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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I would LOVE to see a so-called black film that is not about slavery or racism, that doesn't feature the "magic negro" trope, that is not seen through the eyes of a white protagonist, or that doesn't need a major white star to "guarantee that white audiences go see it," and still becomes a major, major hit across all demos. I'm not taling 70-80 million dollar hit, I mean 200 million dollar hit. And no, Movies starring Will Smith or Denzel are not perceived as "black" movies.


    Add up all the Tyler Perry Madea movies and that's $200m+...and since they're pretty much all the same there's your one big hit!

  2. Still remember seeing this movie when I was a kid like 3-4 times in the theater.  First real huge summer blockbuster I can remember seeing multiple times with family and friends, etc.  Might try to catch it again in theaters, though might not be able to this weekend and not sure how long it'll be out (is this a limited run?)

    • Like 1
  3. I'm hungry for a good theater experience.....Die Hard and Broken City sucked and even though Warm Bodies was good, someone brought their entire family with them which included 3 kids all under the age of 8....ya that was great to hear little kids during that movie. 


    I recently saw Side Effects and it was really good, I'd recommend that (if you haven't seen it already and it's still playing somewhere by you).

    • Like 1
  4. Nah, Iron Man has a built in audience and will get a boost from Avengers.It's the first event movie of the year with 400 million potential.Oz is just a warm up.

    till IM3And never understood why WB spent so much on Jack...it was never going to do very well and a $25m ow seem about right. Also, OZ looks way better, has received much better reception and buzz, so it should do much better than Jack...just not sure $70m ow better. $50-60m ow sure.
  5. Saw both Django and Les Mis today. Both were great, although I preferred Django. The crowd was really into it. It was an event. I saw Les Mis second, so my ass was a bit numb and I was a bit tired, but it was very good. Screenings for both were sold out. The audiences ate both of them up (although the Django reactions seemed more visibly and audibly enthusiastic).

    Sounds like the daily numbers thread
  6. These are bad numbers across the board. What the hell happened?

    People go shopping last weekend before Christmas (especially when Christmas is early in the week) not the movies. Plus I think the nation as a whole is still in a bit of a downer with the whole Sandy Hook shootings and deaths, etc.
  7. Totally disagree. Pre-holiday December weekdays are not great in general. NARNIA fell 73%, 12.5%, and 12.9% on its first three weekdays, for example.

    This. Everyone is doing Christmas shopping this week, not going to the movies. If TH has so-so drops next week then it'll be concerning. But I still say low 300s is happening.
  8. Did you see anywhere in my post that said it was a lock to outgross IAL? Are you reading someone else's words and interpreting them as mine.And btw....outgrossing IAL is a lock.

    lol, that made me laugh at the end. And I totally agree. TH becomes disappointment of the year(s) though if it can't even outgross IAL, but it will for sure.
    • Like 1
  9. It was entirely cash grab by WB/Jackson but I don't think they ever imagined this kind of performance by TH1. This just shows how strong Potter's performance was. It maintained it's audience unlike any other franchise.

    I don't remember a 10 year gap between Potter movies and a prequel (not questioning Potter's performances, just saying that's not a valid comparison...if TH movies came out a year or so in succession right after LOTR movies then it would be). Also, haters can't have it both ways...they can't post for months to a year before release that TH isn't LOTR and people aren't as interested so it'll only open to $90m and make $300-350m dom, and then now that that's happening say it's bombing...it can't be bombing if it's doing exactly what you were predicting.
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