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Baumer's Summer Game - Darkelf #1, Grim22 #2, laguy03 #3..final words from baumer pg 95

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There will be a lot of scoring done over the next three days.  There's a lot that has to wait until the game is over, but the ones that can be scored, will be.

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Week 18:


Avi:  6000

blank:  11,000

glassfairy:  8000+5000 bonus 2

wrath:  8000

exdee:  10,000

simionski:  10,000

geraldino"  6000

movieman:  10,000

jajang:  10,000

chas:  9000+5000 bonus 3

dajk:  8000

ED:  6000

Dipper:  10,000+0 for individs

cedar:  6000+0 for indivds

darkelf:  7000+30,000 for individs

kayu:  10,000

numbers:  9000

alpha:  6000

Grey Ghost:  11,000

empire:  10,000+5000 bonus 1

mattrek:  9000

laguy:  10,000

grim:  8000

cmaster:  9000

gittes:  9000

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SOTM 4:  I'm happy to report that ALMOST everyone got their trivia correct.


I'm not going to list the questions here, if you really want to know what they were ask the players.


But here are the points for SOTM 4:


Gittes:  40,000

Wrath:  20,000

Alpha:  -30,000

mattrek:  40,000 

Tele:  40,000 

Ethan:  -30,000

glassfairy:  40,000 

avi:  -30,000

goffe:  20,000

chas:  20,000

damienroc:  10,000

blankments:  40,000 

panda:  5000

simionski:  20,000

Exdee:  40,000 

grey ghost:  2000

MGS:  2000

geraldino:  20,000

dipper:  40,000 

darkelf:  20,000

kalo:  40,000 

filmovie:  15,000

k1stpierre:  20,000

bcf26:  10,000

narnia:  5000

cedar:  10,000

empire:  40,000

grim:  20,000

alfred:  20,000

ED:  15,000

dajk:  40,000 

kayu:  40,000 

snoopy:  40,000 

movieman:  40,000 

iceroll: -30,000

jajang:  15,000

Tree:  -30,000

cmaster:  -30,000

Numbers:  15,000

24lost:  2000

Edited by baumer
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Damn, I just realized I totally screwed up SOTM 9. I had meant to put 155m for SOC's gross and apparently typed 165m instead without even realizing my mistake until now. Well there went an idiotic on my part loss of a whole bunch of points.  :unsure:

I saw that this morning and figured you were just extra-bullish on it.

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I saw that this morning and figured you were just extra-bullish on it.

Bullish about learning the proper way to type, yes. That'll teach me to not double check my answers...

Btw, those week 18 scores aren't final right Baumer? Not sure we can answer some questions yet and a few could change. Also on a couple of those bonuses I think you forgot you were asking for the 4 day gross not 3 day.

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Bullish about learning the proper way to type, yes. That'll teach me to not double check my answers...

Btw, those week 18 scores aren't final right Baumer? Not sure we can answer some questions yet and a few could change. Also on a couple of those bonuses I think you forgot you were asking for the 4 day gross not 3 day.

Week 18 questions were for last weekend. Week 19 hasn't been scored yet.

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SOTM 6:  

chas:  5000

Tele:  5000

Ethan:  5000

darkelf:  2000

k1stpierre:  -24,000

Avi:  5000

Wrath:  5000

glassfairy:  2000

DAJK:  7500

blank:  5000

Grey Ghost:  5000

Geraldino:  5000

iceroll:  5000

simionski:  5000

cedar:  2000

chewy:  2000

damien:  2000

grim:  5000

exdee:  5000

bcf:  5000

dipper:  5000

kalo:  5000

goffe: 5000

filmovie:  2000

numbers:  5000

lfred:  2000

Ed:  33750

Alpha:  -72,000 (came within .09% of getting the entire thing right)

kayu:  -72,000 (came within .5% of getting it all right)

cmaster:  2000

24lost:  7500

Jake gittes:  -72,000 (came with 1% of getting it all right)

panda:  -72,000 (came within 2% of getting it all right)

narnia:  5000

darthsnoopy:  5000

movieman:  33750

jajang:  5000

mattrek:  5000

laguy:  5000

empire:  -72,000 (came within 3.5% of getting it all right)

Edited by baumer
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The top 10 is going to get a big shake up after those scores are incorporated.

Also while I'm currently in the lead it won't be long before I crash and burn. Can't believe I forgot to do a top 5 DOM OW this year and my top 15 is atrocious so I'll be out of the top 10, maybe even top 20 by the end of it. I'm enjoying it while it lasts :lol:

Edited by Mattrek Loves Del Toro
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Avi: 9000

Blank:  1000

Empire:  9000

simionski:  1000

dajk:  1000

glassfairy:  9000

chas:  1000

iceroll:  9000

k1stpierre:  1000

chewy: 2000

goffe:  15,000

bcf:  9000

movieman:  9000

greyghost:  9000

darkelf:  9000

exdee:  9000

cedar:  9000

geraldino:  9000

snoopy:  9000

mattrek:  -7000

numbers:  50,000

wrath:  9000

cmaster:  9000

24lost:  9000

alpha:  1000

grim:  17,000

dipper:  9000

tele:  9000

jajang:  2000

Edited by baumer
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SOTM 4:  I'm happy to report that ALMOST everyone got their trivia correct.


I'm not going to list the questions here, if you really want to know what they were ask the players.


