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Posts posted by FTF

  1. I only buy movies on iTunes now. I'll never have the patience/time to sit and pop in a DVD and watch it for two hours so iTunes works perfectly.

    Is this really what we've come to now...we're too lazy to get up and put a disk in a player? This is why I fear for the end of physical media (blu-rays, video games, it's already basically happened with cd's/music - but I'm fine with that). I like collecting movies and video games, but this attitude, plus the cost savings for companies, is what is going to kill off physical media, and that will be a shitty day for myself and many others.
    • Like 1
  2. Well... that wasn't what I expected going in! It's a little tough to talk about The Cabin in the Woods without giving away its most enticing secrets, but it's necessary because the less a viewer knows going in, the more likely he or she is to have a blast with it. With deft juxtaposition of horror with comedy, director Drew Goddard and co-screenwriter Joss Whedon have fashioned an immensely entertaining ride that never fails to go into interesting directions, has a consistently clever sense of self-awareness, and saves its craziest material for the final fifteen minutes. It won't be for everyone given how odd it is, but it's the most enjoyable horror movie I've seen since Drag Me to Hell and the wildest, most demented fun I've had at a movie in 2012 to date.


    Saw it last night and basically agree with this review right here. What a funny, entertaining, bat-shit crazy ride! Unfortunately seeing a couple of trailers for it ruined some of the surprises (the sci-fi, twisted truman-show angle and worst was I had remembered the scene from the trailer where Dana and Marty are in the elevator going down, so I knew Marty comes back).

    But I enjoyed the whole thing (good writing, directing and acting too), and the insane ending didn't bother me at all (minus the so-so sfx/cgi). Definitely highly recommended for anyone looking for a blast at the movies.


  3. Yes, go Think Like A Man!

    As long as anything get's the number 1 spot ahead of that peice of shit The Lucky One.

    Worst movie-going experience of my life and worse movie I've seen in years.

    Wow, that's really bad. I mean I had no plans to see it anyway, but that's just terrible.
  4. I think this situation mirrors 2010 in some ways. We had a stellar first quater, a huge hit in March, and then the box office kind of went downhill. Every major release in April so far underperformed.Could the Avengers suffer the same fate as Iron Man 2?

    Keep trying to fit that square peg in a round hole.
  5. Very weak average.People obviously not as excited about Bully as the Weinstein Co are.

    It's a tough sell...the main goal of the film is too help stop kids from being bullied at school, so if the movie helps spread awareness and is shown at schools, and makes kids stick up for those being bullied, etc., then the movie is a success. (Hopefully there is some part of the Weinsteins that care more about that than money in this case, as they have plenty of it, etc.)
  6. I can't really say much about exactly how much I thought Stooges will make because you all wouldn't believe me anyway since I never made an official prediction.But I suspected it would do decently based on the reaction of the trailer when I went to see THG.

    There was positive reaction to the stooges trailer during your showing of THG :?
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