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Chasmmi's top 250 films of all time - Because I honestly had this idea at the same time and it's not a Ripoff - :)

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198th -  Freqeuncy

Image result for frequency movie


I am very forgiving with Time travel type films to a point. 


If a film sets up their own time travel rules clearly, no matter how silly they may be, I will accept those rules within the film. Break those rules though and I am not a happy camper.  If your film says that every time somebody time travels, every cat in the world changes colour, then that's okay. It's fine, as long as you do that I am happy. When it stops happening though, I am done.  


Take a film like Hot Tub time Machine 2. It's stupid and idiotic, but they actually paid a decent amount of attention to following the time rules they set out in the film and so I gave it a pass. A certain Japanese anime that came out in the past couple of years however, ended up turning completely stupid at the end due to the time paradox hole they had written themselves into and so the film suffered in my eyes.


Frequency may be the best example of changing history in film I can remember. Not the best film, but the best use of its core premise. There were no gaping plotholes, no brain melting moments, and the twists and turns that take place in the film really work to the maximum that they could have. it's also a damn good film outside of this, considering it is just two guys talking into a radio for 2 hours. 


One of the most underrated films out there. 

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197th - 21 jump Street

Image result for 21 jump street


Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.. Whoop de fucking Doo.


Yeah so I never saw this until about 2 years ago. Jonah Hill has never enamoured me as a comedian (oh what's that, you are dry and sarcastic? I'm British so just get in line), and Channing Tatum... who? Exactly?


Well it turns out that Hill was exactly right for this particular film and comedy style and Tatum is actually really really funny. This is one of the funniest films of the 21st century and its mixture of fish out of water jokes mixed with some more meta humour too, really makes this so much fun to watch. Ice Cube is also great too and just overall this is a film that I have my eye on doing well in Tele's 2012 list that is incoming soon. 


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196th - Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Image result for new nightmare


Looking back, I wonder if this was a dry run for seeing if Scream could work?


New Nightmare took the Elm Street Franchise and created something new and different in a world that had been sequeled into submission. It brought back the original cast and put them in the real world, turning Freddy into some all encompassing evil that needed to be remembered. It returns Freddy to the horror icon of his earlier films and manages to actually make him scary again after years of comedy almost antihero status. 


It's an interesting and ambitious film for a horror franchise film and is at worst, worth a watch. 



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6 hours ago, chasmmi said:

196th - Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Image result for new nightmare


Looking back, I wonder if this was a dry run for seeing if Scream could work?


New Nightmare took the Elm Street Franchise and created something new and different in a world that had been sequeled into submission. It brought back the original cast and put them in the real world, turning Freddy into some all encompassing evil that needed to be remembered. It returns Freddy to the horror icon of his earlier films and manages to actually make him scary again after years of comedy almost antihero status. 


It's an interesting and ambitious film for a horror franchise film and is at worst, worth a watch. 




A film way way ahead of its time. And the only other film in the series that is almost as scary as the first.

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195th - Goosebumps

Image result for goosebumps


This list was threatening to be semi-good wasn't it?


I really liked this film when it came out. It was fun, imaginative and the main cast all play their roles really well. It was the perfect franchise starter for a family horror film in my eyes.


Then I watched it 3 times in a week at work for movie days and it grew on me even more each time. Instead of getting sick of the film, I just found it more pleasant and enjoyable to watch. I really appreciated that and I do hope that the sequel does somehow get made.  



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194th - Johnny English

Image result for johnny english


The best film ever made based on a credit card commercial. 


Oh yeah, in case anyone didn't know, this is Johnny English's debut outing:






Rowan Atkinson is one of Britain's greatest comedic talents. His heyday may have been the 80s and 90s, but there have been sparks of greatness here and there since. The two Johnny English films were both examples of that in my opinion.


A fun parody of the James Bond Spy type, with suitably insane megalomaniacal plans to foil. I would write more but it is 5am and I am just forcing myself to get down to 191st before I go to sleep :)   

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193rd - Mary Poppins

Image result for mary poppins


This one is pretty straight forward isn't it?


If you have seen mary Poppins then you already know if you consider it a cinematic classic or not. And if you haven't seen it, then why he hell have you not seen Mary Poppins? It's seminal cinema and one of those films you are just plain supposed to watch.


So stop what you are doing and go watch it. 

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192nd - Jersey girl

Image result for Jersey Girl


okay, there may be personal nostalgia reasons for remembering this so fondly. It involved a girl, a holiday in Istanbul, and the only foreign film in the cinema.


