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Everything posted by GiantCALBears

  1. the medieval genre is so saturated in the market, a little shocking Pixar chose this as the project to follow a very generic Cars 2
  2. I'm starting to honestly believe Pixar has peaked, Cars 2 now this. I mean nothing even close to movies like WallE UP
  3. why does this look so much like Dreamworks and not Pixar/Disney? will wait for reviews and response but this actually doesn't look that special
  4. this thing made $36M during a Monday and Tuesday when everyone is in school and/or working except for maybe a few collegeshow crazy is that? better than most OW in history
  5. explain how having a bunch of daily threads that occasionally go off topic is better than one giant thread that does that
  6. this is the right way to do it, use your search function if you can't find what you are looking forless clutter the better, actually allows for more good content
  7. 11 pages for a Monday thread? seems so tiny compared to that behemoth of a weekend thread
  8. is this the longest ever since actuals have been released? really making sure they get an accurate # I guess lol
  9. no question, its really crazy when you actually think about how much demand was extracted
  10. when does this never happen after an OW that annihilates records? people always rush to crazy judgments
  11. You have no credibility and pretty cocky saying your opinion is the right one when few share it,
  12. So I guess Jack... I loved Heath so much in A Knight's Tale and Brokeback Mountian that the only way I would venture to see TDK, a completely different genre, is because of his death as some sort of last goodbye? It makes no sense, you and anyone who makes that argument is clueless
  13. Can't wait until this argument is decided in July. You are a fool as is anyone to keep having this as a point
  14. Listening at all to how much TDK adjusts to and with a less IMax and no 3d share? It's really close so your argument was its the best ever and you sound like a clown honestly
  15. Best WOM ever? Maybe in terms of total reach because of how accessible social media now is. But this is so naive to say TDK's WOM wasn't stronger ESP when it sold more overall tickets and had stellar holds we have yet to see week by week from TA. I don't cry, I just state facts thanks kid.
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