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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. It will be interesting to see if Fault in Our Stars and Edge of Tomorrow opening next weekend both have great legs and end up two of the bigger success stories of the summer. If that happens, I think it will definitely mean that audiences are sick of the typical big blockbusters and endless franchises in general.
  2. If Transformers only opens to around 90m like most of these May movies, no live action film will beat CA2. Just crazy.
  3. Um a little thing called WOM? I don't know one person who has seen the movie and not declared it the best in the franchise. Ratings everywhere you look for it are spectacular, both from public and critics. Whereas the first X-Men wasn't received that enthusiastically. It had a poor multi for 2000. But obviously the series just has a very limited fanbase, and it refuses to grow. Especially since this is technically a 7th installment, not a reboot. New audiences may not want to catch up so they can jump on board, even if they are hearing great things about it. That's the only explanation I can think of.
  4. The Godzilla holds continue to be hilariously awful though. I mean X-men is a CBM and a frontloaded franchise, but there's no reason for a movie like Godzilla to just be falling apart so completely save for horrid WOM. Another 60%+ drop in its 3rd weekend.
  5. Yes I know, but I thought at least a multi in the 2.7-2.9x range like the first one would happen. I never really expected 3x, more just hoped it could happen.
  6. Save for the poor DOFP hold, I actually think the box office is getting what it deserves this May. TASM2, Godzilla, and Maleficent have all been among the worst blockbusters I've seen this side of the decade. All D/D- films, imo. Outta the 100+ or so 2013 movies I saw, I only gave about 3 a worse rating than those 3.
  7. Thank the lord I didn't hesitate to put Dragon as the top grossing summer movie. It's going to win it with so much ease it won't even be funny. May leave it's closest competitor in the dust by 100m+ if TF4 disappoints.
  8. I don't even wanna know how such a great movie can't have WOM to save it's life. Ugh, I really did think this one would buck the trend of the franchise. At least we can still hope for good drops from here on out...
  9. This is meant to symbolize the infinite properties of the question of the day as an abstract anomaly that is an unadulterated truth, ever omnipotent and omnipresent, unto which we all must attest to. Lest it be the bane of our mortal existence. Right?
  10. AA started the DeHaan thing obviously, in his devious scheme to make the TASM films even remotely relevant. Shockingly he seems to have succeeded. The fiend!
  11. Hope so, though not sure why him being in it would be a turnoff for his fans? But hopefully the Western curse will rear it's ugly head.
  12. Thank you! I always get the feeling he thinks he's just hilarious and the shit, and I always want something to ground him. But unfortunately he seems to have a decent amount of success with most of his stuff...
  13. He's extremely low brow comedy, which just doesn't cut it for me. If it does for you, then great I guess.
  14. I feel like McFarlace has a pretty solid legion of fans who unfortunately are under the horribly misguided notion that he's funny. So therefore I have a hard time believing it will flop too bad.
  15. 8.2m Tuesday makes it entirely possible actually. It's already holding significantly better than TASM2 and Godzilla on the weekdays. This could be very achievable: 6.5m Wed (-21%) 6.1m Thu (-6%) 11.8 Fri (+93%) 17.4 Sat (+47%) 11.7 Sun (-33%) 40.9m (just under 55% drop) And that's giving it significantly worse Fri/Sta holds than TASM2's second weekend, and around the same holds Godzilla got its second Fri/Sat.
  16. He gon' be pissed when he see all of y'all who abandon your one true savior so easily. I still worship at your house, lord Rth.
  17. All Questions worth 1000All questions pertain to the top 12 UOSAnswers due at normal time.1) Will Maleficent open to more than 60 mill? YES2) Will Million Ways open to more than 33 mill? YES3) Will Grand Seduction have a theater average of more than $4500? NO4) Will Grand Seduction finish in the top 25? YES5) Will X-men fall less than 62.5%? YES6) Will Million Dollar Arm make more than ASM2 and The Other Woman, combined? NO7) Will Maleficent have a WW weekend of more than 135 mill? YES8) Will any film (not including any films that might have expanded in theater count by more than 100 theaters) have a Friday increase of morethan 100%? YES9) Will Million Ways make more than X-men? NO10) Will Million Ways and Maleficent combine to make more than 4 million from Thursday shows? YES11) Will Blended drop less than 50%? NO12) Will any Memorial Day film that finished in the top 5 fall less than 50%? NO13) Will Godzilla fall less than 6% on Thursday? NO14) Will ASM2 fall less than 5% on Thursday? NO12/14: 300013/14: 500014/14: 7000Bonus 1: What will Godzilla's Saturday's gross be? 4000 5.215Bonus 2: What will the combined gross of Million Ways and Maleficent be? 5000 111.550Bonus 3: If you add up the % drops of TOW, Blended and Neighbors, what is your total? 5000 (so if TOW drops 50%, Blended drops 50% and Neighbors drops 50%, your answer is 150%) 149.975%Bonus 4:What finishes in spots:10 Chef12 Heaven is for Real15 Budapest16 Divergent17 Moms night out2000 each15,000 bonus for all 5 correct.Good luck!
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