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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I saw this movie a few days ago and have spent the whole weekend trying to find a doctor or device with the capabilities of that in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so I can erase this horrible, horrible movie from my memory. Never before have I been so deceived and tricked by a trailer...I felt dirty and violated when the movie was over and went straight home and took a shower while curled up and crying. The Charlize Theron in this movie was awful, and not the same great actor I just saw in Prometheus. The movie felt like it was 4 hours long and was tortuous...the script must be only like 25 pages cause it felt like there was hardly any dialogue. Outside of some nice looking visuals (the troll and fairy forest for example) there was nothing good about this movie. My friends and I almost walked out but I don't like doing that as I want to fairly judge something as a whole. Anyway, it's just a terrible movie.D/D- (it avoids being an F as the visuals and production value were good)

  2. Saw it in 3D IMAX today and I was blown away! I loved it, plain and simple. Yes, the first half is better than the second half (but I still like the second half alot, with the first half being incredible), and yes it does bring up more questions than answers (which I don't mind cause it makes you think and come up with your own theories, etc. ala Inception and Blade Runner, etc.), but I was completely engrossed, immersed and mesmerized the whole time. The visuals were amazing, Rapace and Fassbender were incredible (the scene when Shaw is trying to cut the thing in her stomach out was so freakin intense), I had accepted this wasn't the straight up prequel to Alien like Ridley and the studio told us so I wasn't disappointed by the lack of xenomorphs, etc. and I really liked the search for human origin storyline. Yes we don't get any clear answer but since there is no clear answer in real life it's fitting. But the world and movie Ridley created was just amazing. And in regards to the visuals, Prometheus should now be the front runner for best visual effects. I want to see it again (in 3D IMAX) immediately and pray there is a sequel. It's a 9/10 and A/A- from me and when I like a movie upon first viewing I usually like it even more after seeing it again so I may even it bump that up later.Note: My feelings may be slightly influenced by the fact that the last movie I had seen before this was SWATH a few days prior, and that was one of the worst, most terrible movies I've seen in a long, long time (probably since GL last year). It was so awful that the next movie I saw would benefit no matter what. Plus IMAX just makes any movie better, and great movies that much greater, which was the case here. And not just for the better picture and bigger screen, but the awesome sound too.

  3. If Prometheus and Madagascar's numbers were reversed, we wouldn't be seeing the same gnashing of teeth here. The reality is Madagascar is a much more enjoyable and crowd-pleasing film and people want enjoyment and pleasure in their movies, so that's the film that's doing well.

    It's more that it's the first big animated (3D) kids movie in months vs an R-rated thriller.
  4. Who predicted Avengers might hit 600 m domestic and 1.5 billion worldwide???and if anyone did they would've been laughed off the forums a couple of months ago.

    Someone going full retard and getting lucky only happens like once every 3-5 years...ala Kal with Avatar and BKB with Avengers. The odds of that happening again a couple months later with ijacksparrow and $400m+ for TASM are slim to none, it's not happening.
    • Like 5
  5. The apocalypse is upon us. I disliked the first and hated the second. The third is one of the best films I've seen this year. More later.9/10

    Haha, wow I will be catching this today and hope I'm pleasantly surprised like you. Also, if the same thing happens when you see TASM and Brave then I'll definitely believe the mayans were right :lol:
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