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Come up with a plot to the title above, and then make a new movie title

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8 / 24 - He will see you now!


Comedy about a janitor trying to get in cool with the younger kids at the high school, and learning how to dance for the first time in his actual life. Uh-huh-huh!!! Go Jans go!!


An Even Life

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6 / 15 - Well I don't.


Dramedy about a man who is irritated by his next door neighbor for no reason, and tries to get his doctor to explain to him why, by going deep inside his head. Psychology!


Read All About It

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5/17-made 60M in the UK, sorry doc, you are no Bob Newheart!

Comedy about a paperboy in 1962 and his comical journey against that dog! (Wait Paperboy is getting a film? LOL)

Must I Say More?

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93k total - Didn't they already make Paperboy into a movie with creepy-ass John Cusack and peeing Nicole Kidman. Yeah!!


Comedy about a man who complains at his boss that his job sucks, and when he's fired he decides to write a long letter to the governor of the state about how crappy his management, which gets in hot water with the politicians, and forces him to defend him in a court of law. It's a complicated matter.


Free Seeker

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I figured, but it was a joke regardless.


6 / 23 - No free rides I'm afraid.


Action thriller about an assassin hired to protect a millionaire after his assists suddenly go in demand, and everyone wants to kill him for personal gain. Have a nice day sir!


In The Greatest Sense

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39/108-yeah one of those sappy films that comes out and has a huge OW then drops like a rock.

Thriller about a criminal who is released from jail after 20 years who is even worse now!

Comical Timing


Funny story-my dog saw his reflection earlier today and he was like "who is this? What do you want" LOL

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16 / 38 - It's like Cape Fear, but it's not.


Comedy about a comedian trying to get his performance at clubs right, maybe his dog can lend him a paw, or he could just try and improve his skills by asking his comedy idol who's in town, that always works, right???


The Wrong Direction


Did your dog run the wrong way home after he saw his own reflection? Hey it can happen!

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8.5 / 25 - Caboot!!


Sci-fi thriller about a man who gets caught in a storm which causes him to turn into an electrical being, capable of draining energy. When he gets too hungry and wants to drain all the power in the world, a group of weather specialists have to find a way to stop him.


It Hurts...

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11 / 26 - Are you ready to rough-house?


Horror thriller about a deranged circus freak escaping from his bars at the circus and running amok of the city. Only three clowns from the circus can stop him, but will they? Honk, honk!!


Immortal Sins

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