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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Isn't that the one that got a 1% on RT or something last year? Don't usually let RT stop me from seeing something, but in a case like that I kinda take heed...
  2. Whatever. This is not a film time will be kind to though. It has nowhere near the characters, charm, or plot for that. Once the special effects look dated (and they will one day), it will be a total "who cares?" film for most (obviously there's always some exceptions).
  3. I've got a strong feeling 2 years from now 90% of you saying you love it now will watch it and be bored and wonder what the big deal ever was. Hell, you guys may start saying that on a second viewing.
  4. Haha, just read this over on BOM's Friday report: Word-of-mouth on Godzilla is decidedly mixed: it earned a so-so "B+" CinemaScore on Friday, and anecdotal evidence suggests that the movie's detractors are quite vocal. You're damn skippy.
  5. Too bad someone kidnapped his facial expressions first.
  6. Doesn't surprise me it had a fairly harsh Sat hold. You know that lots of fanboys had to go to late nights for them to be that big.
  7. I guess that's true actually. It will likely dip into the high 60%'s when it's done, with an average rating in the low to mid 6's. Yes, that's the definition of mixed reception.
  8. I hope you're not implying popular opinion is the movie is amazing? Of course we don't know WOM yet, but critical reception, CinemaScore, and other online rating are all implying very mixed reception. Some love it, some hate it, lots of in betweens.
  9. Uh not really. Several of us around here were predicting 80m+, with myself and a few others saying 90. Not to mention tracking had it at 75m+ several weeks ago already. 80m should have been expected. Of course 90m+ is surprising, but not by a massive amount.
  10. SM2 was a landmark in CBM's and near perfect for the genre back when it came out. It hasn't held up as spectacularly as something like TDK, but it still is a good movie all the way.
  11. Absolutely amazing number for Godzilla. As much as I disliked the film, there's absolutely no way to deny the brilliance of the marketing. Studios should be forced to study this one for how to market a blockbuster, especially a non-sequel.
  12. Looks like my 88m ow prediction in bsg will end up being pretty good. I wonder how Friday front loaded it will be though
  13. I can agree with most of that, but how can you say the action was boring? I mean if that's the case I shudder to think of what the action in Godzilla must be.
  14. Honestly I'm on the verge of flat out raving about PR after seeing Godzilla. But I have to hold myself back lest I undo dozens of hate posts I sent that film's way last year.
  15. But then again, Perlman and Elba's characters were better than anyone in Godzilla, so it kinda beats it in that category too...
  16. I will say Godzilla's overall suckiness has given me a new found appreciation for Pacific Rim. The action in that movie truly did deliver in spades. It's just too bad about the acting, characters, plot, and that first hour in general.
  17. He fucked up one of my most anticipated movies of the year. Same thing.
  18. Yeah, to me it was fairly obvious the hype was real, not online generated. There was a big difference in the hype leading up to this and the online hype leading up to Pacific Rim for example.
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