But here are the points for SOTM 4:



Wrath:  20,000

Alpha:  -30,000

mattrek:  40,000 

Tele:  40,000 

Ethan:  -30,000

glassfairy:  40,000 

avi:  -30,000

goffe:  20,000

chas:  20,000

damienroc:  10,000

blankments:  40,000 

panda:  5000

simionski:  20,000

Exdee:  40,000 

grey ghost:  2000

MGS:  2000

geraldino:  20,000

dipper:  40,000 

darkelf:  20,000

kalo:  40,000 

filmovie:  15,000

k1stpierre:  20,000

bcf26:  10,000

narnia:  5000

cedar:  10,000


grim:  20,000

alfred:  20,000

ED:  15,000

dajk:  40,000 

kayu:  40,000 

snoopy:  40,000 

movieman:  40,000 

iceroll: -30,000

jajang:  15,000

Tree:  -30,000

cmaster:  -30,000

Numbers:  15,000

24lost:  2000

I have no score. :mellow:
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SOTM 6:  

chas:  5000

Tele:  5000

Ethan:  5000

darkelf:  2000

k1stpierre:  -24,000

Avi:  5000

Wrath:  5000

glassfairy:  2000

DAJK:  7500

blank:  5000

Grey Ghost:  5000

Geraldino:  5000

iceroll:  5000

simionski:  5000

cedar:  2000

chewy:  2000

damien:  2000

grim:  5000

exdee:  5000

bcf:  5000

dipper:  5000

kalo:  5000

goffe: 5000

filmovie:  2000

numbers:  5000

lfred:  2000

Ed:  33750

Alpha:  -72,000 (came within .09% of getting the entire thing right)

kayu:  -72,000 (came within .5% of getting it all right)

cmaster:  2000

24lost:  7500

Jake gittes:  -72,000 (came with 1% of getting it all right)

panda:  -72,000 (came within 2% of getting it all right)

narnia:  5000

darthsnoopy:  5000

movieman:  33750

jajang:  5000

mattrek:  5000

laguy:  5000

empire:  -72,000 (came within 3.5% of getting it all right)


Damn it. lol


Dafuq. Only five went all out?

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SOTM 8:  


For the following films, here are some target numbers:


Jurassic World:  630M Aug 1

Inside Out: 327M Aug 1

Trainwreck:  80M Aug 3

Ant-Man: 135 Aug 4

Minions:  300M Aug 8


Which film will reach its target first? For example, you would choose Inside Out if you think it will reach $327M before any of the others reaches their target. In the event of a tie, any correct answer will gain points — so for example, JW and Minions are the fastest and both reach their targets in 7 days, anyone who chose those two films will receive points.


10,000 if right. 

-12,000 if wrong.

2,000 if you abstain.


Failure to answer results in -15,000.



List the order in which they will pass their respective targets. You must list all 5 in the correct order. Miss any one of them and you lose. If you think a film will not reach its target, mention that as well (and obviously put it at the bottom of your list).


An additional 15,000 if you're right, an additional -18,000 if you are wrong.


You can earn up to 25,000 points, or lose up to 30,000 points, depending on your choices.



Wrath:  2000

Exdee:  2000

Avi:  -30,000

Alfred:  10,000

Blank:  2000

Empire:  -30,000

mattrek:  2000

glassfairy:  10,000

chas:  10,000

simionski:  2000

iceroll:  2000

k1stpierre:  2000

damien:  2000

chewy:  2000

geraldino:  2000

bcf:  2000

grim:  2000

dipper:  2000

greyghost:  2000

darkelf:  2000

cedar:  2000

snoopy:  2000

Tele:  10,000

numbers:  2000

dajk:  2000

MOVIEMAN:  25,000

goffe:  2000

cmaster:  2000

24lost:  25,000

alpha:  -30,000

jajang:  2000

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This was much easier to answer than I thought it would:


By the end of the game, tell me what film Straight Outta Compton will pass.  This is a basic question but with a twist.  It could be worth big points.


1) Let's Be Cops:  82.390

2) 42:  95.020

3) The Equalizer:  101.530

4) 8 Mile:  116.750

5) Ride Along: 134.938

6) 21 Jump Street:  138.447


SOC will gross 150 mill to end the game.  To get the second part right




As long as the film you pick is passed you will get the corresponding points.


1) 3000 if right, -10,000 if wrong

2) 5000/ -7000

3) 7000/-5000

4) 10,000/-5000

5) 15,000/-10,000

6) 25,000/-20,000






Call the gross of Compton at the end of the game.  If you are within 7.5% of the correct gross, you will get a 25,000 point bonus.  If you are outside of the 7.5%, you will lose 35,000 points and you will not score anything for the first part.  You do not have to be right in the first part to go for this part, So if you lose points on the first one but somehow get this question right, you will still score 25,000 points.  


So if you have a number between 138.75 and 161.25, you get the full points for the bonus.

Wrath:  50,000
Avi:  50,000
empire:  50,000
alpha:  25,000
ethan:  25,000
simionski:  25,000
exdee:  25,000
glassfairy:  15,000
greyghost:  50,000
chas:  50,000
alfred: 50,000
tele:  50,000
blank:  25,000
dajk:  25,000
dipper:  25,000
geraldino:  50,000
jajang:  50,000
cedar:  50,000
damien:  25,000
iceroll:  25,000
narnia:  50,000
chewy:  25,000
darkelf:  50,000
cmaster:  25,000
movieman:  -35,000
kayu:  50,000
grim:  50,000
kalo:  50,000
24lost:  50,000
bcf:  25,000
numbers:  15,000
mattrek:  50,000
ED:  -15,000
baumer:  -15,000
cjohn:  -15,000
dar:  -15,000
druv:  -15,000
filmovie:  -15,000
films:  -15,000
jakegittes:  -15,000
jandrew:'  -15,000
k1stpierre:  -15,000
MGS:  -15,000
panda:  -15,000
tree:  -15,000
Edited by baumer
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