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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I have a 9:45 show tonight in IMAX 3D.Although I been hearing the 3D is as useless as fork with soup.

    Haha yeah, unfortunately it is...I saw it in both 2D and IMAX 3D and you could basically take your glasses off (I did many times) for half the movie and it not make a difference. Only bonus of seeing it in IMAX 3D is the bigger screen and louder/better sound...which is still worth it I think.
  2. I say split the difference between OW multipliers for IM2 and TA and you'll get the most likely number for the IM3... 2.55. So, I'm projecting 174M OW. Seems a little high I guess. Even still... If IM3 matches IM2's multiplier it'll come in at $171M.

    I don't think that's right, I think it gets $161m if it matches IM2, but should def have a better multiplier than that.
  3. Shane Black LOVES pulling the wool over an audience's eyes. I hope he makes a few more movies with completely misleading trailers. I love it.I don't see anything shameful about it. The trailer presents the movie the same way the first hour of the movie presents itself. That's kinda the point of a twist - if you let the audience know it's coming, it loses some of its impact

    Many people hate bs bait and switch tactics like that though, me included, and the bigger the movie the more people it will piss off (ala IM3). Where IM3 wins points though is that it's really good up until the twist, and pretty good/good after. I did like it more upon second viewing though, as I thought I would since I knew what was coming (review is a couple pages back), so def leaning more towards the B+ side of my grade.
  4. I'm just saying. If it was that hated by fanboys who usually go on the first weekend, the cinemascore would reflect that. correct?

    Hard to tell, didn't IM2 get an A, and that's def not that liked by comic fans, etc. Also, is it known what the sample size is that they use to determine scores? Is it 100 people, 500, 1,000? I'd love to know
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