Regardless though, I still maintain this is a damn good film. Affleck is great, the girl is funny, Smith's dialogue transfers well to a family Rom Com type setting and it's just a nice comedy that deserved more plaudits than it got. 


The Sweeney Todd stuff is hilarious, and just overall this was a surprisingly nice comedy. And I like Nice. nice is good. Not just a city in France you know. 


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191st - Slumdog Millionaire

Image result for slumdog millionaire


Well this was a little gem of a film that I stubbornly ignored even after it won all the Oscars. 


It was only when faced with 5 more hours of plane trip and no films left that I gave it a go, and it's just the sort of dramatic story I get behind. It's tragic, uplifting, and everything in between.

Dev Patel has since shown that he is not a one trick pony, but even if he was, this would have been one hell of a trick. It's a great story that is simultaneously plausible and fantastical all at once, and unlike many films, you are genuinely never quite sure how it is going to all unfold by the end. 


A critical darling actually worth the hype. 


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190th - Good Will Hunting

Image result for good will hunting


Never knew if this was a film about a good guy named Will Hunting or about looking for Good Will..


Either way, it is one of those films that makes you take notice of actors in a light that you never saw them before. And as good as Damon and friends are in this, Williams was the show for me. This was the first time I saw him not doing comedic roles and I was amazed at how good he was. 


This film is a showcase to the talents of everyone involved in it and I'd be surprised if any film fan here hasn't made the effort to see it. 

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189th - Batman Returns

Image result for batman returns


Not the best Batman, but also not the worst Batman film. 


In some ways I can see how one can see this as a total mess ala @baumer, but there is also an argument to be made that there is greatness in the madness. There are also the performances that carry this film. Pfeiffer is great as the best Catwoman we have still had,  Devito is wonderfully Insane as Penguin and Keaton is still Batman.


Some may hate it, but I think it is glorious. 

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Good Will Hunting is an absolutely fantastic film and the acting Talent involved in it is incredible. It's not just Robin Williams Matt Damon gives a tour-de-force performance and it's even fun seeing Ben and Casey in this is well.

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189th (again) - A Few Good Men

Image result for a few good men


Another film with great performances.


This film is famous for one of the best monologues in cinema, where Jack Nicholson gives one of those performances that makes you forget that he's only in the film for about 3 minutes. He owns every second that he is on screen and it is great testament to the rest of the cast that they can still be memorable alongside him. 


This is a genre that just doesn't have the blockbuster effect that it once did, which is a shame as stuff like this is a perfect compliment to explodey explodey bang bang stuff that we get for most of the year now (and that I enjoy :) ) 




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188th - Adaptation

Image result for adaptation movie


One of Cage's best performances alongside one of his best performances. 


This is the story of a man writing the script for the book of the film that... wait, give me a second... Cage's character is tasked with adapting a book into a film in this film based on the book of a film that...


Right, I'm not quite sure how to explain this film, but it is damn good and mad at the same time. 



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187th - Overboard

Image result for overboard


One of the things I am randomly most excited for this coming summer is the return of Goldie Hawn to cinema. 


There was a time when Hawn was quite possibly the biggest female comedic talent on the planet, and then she just sort of disappeared. Overboard was a great 80's comedy that is probably due a modern remake any year now (joking aside, there is a Korean drama that adapted this story and it was great).


Hawn and Russell have great chemistry together and this is a good fun comedy that successfully manages to be funny without mass amounts of crude humour, drug jokes and all the other things that make me sound old for complaining about. 

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186th - Final Destination

Image result for final destination


One of the much better new horror franchises of the 21st century. 


In a time when horror films were 90% topless women being sliced in half, Final Destination was something refreshing and different. It actually dared to be clever and have actual characters and plot progression that made sense and didn't come out of nowhere. 


In addition to this the deaths were also pretty creative a lot of the time and there was a lot of fun to be had both here and with its sequels (honest to God, the way they wrap up the 5th installment was shockingly imaginative and far to clever for the 5th part of a silly horror franchise).







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185th - The Ring (Japanese)

Image result for ringu


The film that began a crazy for transferring Asian horror into Hollywood fayre. 


Ringu was revolutionary when it came out. The story was different, at least to a Western watcher, and the creepiness of the main evil was great.


The film has one of the most iconic 'ghosts' or whatever she counts as of all time, and it is a great horror film in its own right. The only thing it has really going against it is that I think this is one of the few occasions when Hollywood improved upon the original with its remake.   



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