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And what makes you think that Dilma is worse than Aetius? Because the TV says?


for the fact alone that Dilma and her actions, single-handedly, put the country in technical recession and Aecio government approval was 92% (Dilma goverment approval is 38%). Other than that, I watch the debates, I read various newspapers, I seek proposals of both candidates, I don't watch television and I take with a grain of salt everything I see in the political campaign, of both sides.



Just for you use text from one of the largest manipulative media from Brazil AKA Veja, shows how alienated you are, and not worth time I miss in a discussion that will lead nowhere, open your eyes and stop being alienated by the mainstream media in this country

how Veja and Globo.

classic, accusing my sources of being biased, where's your source debunking all of my facts arguments? that's right, there is none


who is the blind here?


note: where's the apology for accusing me and Fullbuster of things?

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Why would I be ironic?

I think you don't understand


The Northeast is extremely poor, 51% of its 50m habitants receive the most famous assistencialist program, Bolsa Familia.

The rest of the country pays for their loved "Bolsa Familia" and the like through taxes, how could you not care for the rest of the country?  that's what I would call a parasite.

with that said, I'm not saying the assistencialist programs should been banned

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for the fact alone that Dilma and her actions, single-handedly, put the country in technical recession and Aecio government approval was 92% (Dilma goverment approval is 38%). Other than that, I watch the debates, I read various newspapers, I seek proposals of both candidates, I don't watch television and I take with a grain of salt everything I see in the political campaign, of both sides.


classic, accusing my sources of being biased, where's your source debunking all of my facts arguments? that's right, there is none


who is the blind here?


note: where's the apology for accusing me and Fullbuster of things?

If approval of Aecio was so good with 92% in the state he ruled, how can you explain his defeat to Dilma in the state that is supposedly so "beloved"? Marina won only because of Eduardo Campos here and Eduardo Campos was approved by only 64% at the end of his tenure here and had 38% of the votes in last search here in PE for president, but 92% to 64% is a big difference, do not you think? Explain that.

Edited by MazeRunner23
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Just for fun


First Round: Dilma won in MG (Aecio state) by 4 percent

Second Round: elections polls indicate Aecio with 57% and Dilma with 43% in the same state  B)


Edited by Goffe R Swanson
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If approval of Aecio was so good with 92% in the state he ruled, how can you explain his defeat to Dilma in the state that is supposedly so "beloved"?

it was already explained

I prefered Marina Silva but....
Aécio doesn't look better than Dilma.
If the government of Aécio was so good in Minas Gerais, why Dilma won there? It's illogical .
for the same reason Dilma won in the northeast by a landslide, assistencialist programs.

Mais beneficiados pelo Bolsa Familia                                                                                              Em primeiro lugar está a Bahia, com 6 milhões, seguido porSão Paulo, com 4,4 milhões eMinas Gerais, com 4,2 milhões. Em quinto está oPernambuco, com 3,6 milhões eMaranhão, com 3,3 milhões, em sexto.
Besides, Dilma won by a very small margin in MG (Dilma 43,48% x Aécio 39,75%)



plus, see the poll elections that I posted above

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it was already explained

for the same reason Dilma won in the northeast by a landslide, assistencialist programs.



plus, see the poll elections that I posted above


Marina won only because of Eduardo Campos here and Eduardo Campos was approved by only 64% at the end of his tenure here and had 38% of the votes in his last search here in PE for president, but 92% to 64% is a big difference, do not you think? Explain that.



Just for fun


First Round: Dilma won in MG (Aecio state) by 4 percent

Second Round: elections polls indicate Aecio with 57% and Dilma with 43% in the same state  B)


The power of manipulating. I'm sure many people of Minas Gerais will vote for him just because of this search. Or not if they remember why didn't vote in first round.

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for the same reason Dilma won in the northeast by a landslide, assistencialist programs.

"Bolsa familia" and assistencialist programs you say wasn't created by Dilma's party? Why Marina won here and in Acre? And if you say Minas voted for benefit assistencialist programs, why Marina didn't won there with her programs which you say?

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Mais beneficiados pelo Bolsa Familia                                                                                              Em primeiro lugar está a Bahia, com 6 milhões, seguido porSão Paulo, com 4,4 milhões eMinas Gerais, com 4,2 milhões. Em quinto está oPernambuco, com 3,6 milhões eMaranhão, com 3,3 milhões, em sexto.


Besides, Dilma won by a very small margin in MG (Dilma 43,48% x Aécio 39,75%)

So why Dilma only had 4.2M votes in Bahia? 

Why Dilma had only 2.1 votes in PE?

Why Dilma only had 2.1M votes in Maranhão?

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"Bolsa familia" and assistencialist programs you say wasn't created by Dilma's party? 

because people, people like you, actually believe that Bolsa Familia was created by Lula, and that evil Aecio will ban all assistencialist programs of the face of the earth




Why Marina won here and in Acre? And if you say Minas voted for benefit assistencialist programs, why Marina didn't won there with her programs which you say?

can you make this question in portuguese, I honestly didn't understnad what you said

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because people, people like you, actually believe that Bolsa Familia was created by Lula, and that evil Aecio will ban all assistencialist programs of the face of the earth


can you make this question in portuguese, I honestly didn't understnad what you said

Aécio won't ban all assistencialist programs, I know that, he isn't crazy.


Por que Marina ganhou aqui e no acre? Se você diz que minas votou pensando nos programas assistencialistas, por que marina não ganhou lá com os programas assistencialistas que você diz que marina tem? 

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Por que Marina ganhou aqui e no acre? Se você diz que minas votou pensando nos programas assistencialistas, por que marina não ganhou lá com os programas assistencialistas que você diz que marina tem? 

Primeiro, eu nunca disse que a Marina tinha programa assistencialista.

Segundo, Marina ganhou no Pernabuco por comoção,  Eduardo Campos era amado pela população e a Marina, quando assumiu o lugar dele, era vista como uma perssoa simples, uma pessoa batalhadora etc.

Terceiro, Marina ganhou no acre por ela ter vindo de la. Simples assim. 


back to english.

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Primeiro, eu nunca disse que a Marina tinha programa assistencialista.

Segundo, Marina ganhou no Pernabuco por comoção,  Eduardo Campos era amado pela população e a Marina, quando assumiu o lugar dele, era vista como uma perssoa simples, uma pessoa batalhadora etc.

Terceiro, Marina ganhou no acre por ela ter vindo de la. Simples assim. 



This already is boring. Very repetitive. This discussion does not lead anywhere.

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