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THE MARTIAN | Oct 2, 2015 | Will compete as a comedy at the Golden Globes

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No one's mentioning the science exposition because this movie did it better than INTERSTELLAR.

You know which movie will still end up being the bigger hit WW and remembered for years to come? Interstellar has sold out both Bluray special editions over here. You know how many movies do that over here nowadays?


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It'll end up being seen as one of Nolan's lesser movies. In fact, it's already settling into that category now.

His lesser movies are still better than most directors better movies. Fact.



In my personal opinion, his worst movies are Insomnia and The Dark Knight Rises. Insomnia is a fine thriller. TDKR is just stupid and bad most of the time, but when it hits the right notes, it does it in a glorious and fantastic way. 

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Regardless of their flaws, I can always count on Nolan's movies to look amazing. Seeing TDKR and Interstellar in honest-to-god 2D, 70mm film IMAX were true theatrical experiences that just cannot be duplicated. (I am still kicking myself for skipping TDK in IMAX, but at least I got to see a revival screening at a science museum, and yes, it was so awesome to watch in IMAX.)

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Tbh, around me most remember Interstellar and nobody talks about Gravity, but Interstellar was a monster hit over here with extremely good legs. Gravity did ok. 

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Oh, TDKR is much more entertaining than INTERSTELLAR.

See, I don't agree with this at all. TDKR is just a better version of Skyfall, but both are stupid and dumb.


I am gonna say something really controversial here but I think Quantum of Solace is better than Skyfall.

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So is INTERSTELLAR, but at least TDKR had a bit of a clue about how silly it was.

Interstellar is a better version of Skyfall? :lol: What :lol: ? They have nothing similar between each other. Skyfall is a remake of TDKR :lol:


TDKR is absurd. Every time I remember the scene where JGL says he knows Bruce Wayne is Batman just because he has to know because the story needs it, I die laughing. Or when Gordon sends every single police to the sewers. Or everything involving Talia Al Ghul. Or the miracle cure for Bruce Wayne problems in the pit. 

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Interstellar is a better version of Skyfall? :lol: What :lol: ? They have nothing similar between each other. Skyfall is a remake of TDKR :lol: 


TDKR is absurd. Every time I remember the scene where JGL says he knows Bruce Wayne is Batman just because he has to know because the story needs it, I die laughing.

I meant INTERSTELLAR is also stupid and dumb. :lol:

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Heh, I don't think so. I loved the movie and liked what he did with the story. Just my opinion, of course, I know most don't agree.

It just struck me that the lyrics to "The Power of Love" describe it rather well. :)

In terms of Nolan-ness, I think it has many of the same issues that TDKR had, so (IMO) it's odd to embrace one and diss the other. (I actually don't have them all that far apart -- but since I don't really care about the Batverse I didn't mind the absurdities in TDKR, whereas the same sorts of things bothered me more with IS).

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I understand he wanted to be as scientifically accurate as possible and probably bombed spectacularly in that. I don't care. I wasn't there for accuracy. I was there for the journey. And in that, Interstellar delivered, IMO. 

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I just said it in that way to avoid people that don't like the movie to come here and say how wrong I am and whatnot. It is just my opinion, I really like the movie and I think it is excellent, but it is not a fact. People can hate it or dislike it all they want. 

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Interstellar wasn't as deathly serious as many make it out to be. It's probably Nolan's funniest film alongside TDK and Inception.

Gravity was more of a serious bore than Interstellar. The Martian was easily the funniest of the three but didn't hit as many high notes as Interstellar.

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