and we also just continuously kill off Supergirl and Batman. 


    Then we get the cameos from all the other universes ... and that would be cool, but again the CGI is just no good to the point its distracting ... especially with Christopher Reeve & Helen Slater.  My GOD, how terrible. 


    I did laugh at the Clooney reveal (even if I was spoiled) and Barry dropping the F bomb ... but nothing will come of it so who really cares.


    Again, enjoyable enough, but I'll be honest I'm getting old and feel that so much of this comic book period I lived for about 12-15 years has passed me by.   Just don't have the excitement that I did even a few years ago.  Marvel fucking sucks 90% of the time ... DC can't figure anything out except the shit that has nothing to do with Universes.


    I just realized that Flash was the first movie I've seen in theaters since Top Gun: Maverick.  Sad, I used to go several times a month.  Maybe July will bring 2 trips with MI7 & Oppenheimer.

  4. It's gonna a rough few weeks for Gunn ... his proposed directors for two upcoming films are going to fucking bomb and receive mixed reception at best ... then I expect Blue Beetle to bomb ... and we'll probably finish the year with Aquaman under-performing as well.


    At least WBD has Batman II and Joker II ... and they better pray that Gunn has figured out Superman.


    BTW, I still remember this weekend 10 years ago ... I actually liked Man of Steel quite a bit ... but to see where we're at in 2023 is just awful.  It's just depressing to think that 10 years has passed and so much time was lost to mediocrity to just plain terrible decision making by the owners of the IP.

  5. It's hilarious to see all the replies on twitter telling The Wrap and Umberto to fuck off for spoiling it ... now I get that, but in this case this is 100% the studio telling them ... please tell the customers that Dwayne is in the movie before it's too late as we've spent 340 million on a film that's tracking for 65-70 million opening. lol

  6. Solid # considering, but far cry from where the franchise has been ... well MCU as a whole.


    The only MCU films I've seen since Endgame in theaters were No Way Home, Far From Home & MoM ... I was planning to maybe see this during the weekend, but now I'm annoyed (not at the movie) but at the media. 


    Variety is absolutely shameless ... blatantly spoiling the movie for a story on what's next for certain characters in a fucking tweet.


    I mean it's not even Friday night and they put that shit out there. 



    • ...wtf 1
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  7. 4 hours ago, Firepower said:

    Not really, Rise of Skywalker also had audience score in 80s.

    I'm fairly certain that that score got locked in and never updated.  It dropped to like 86 on day 3 or so and never went up or down even 1 % for over 3 years. The most baffling audience score ever.


    Nobody will convince me that's legit. 

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  8. 33 minutes ago, Warmaster506 said:

    Disney/Marvel fans are having a field day with the combo of WW84 and BOP.


    DC needs to  be sold from WB at this point. Its beyond obvious that WB is massively incompetent. 

    There's creative decisions being made in both those movies that any reasonable person would say ... HOLY SHIT, this might not really be what the vast majority of the viewers want. They seemingly gave Patty got all the power in this film due to WW and this is what she felt people wanted ... and a large number seem to be turned off.  Now she's moving to a Star Wars property.  Good luck to her, because that fan base is just as crazy.


    I mean personally, I found WW84 and BOP to be 'okay' but fuck, both those films bombing should have been seen coming.



  9. WB killed Doctor Sleep by not promoting it.  I saw little to no advertising on tv.  Between this and their being so slow to begin pushing awareness to big films coming out early next year like BOP and Godzilla vs. Kong is bewildering. It's like new people in charge of marketing doing things totally different and outside the lightning in a bottle of Joker; everything they put out has either been disappointing or simply okay from a box office perspective in 2019.



    BTW I really liked Doctor Sleep so this number is very disappointing.

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