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Come up with a plot to the title above, and then make a new movie title

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$14 / 47 million, surprising hit


The Athletic One: a young boy has always dreamed of becoming a professional sports player but one day, with the breaking of his left leg, his dream is shattered.  That is, until science helps him and gives him a new chance at being the best; like no one ever was.  


Poor Arnold 

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23 / 81 - To train his leg, was his test.


Music drama about a poor down on his luck boy who stumbles upon and befriends a washed up jazz musician and together the two hit the road, in an attempt to upstart the jazz musician career again. 


No Sense of Moral 

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$10 / 17 million


No Sense of Moral: From the writer of The Hunger Games, comes the epic dystopian tale about a city that has secluded itself from the world and everyone is on their own.  Ya make it, or you lose it!  Journey with heroine Maple as she uncovers the dark truths about her home's past and what it means for the future and possibly the longevity of her race. 


Deal Or... Deal! 

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$12 / 24 million


No Sense of Moral: The Danger Saga: in this epic sequel to No Sense of Moral, Collins does what she does best, make the sequel better than the original!  In No Sense of Moral: The Danger Saga, the pressure is high, the discoveries could lead to an all out war between the City of Forgotten and the World Outside, and our heroine has met her match in an individual who was born in the World Outside.  Can our heroine stop this imminent war before its too late, protect her loved ones, and find out what this mysterious individual is up to?  (He turns out to be the heir to the throne of the World Outside, our heroine does not stop the war, is captured, and her loved ones are all killed).


Individuality: Lost  

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89 / 253


Comedy about a man who is unhappy about everything, until his best friends shows him the time of his life.


Individuality Lost: Set in the future, this sci-fi films tells the story of two machines on the run from the law, for trying to be different and disobey the orders of everyday life (so basically Logan's Run meets The Island or something to that extent). 


No Sense of Moral: Avalance Part 1 

Edited by Insidearcher
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Don't You Look Happy: $12 / 17 million 


Individuality: Lost: $50 / 201 million


No Sense of Moral: Avalance Part 1:  The end is near.  Very near.  The troops from the World Beyond have advanced to the inner walls of the City of Forgotten and are on their way to conquering the last part of the Earth that has managed to secure itself from the Throne of Valor and our heroine is to be used as the sacrificial body in order to appease the peaceful gods of the World Beyond for killing so many innocent lives in their attempt to conquer the City of Forgotten.  Will our heroine prevail or will everything she has worked so hard for: unifying the City of Forgotten, acting as their leader until a real one could take her place, creating a stabilized government system, and bringing back peace and happiness to the City of Forgotten all be in vain?  (Our heroine assassinates the soon to be announced King and the troops from the World Beyond and the City of Forgotten have their final fight to the death).


Individuality: Found 

Edited by CelestialFairyIX
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120 / 345


The machines, having been trapped on an island are discovered by a fisherman who brings them back to civilization. Naturally disaster strike. 


No Sense of Moral: Avalace Part 2

Edited by Insidearcher
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$67 / 210


No Sense of Moral: Avalace Part 2: In the epic end to the No Sense of Moral series, the battle between the World Beyond and City of Forgotten is at fever pitch as our heroine, bloody and all takes to the battlefield after a long journey home.  Exhausted, barely able to grasp onto reality, drugged, yet still standing and fighting; for her country, for her beloved country!  (The City of Forgotten wins, our heroine is crowned the Queen of the City of Forgotten but she refuses saying a more, "democratic" approach is better and thus, she becomes the first President of the City of Valor, the people of the Valor return land to their original owners and it unites itself with the City of Forgotten, and the film ends with our heroine kneeling and crying before the memorial of her loved ones, the first time she's cried since their death).


Yaoi, Hentai, Tentacle What?! 


PS: No Sense of Moral is now complete or is the studio going to milk off of this one with spin offs?! LOL xD

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$5 / 7 million


The Secret of the City of Forgotten: At this point, Collins has ran out of ideas and a new director and writer has taken her place!  Welcome, Mr.Spielberg!  This movie centers around how the City of Forgotten began, thrived, then entered a dark period in which it waged war against the World Beyond and the Crown of Valor when the latter decided to overtake the world and tip balance as they knew it.  (Big secret: The King of the City of Forgotten sacrificed his last breaths to allow enough time for the City of Forgotten to build a machine that would seclude itself from the world and begin a new chapter and his last words were, "I saw something, one of my kin, best the Crown of Valor, and take back what belonged to all). 


Golden Voyage: Towards the Empire 

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110 / 276m 


25 / 71 - Cost 100m to make, made 140m overseas.


Crime comedy about a man who poses a clown when he's not at work, until eventually his work and clown careers catch up with each other, and finds himself having to go underground as just simply a clown.


The Secret of The Forgotten City Part II - The Continuation 

Edited by Insidearcher
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108 / 264


Drama set in a small village where a hurricane just hit. A man tries to help the people, by sending them goods on a process, and in the process changes their lives, in a way they thought not possible.


First Name Split 

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Game Start Seven: in this fantasy epic, a magical house that was at the bottom of the Magical House Rankings tries to win back its honor and glory days when it used to be Number One by competing in the Magical Olympics!  However, little do they know, this Magical Olympics is the setting ground for one of the most terrifying events in history to be repeated: The Seven Nights Massacre! 


Dragons, Fairies, Knights, Oh My! 

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