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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. George himself said that he won't change any of his plans for the books just because fans may have guessed it. So he knows that some things people will be able to figure out beforehand.
  2. He cut his hair just a few inches in like January. It's grown out since then. I think you're giving GRRM too much credit, lol. I don't think he's that tricky. It's not really his own comments about R+L, it's the clues in the books.
  3. I added a lot to my post that you quoted. Plus, why would it not be til 7?
  4. That interview is a big bunch of bull, lol. He has stated time and again that he hates his hair. Yet, now that he can cut it according to that interview, he doesn't want to just in case a movie role needs it? He said himself before that he feels his hair forces period piece roles upon him. Then now he's growing his beard out too. He certainly couldn't say "don't worry I'm not staying dead" right after we all saw that. Like I said before, the entire NW plot would've been pointless. Why would viewers care about the Wall now? Also, why hint at his parentage all season just for him to die? Then why have Melisandre show up at the Wall just in time to say nothing?
  5. Are we allowed telling the Unsullied what we all are pretty damned sure of now? It's not a spoiler, as it's not been in any book yet. Kit told EW that he's really dead. But I'm calling bullshit. There'd be ZERO point to the entire NW storyline and Jon's entire arc if he were. Zero.
  6. If it weren't for Game 5 of the NBA Finals, the season finale would probably get near 8 million.
  7. Danny's book arc so far has only gone barely past what we saw last night. We know nothing of what happens to her other than what you'll see in the season finale.
  8. It drives me nuts when people say that about the Unsullied. They are incredible AS A GROUP. Working as a whole army they are unstoppable. They never say they are that way individually.
  9. Not to mention that, a good portion of us book readers are NOT insufferable purists, and are capable of separating the two mediums. So, the amount of people mad at crap like this is minuscule in comparison to the show's overall viewership.
  10. You're just a tad melodramatic TSS. A few people are getting fed up, but they're all the insufferable book purist, anti-D&D kinda fan that ANGRYGOTFAN is mocking. Those whom are reasonable far outnumber you all.
  11. In the preview it looked like Jon was sitting at his desk with a roll of parchment and Sam asks what he's going to do. Could be Stannis' message from Davos or the pink letter.
  12. Probably. However, some of the book readers (not you, you're actually quite reasonable) go wayyyyyyy overboard with their reactions when anything is different or they thought it sucked compared to the book or if something new sucked. It's like Calm down, spike. It'll be okay. It's a TV show.
  13. Stannis has killed his brother, tried to kill his nephew, and burned countless others just to satisfy Mel's Red God. Yet we all still rooted for him when we really had no business doing so. Why is this so different? They've stated time and again how Mel thinks the sacrifices will help him. He's shown before he values his "destiny" much more over others' lives. The Unsullied all seem to get it without the R'hollor/Azor Ahai stuff (which they did talk about in Stannis' very first scene). They didn't seem to miss any justification for it. Why are so many book readers so stubborn about it?
  14. I'm not thinking the Bolton Ninja Squad was a huge part of it. Just something small to add to all the something bigs (Mel's hold on him, the desertions, the unrelenting cold) that drove him over the edge. Even when he threw Mel out of his tent in 7, the look on his face said he wasn't 100% opposed to the idea. He was still thinking after she left.
  15. I think with him being out in the freezing snow for weeks, his army beginning to desert, Mel whispering in his ear, Ramsey showing up and no one seeing a thing, etc he got to that point pretty quick.
  16. Now, we don't know that doesn't happen in Book 6. It was telegraphed it was going to happen. I think people are just mad that it will make Unsullied hate their precious Stannis. Who isn't the most wonderful guy on the planet. One nice scene with his daughter doesn't change that.
  17. Oy. Remind me not to come in here for a while. I really don't get why people take this shit so personally. I swear, my fellow book readers make me cringe sometimes, lol. But hey, feel what you feel. I'll just scroll right past bitch fests. However, the guy that leaked the things also said it is a dream that the character has.
  18. Hey hey boys... different strokes and all that jazz. Neither of you are right, neither of you are wrong. It's your subjective opinions and you're both welcome to them.
  19. Oh, that Outlander season finale was brutal. Black Jack Randall has to be one of the most evil villains on TV right now.
  20. A totally meaningless name change pissed you off? Maybe they didn't want another Cat on the show. Either way, it matters not. Those are the kinds of things we book readers need to let go. And the gripes that make us annoying to everyone else.
  21. Tighten your seatbelts for the final 2 episodes, my Unsullied friends.
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