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Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt Reviews: Year 2

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Ultraman- Pretty standard action flick elevated by Bay's direction- B


Paddles: The Video Game Story- well made and educational. Video games aren't quite as interesting as gorillas- B


To the Moon- Opening is brilliant. Unfortunately that's probably the best thing I got to say here.  Structurally I just don't think it works.  So much of the movie is just jumping around from memory to memory and while their are poingent moments within this the film just struggles to keep any momentum. At one point there is a huge reveal that... the film essentially ignores afterwards. Idk guys- C


The Film- Interesting concept. Kinda drags through the middle but ends on a strong note- B-


Taking Names- Pretty funny stuff- B+


Mermaid- i suppose this will appeal to young girls and not offend anyone else too much- C


The Dark Victorian- How does Tim Burton follow up his big wins last year? He makes a... pretty fine film. Depp is fun and clearly the highlight. Fassbender's vampire character doesn't quite seem to work and I can't quite put my finger on it- B-


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9 hours ago, Ethan Hunt said:

To the Moon- Opening is brilliant. Unfortunately that's probably the best thing I got to say here.  Structurally I just don't think it works.  So much of the movie is just jumping around from memory to memory and while their are poingent moments within this the film just struggles to keep any momentum. At one point there is a huge reveal that... the film essentially ignores afterwards. Idk guys- C


Uhm, sorry?

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5 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

you know the dead twin that has nothing to do with anything else in the entire movie

He had to do with everything. He was the reason Johnny had memory issues, why he couldn't remember when he met his wife, who started obsessing over him not knowing, and why his wish turned out to be the very thing that deleted his wife from his memories. It was at the end of the movie and Neil and Eva's goal was simple: make him go to the moon. And they did just that. They would have had to go out of their way to keep his brother alive and create fake memories of him, all while Johnny was on his death bed and growing unstable with each passing second.

Read the memories in reverse order, maybe it'll make more sense then.

Edited by ChD
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War of the Gods- epic scale. Fun. Elba as Set is clearly the highlight- B+


56 Days of Love- consider me knocked on my ass. This movie hurts. Every bone in my body, my soul, my heart aches. The astounding revelation  that love ends hurts just as much from the eyes of Frank as it did from my own- A+


Pokemon: The Journey Begins- At times it can feel like watching a textbook, but Levy is able to keep it mostly fun and breezy.  Some of the battles are cool. I'm sure it's more appealing to fans and children- B-


Anthem- a solid adaption of a good book- B


After Party- tense, horrifying, and disturbing- A


My Side of the Mountain- A survival movie... aimed at families?:wintf:- D-


Race Rage- fun action movie with a fun lead performance by Renner- B+


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Ta2ed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills- I don't particularly remember enjoying the first one that much outside of Wesley Snipes. I still don't find the core teens particularly compelling but this film plays with structure and convention even harder while adding another hilarious character played by Jason Statham. Liked it a fair bit more- B


Crash Bandicoot- Flawless voice casting bolsters this fun (yet not particularly memorable film)- B+


 Flower Eyes and Needle Teeth- Can Ansel Elgort ever play a character with a normal name? :P This is pretty good. Elgort is obviously the centerpiece holding this together and he does superbly- B+


Chaperones- There is some fun to be had here- C+



The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper- This feels super fresh. Big fan of the 50s settings. Big fan of the music. Big fan of the complete over topness of it all. Not a big fan of the third act, wish it had stayed more small scale but still this is v good- A


Blank- This movie is dope. Handles the twists and turns of the story without getting convoluted. Great lead performance by Strong while the rest of the cast brings their A-game as well. Particularly Firth. A great time- A


Penney Press- Heartwarming stuff- B-



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Closed Domain- For about two-thirds of this I was absolutely in love. Jordan and Hill both delivering Oscar worthy performance, Fast-pace, witty, intelligent, moral complexity, I was very much into it. Third act unfortunately pushes things way over the top and it all becomes far less exciting. I still like a lot of the ideas there at the end but I think it becomes far too much of a cartoon in comparison to the rest of the movie- A- 


Little Demons- Beautiful animation, nice enough songs... But like who am I supposed to like in this movie? the whole thing makes me feel generally uncomfortable- D+


Samurai Pizza Cats- I mean yeah I guess this is a movie- C-


Isolation- Well it took like 15 minutes to have the mystery figured out. Which leaves you the rest of the time just kinda waiting for the movie to reveal what you already know. Technically well made and Neeson is good here.- C


The Amityville Nightmare- It's an interesting setup. Unfortunately the film becomes kind of becomes repetitive and uninteresting for most of it's runtime to the point that I couldn't really care about the conclusion. The whole Lester/Roy/Alice dynamic was by far the most engaging part of the film- C-


Midnight in the Afghan Valley- This is real good. Provides a stunning bit of intelligence and moral complexity. All while maintain edge of your seat tension- A


BLOOD AND FUR 2: MAUL-MA MATER- Neither as intelligent or thrilling as it's predecessor but it's still a good time- B-


Lenny Lipton and the Super Scary Sleepover- I for one thought this was pretty fun. Left me with a smile on my face.- B+


And an incredibly late review for...


The Maid- It's  mostly dull slightly elevated by a strong lead performance- C+






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Sitting Ducks- This is good. Feels very much like a Saturday morning carton. I could complain about some of the illogical stupidity of the ending, but nah this is really pleasant- A-


Treasure Planet- I have zero familiarity with the source material but this is pretty dope. Visuals are insane. Lerman was born to play be an action star. This is cool- A


The Island- This is... immensely underwhelming. I love the cast but none of them really have anything interesting to do. Del Toro brings gorgeous production design as always but this as a whole is rather dull- C-


Storm Hunters- Edwards certainly has the command over scale to make this quite the visual experience. Pratt and Jones give solid performances. Not overly enthralled by the ending but it's a cool experience- A-


Deathsgiving- A cluttered mess of a movie- D



The Encounter... Airport 2018-  I... yeah. I guess- D-


My Life to Waste- This is good. A bit uneven at times but I personally found the film to work emotionally (though I do feel like the film peaks in the middle)- A-


The Parvelli Reunion- I'm a big fan of Lanthimos. All of his trademark weirdness is on display here. I don't think it's as funny or insightful as his best work but it's entertaining none the less- A-


Ho! Ho! Ho!- This is a strange and very unentertaining thing- D-


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Just now, Ethan Hunt said:

Treasure Planet- I have zero familiarity with the source material but this is pretty dope. Visuals are insane. Lerman was born to play be an action star. This is cool- A

:ohmygod: Thank you!

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