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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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Nice list so far, DAJK. Apes, Interstellar and AUJ would probably make my list as well. I liked IM3 and TASM and Puss in Boots, but neither of them were great IMO. Haven't seen the other ones (though I really want to see Birdman).

Thanks Mike :)
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I'm really sorry Lisa :(

Mods, should I put this on hold so Lisa can do her list, or just try powering through this. I'm at a bit of a dilemma...

I don't see why you guys can't do your lists simultaneously, Lisa will just have to start her own thread.

According to the list The Panda was supposed to be next, but I haven't seen him on in a while.

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Lol I don't even think I was supposed to go for a while, but it looked like the thread was dead (even though Spaghetti was on in another thread) and I had some time to kill so I just started a list.

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Les Miserables




This movie sort of became infamous in my grade when it came out, most people really didn't like it. (there were actually a few people who dared their friends to see it but that's another story). Granted, there were a couple people who did like it (all girls), and me, well, I just kind of kept quiet on the whole subject. Why? Because I actually really liked the movie. Admittedly, there were a few scenes that were sort of laughable, but the rest of the film makes up for it with its epic storytelling. I knew nothing about the story going in, so everything that happened was a surprise to me. While I don't personally believe the movie was groundbreaking, it definitely doesn't deserve the hate it gets at my school.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes




While Dawn of the Planet of the Apes may be a lot higher on some other lists, I have it at "only" 41 for a couple of reasons. First (like a few other movies I will discuss) it didn't really cross any type of barrier from "this was such a cool summer blockbuster" to "this is one special movie." None of the human characters had any depth to them, and therefore when the film wasn't focusing on Caesar, I didn't care for it as much. There are also some problems I had with the ending to be honest, but they are very minor problems. That aside, the characters of Caesar and Koba are so incredibly interesting, that I was so invested in this film just to watch their character arc's unfold (however in my opinion, Koba's was a little predictable). The special effects here are superb, and it was a little cool to finally see a film that everybody I know was anticipating (back in spring 2013, there was an article in our local newspaper about the movie shooting just outside of our town, which I thought was pretty neat).

Edited by DAJK
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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules




I'm not sure if I have just lost all my credibility with this choice, but whatever. I loved the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books when I was younger, and I will still read one when it comes out. These movies aren't anything profound, but they are cute, charming and sometimes very, very funny. I can relate to Greg Heffley on so many occasions, especially his thoughts on middle school ;) I think Roderick Rules is the best of this series, and it definitely has some very funny moments. The best thing about this movie is the re-watchability factor; I have seen this movie multiple times, and it is just as great each time.


yes finally someone else who likes this movie!

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I'm really sorry Lisa :(

Mods, should I put this on hold so Lisa can do her list, or just try powering through this. I'm at a bit of a dilemma...

I was getting ready to do mine to. but it's okay, I can catch up on a few more this way. plus I think I might have got an idea for another to tide me over ;)

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Warm Bodies




Wow, was this movie sure a surprise. Before the movie came out, I was actually getting sick of seeing the adds all over the place "He's still dead, but he's getting warmer" and I told myself that I wasn't going to watch this movie. Well, I'm glad I did end up watching it, because it's a really good movie! Whether or not anyone believes a romance between a girl and a freaking zombie, it's hard to say that the film didn't do a good job of playing out the romance in as believable way as it could. It's also really funny, and I laughed out loud quite a few times. It also increased my fondness of Nicholas Hoult as an actor, as he was so incredibly likeable as a member of the "living dead"!

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12 Years A Slave




It isn't a movie that is particulairly fun to watch, not is it easy to watch, but 12 Years a Slave laments itself into the category of "necessary viewing", however it isn't a chore. This is a beautifully made film that depicts the horrors of slavery in America with such realism that it is almost impossible so separate the movie from realism. It showcases incredible acting and directing, with a heartbreaking story that honestly rips you to the core (my dad wasn't actually able to finish the movie). However, I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't have flaws, but there is only one that stands out to me, and that is the film's relatively abrupt ending.

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22 Jump Street




On top of being my favourite comedy of 2014, 22 Jump Street is also one of the best theatre experiences I have had in a while. I went to a 9:50 PM show on a Monday night, and the theatre was almost 100% full, and everyone was howling with laughter the entire time... and it didn't get on my nerves! Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are excellent together, and Phil Lord and Chris Miller have now my full trust. This series is comedy gold, as 21 JS is also on this list. 


Shout out to a certain scene featuring Ice Cube, regarding a certain character's daughter...  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

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Lone Survivor




My god was this movie suspenseful. That extended shootout that lasted most of the movie was intense, extremely well-acted and honestly had me gripping the armrests of my seat. In my opinion, this movie brought the intense realism of war to life in a movie just as good (if not sometimes better) than American Sniper. The movie is also able to remain suspenseful, despite the title pretty much giving away what is going to happen. The acting is incredible; it is just a bit upsetting that Mark Whalberg went from this to Transformers 4 in the same year. And Taylor Kitsch is an underrated actor in my opinion, who just usually picks the wrong projects. And to think, this is from the director of Battleship...

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The Hunger Games




After finally watching Catching Fire for a third time, I came to the conclusion that I actually (surprisingly) prefer the first Hunger Games film. While Catching Fire obviously improves on the franchise's social and political subtext, the grittiness and realism of the first film make it a more re-watchable experience. I also prefer this movie in the right that it is able to stand on it's own as a movie. While obviously the story didn't wrap up every loose end by the credits, you would be able to watch the Hunger Games, and not ever have to watch the other movies, and you would still get a complete story. The Harry Potter films for example (with the exception of the final two) were all able to do this; you could watch one without seeing any of the others, and still have a complete story told to you. The Hunger Games sequels in my opinion, rely too much on each other, which is something the first film was so clever to avoid. 

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The Lego Movie




The LEGO Movie only solidified my love for Lord and Miller, as well as made me start wanting to play with Lego's again, as it was so much better than anyone thought it could possibly be. How the Academy didn't nominate this... you know what, I'm not going to get into that. I think Blank's got it covered.


Anyways, this movie surprised I think almost everyone. Not only at the box office (was anyone really thinking 260M?) but that 96% on RT was shocking the first time I saw it. And the movie totally deserves that score. It is unapologeticly fun, and doesn't miss a breath. It's pacing is relentless, in a good way. And that Batman "Untitled Self-Portrait" is a classic comedy scene in film in my opinion. But what really surprised me was some of the film's heart. It was more than just a fun kids movie, but also a film with lots of meaning to it (even though if I had enough money, I would probably end up being like Will Ferrell's live action character tbh).

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