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Everything posted by Boxx93

  1. In rare occasions it can happen. This OW of Jurassic World is one of those occasions
  2. I am secretly hoping that RTH jizz his pants again and say over 80-85m OD
  3. I am gonna make a Really bold prediction here: 200m OW Domestic. This is a beast waiting to explode.
  4. Universal executives be like... https://www.youtube.com/embed/DOWbvYYzAzQ
  5. The opening sequence in that movie is gloriously epic. Then the movie actually starts and it falls apart.
  6. I really want this to do well KFP 2 was a criminally underrated movie in every way.
  7. Number of tickets sold on the weekend of June 5-7: 01.- SAN ANDREAS (New) - 75,315 02.- AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON - 41,340 (-41,3%) (1,148,980). 03.- HOME - 41,200 (-24,2%) (305,275). 04.- SPY (New) - 22,105. 05.- TOMORROWLAND - 20,920 (-46,7%) (154,995). 06.- PAUL BLART: MALL COP 2 - 9,430 (-20,8%) (380,215). 07.- MAD MAX: FURY ROAD - 7,800 (-63,3%) (166,210). 08.- FURIOUS 7 - 5,930 (-60,2%) (1,548,010). 09.- WHERE THE DEVIL HIDES (New) - 5,900. 10.- CINDERELLA - 3,700 (-17,8%) (792,126).
  8. Book readers are a very small portion of the show, the show will be fine, in fact they deserve to be spoiled by D&D for spoiling the unsullied all these years IMO. Poetic Justice.
  9. You know that HBO does not depend solely on the ratings right? They have repeats, HBO Now, DVR recordings, and when you add up all that you get a really big audience. The ratings have not decline, just the amount of people who watch it live (It will come back up for the Season Finale anyway). As for Stannis, please take a look at this video that HBO just put out on YT, skip to minute 1:33 please: https://youtu.be/NfLScJVXBHQ Notice how Benioff says "When George talked to us about this..." Witch means that the scene with Shereen was NOT for shock value, this was George`s plan all along, D&D just happened to fast foward that scene from Winds of Winter and put it on Season 5. And it makes sense character wise, this is a man that once he makes a decision he does not pull back at all, and not to mention he was willing to kill his own brother just to get the Iron Throne and cut the fingers of a man just to prove a point that he is "just" (btw I think Davos will get really mad at Stannis after this), and afetr Ramsey`s attack at his army it seems that he will loose it all, this man is ambitious one and he does not want to suffer another Blackwater situation so he sacrificed Shereen to get his victory, it makes sense to me. And in the end Stannis will always be Melisandre`s bitch no matter what. That is how I percieved him in the books and that is how I percieve him in the show as well, so don`t come to me saying they butchered Stannis just for shock value because THIS WAS GEORGE`S PLAN ALL ALONG. If you want to blame someone blame GRRM the creator of the Red Wedding. As for Sansa the girl married to a fucking psychopath what did you expected, a bunch of roses in his hand and consensual lovemaking? You are fool to believe otherwise. Sansa`s storyline wasn`t going anywhere in the books so this particular change was a good one. It was in character for Ramsey and therefore NOT a shock value (that term is getting overused BTW) And Meryn Trant is the same motherfucker that participated in the baby killings in Season 2 and beated Sansa with his sword in front of the whole court in the same season, are you that surprised that Meryn Trant is a piece of shit of a pedophile too??? I remind you this a work based on the medieval times and in such times it was not uncommon that older men fucked underaged girls so dont be surprised about it. I dont remember Jorah touching people after the greyscale thing other than Dany but she is the blood of the dragon who can survive pyres so I think she will be fine. As for littlefingers plan. I think its pretty clear that he wants to be the Warden of the North. And ultimatetly the Iron Throne. I cannot believe you did not understand that. In conclusion none of us knows how this whole story will end other than GRRM and D&D, so dont pretend to think that you know more about this world than they do because you dont. We (book readers and Unsullied alike) know nothing, just like Jon Snow. As simple as that. So please lighten up and enjoy the ride. Good night good sir.
  10. And yet you will still watch the show no matter how much you proclaim to hate D&D for ruining your precious books (witch BTW I am reading right now) That is why there is no point in complaining. It may be "ruined" for you Sun Son, but for million upon million of people who watch the show is still great entertaintment (including me).
  11. Well that was intense... I was almost expecting Davos to save Shereen. Alas, It was not to be. And BTW, to the book readers... Stop bitching already!!!! You always say you will stop watch the show and yet you always comeback... The books are the books, the show is the show... How many fucking times GRRM has to repeat that for you to understand that??? Done ranting.
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