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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Yes..

    Huh? Now obviously the following can be debated based on personal taste, but MANY sequels can be considered better than the originals:TBU>TBITDK>BB (or B89)TESB>ANHTS3>TSSkyfall>CR (or whatever the first Bond was)X2>XmenTerminator 2>T1SM2>SM1Blade 2>BladeAliens>AlienBunch of Harry Potters>SSList goes on and on. Also, by your logic The Avengers 2 is already worse than the first and no way to know that yet, etc.Also, great #s for both IM3 and TGG...TGG went down a good amount from first estimates, but that's still a really good #.
  2. fantastic character study, though it never felt transcendent to me. the rowing scene was wacky, awesome to watch by itself but was completely out of nowhere and felt horribly out of place. otherwise very good.7/10

    Not sure if this is coincidence or not, but every review score you give seems to be a 7...??
    • Like 4
  3. Why would he need Extremis to be Iron Man without the reactor in his chest? Stane was able to get into and operate a much bigger iron suit without having the reactor in his chest. You just need a reactor in the suit itself. Done deal.

    This works too, basically how Rhodey uses war machine, etc. Just figured with the extremis usage in the comics and that being a big part of the movie, they kind of imply Tony injected himself with the figured out correct formula.
  4. They basically wanted to Dark Knight Rises RDJ with that end sequence. Give him an exit strategy so they can put another actor in the suit. It seemed a bit rushed. The surgery part was the worst since as many have mentioned... Why now? Are we to believe that medical technology has finally advanced enough? If so they should say that!

    It's not that the technology was finally there for surgery (as it was prob there during 2 and maybe even 1) it's that Tony didn't want to give up the arc reactor as he thought that was the only way he could stay Iron Man...now with extremis, and him figuring out and finishing the correct formula, he seemingly injected it into himself and can still be Iron Man without the chest reactor.
    • Like 2
  5. I think the better achievement out of all this is if the Iron Man trilogy becomes the highest grossing trilogy domestically. Which is has a really good chance I think.TDK trilogy - 1,148,476,392

    I think that one is safe as IM3 would need over $500m...but shit's so crazy already who knows :lol: Just an amazing start for IM3, especially OS and China going nuts for this!
  6. After the movie was over I heard a kid say, " that was the best movie "All the kids in the audience really seemed to eat it up. Don't think most of them got the "don't be a pussy" line. LOL


    I laugh at all the conversations parents will have with their kids if they ask about that line:


    5yr old Jimmy:  What did the pussy line mean?


    Dad/Mom:  Umm, it just means like don't be a baby


    Jimmy at school:  For show and tell I brought in my favorite dolls, the muppet pussies...my favorite character is pussy fozzy bear, it's really soft and furry and I sleep with it every night.

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