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Chasmmi's top 250 films of all time - Because I honestly had this idea at the same time and it's not a Ripoff - :)

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209 - Rocky 4

Image result for Rocky 4


Rocky 4 was the Rocky that made it clear that Sly could just keep making Rocky films forever and we would all be okay with that.


Rocky 5 was then the film that showed us that we were wrong. Regardless, Rocky 4, is a great feelgood film that lives in its own little Cold War bubble. Some of it may seem a little silly now that the Russia stuff is not yet relevant again, but Drago is still the second best Rocky opponent, and Lungdren (or however it spelled), really looked like he could kill Rocky with a punch.


Adding to that, the really cool way they transfer the montage stuff to a Russia setting and throw in a top 100 score of all time, and you have a great Rocky film.  

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208 - Space Jam

Image result for space jam


Time for another Nostalgia entry and we have Space Jam: the film that showed us that Rabbit and Basketball player could get along.


This is another film that is being super fondly remembered by like 12 year old me, and likely does not hold up if I watched it today. But my memory still views this as a cool, super fun film that did the whole Roger Rabbit thing, but updated for the next decade. So it makes the list dagnabbit. 

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207 - Herbie

Image result for herbie goes to monte carlo


I think this is the only situation on this list where I have films blending into an amalgomous blob of a single entity. 


The Herbie films of old were a staple of my childhood viewing like animation and pets getting up to crazy capers. Whether he was a love bug, going bananas or heading off to Monte Carlo, I always had so much fun watching a Herbie film and was really let down by that thing Lohan did a few years back. 


This film was integral to my childhood film watching and so makes the list as another nostalgia entry. 

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13 hours ago, Tele Came Back said:

ROCKY IV might be one of the worst movies of the 1980s. It's certainly among the worst studio ones.


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13 hours ago, Tele Came Back said:

ROCKY IV might be one of the worst movies of the 1980s. It's certainly among the worst studio ones.



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13 hours ago, Tele Came Back said:

ROCKY IV might be one of the worst movies of the 1980s. It's certainly among the worst studio ones.



Image result for no no get out gif

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206th - Dr. Doolittle 

Image result for dr dolittle original


I liked the Murphy remake and all, but it still isnt a patch on the original musical. 


One of the few classic live action musicals that I actually really love, this was a film that I watched so much over the course of my childhood that I am semi-hoping this RDJ remake may be a musical. 


This film was a charming film that included all of the things child me likes: adventure, animals and awesomeness. I have no idea how well known this film is in the wider general audience, but I was always a mega fan of this film. 


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205th - Jack

Image result for jack poster

Oh Robin how I miss you.


Not everything Williams did in the 90s was gold, but I could watch anything that he starred in in that decade. Be it Flubber, Patch Adams, or the better ones, I enjoyed anything he did thanks to his genius comic talents mixed with the fact he was also evolving as a genuinely good dramatic actor. 


Jack in my eyes is the worst of his great films and thus finds itself just outdifr the top 200.



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204th - Orgazmo

Image result for orgazmo


The third best Parker/Stone film to date and still a great great piece of comedy.


When you have filmmakers that just make what is funny and worry about ratings later, you can end up with films like this which are brazen, crazy and yet still actually clever in moments too. There of course moments that get a little too much, but overall this is one of those films that I would happily recommend to anybody who would listen if it wasn't effing called Orgazmo.  




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203rd - The Good, The Bad and the Weird



Image result for good bad and the weird


@The Panda must of got excited there for a second.


This film is a strange beast when you really think about it. It's a Korean reimagining of an Italian style American remake of a Japanese film... or something I don't know. Whatever, it is though, it is flipping brilliant. It's fast paced, crazy and one of the most accessible Korean films you will find as it is just 3 guys chasing after a map for 2 hours.


It also luckily has the best actor in the world in Song Kang Ho on its side, which is always a good thing and ably backed up by Lee Byun Hoon just before Hollywood came calling. I think this is also the film that got Kim Jee woon the job of Directing Arnie's return to cinema in The Last Stand. 


It's a super recommendable film for anyone who enjoys frenetic action and stylish set pieces in a (Korean) Western setting, 



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202nd - The Truman Show

Image result for The Truman Show


Liar Liar was the first film I saw that suggested Carrey was more than just an idiot that talked out of his arse, this was the film that confirmed that. 


Jim played a role that I don't think many people were expecting him to be capable of here, but capable he was in spades. This is a film that ages better by the year as Social Networking, the Internet and Reality TV become a bigger and bigger part of our lives to the point where it honestly wouldn't surprise me to see a real watered down variety of this one day appearing in some crazy country somewhere. 


On top of that, this is just a really good film, with a really good cast and is one of what 4 films that should have given Carrey an Oscar nod by now. 





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201st - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

Image result for mr. vengeance


The first in the Vengeance Trilogy and whilst not my favourite, there is some groundbreaking stuff in this.


The direction is excellent, the acting top notch (that man Song Kang Ho again), and a rare case of a character having a physical disability but it not actually really having any affect on the plot. 


The main character is a deaf man driven to the edge by circumstance. He speaks in sign language and scenes are conversed in such, yet there's no reason for it. The character is just deaf and that really impressed me, to have that without a contrived reason for it to be needed. 


On top of that, this is a tense and greatly made thriller that deserves the wider audiences that its thematic sequels garner. 

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200th - Kindergarten Cop

Image result for kindergarten cop


Arnie has some great films in this filmology, but I feel that his comedy worked gets unfairly shunned at times. 


He has great comic timing in a hammy kind of way and his pure size adds to the physical comedy of a film like this to make it a damn enjoyable romp. Hell even something like Jingle All the Way is good silly fun compared to a lot of the excuses for comedies that get made.


It also helps that he gets the chance to kick arse as and when is needed, and that Schwarzenegger has the sense of humour to do something like this and not fall back on ego. It's a damn fun film and if you haven't seen it, then do. 





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On 2017. 4. 28. at 5:10 AM, The Panda said:

Some (or many) of these choices are way out of the blue.


See, the funny thing going through your list was the opposite. In 250 entries, I couldn't really see any film where I thought, "Where the fuck did he pull that one from?".


Sure there were multiple films I loved and multiple that I hated, but even if I hate Sound of Music for example, I see enough critical or fan acclaim for it to understand how it makes a list. But there seemed a lack of films to make people wonder if you had suffered a nasty bang on the head while making that entry to the list. 

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199th - Dil Se



Bollywood is back and so are stories about terrorists with a heart of gold!


This film has some great song set pieces such as the one above, as well as having Shah Rukh Khan at pretty damn close to the height of his powers. If memory serves, if this didn't break any box office records, I think it at least came close to doing so.


It is the kind of film that would be enjoyed by people that have a single idea as to what a Bollywood film is and thinks that they would enjoy that single view. It's got good songs, lots of melodrama, a smatttering of other kinds of drama and a slightly over the top premise. 



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