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Brazil Box Office Thread

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1 Furious 7 15.992.000

2 Cindy 3.878.100

3. Home 3.576.800

4. Chappie 1.857.000

5. Insurgent 1.357.200

6. Não olhe para trás 777.500

7. Focus 261.400

8 Risco imediato 225.600

9 O sal da Terra 153.500

Filme B

F7's ADM: 7m+ :o


7m admissions??? Seriously?? :o Holy crap! :o

Do you know what is the all-time top in Brazilian Reais? That would be fantastic and very useful :D

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7m admissions??? Seriously?? :o Holy crap! :o

Do you know what is the all-time top in Brazilian Reais? That would be fantastic and very useful :D

I only have the list of ADMs, sorry.

Edit: I found that Tropa de Elite 2 has R$102,6M while Avatar has R$102,3M and Avengers 1 R$ 104,3M.

Edited by Mockingjay Raphael
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I only have the list of ADMs, sorry.


Maybe Henry have them? Please Henry we need you :(

With a list in Reais we could be able to compare TA2 with TA1 in an appropriate manner, not just in USD (tricky given how weak the Brazilian currency is).

Edited by Fullbuster
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Edit: I found that Tropa de Elite 2 has R$102,6M while Avatar has R$102,3M and Avengers 1 R$ 104,3M.


Wonderful :D Thanks :D


I expected to be a bit disappointed first but if The Avengers 2 can break the OD record while beating TA1 in admissions and local currency I will be very satisfied :)

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Admissions: 10.9m+

Real: 131m

Dollar: 64m


I forgot how huge it was in admissions already, the number in Brazilian Reais (R$) is really huge.

THat also means the OW in R$ was around R$22m.With today's exchange rates R$22m would just mean $7.3m instead of $10.8m.

=> TA2 needs R$33m to be equal to TA1 in $ :o


TA2 should destroy TA1 in R$, that could be impressive to see.

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Maybe Henry have them? Please Henry we need you :(

With a list in Reais we could be able to compare TA2 with TA1 in an appropriate manner, not just in USD (tricky given how weak the Brazilian currency is).

No. Sorry. I don't have that. But I will look for it later. I am working now ;)

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No. Sorry. I don't have that. But I will look for it later. I am working now ;)


It's fine, we have all the time in the world :P

I'd really love Brazil to have as much sources and numbers than in South Korea or China, let's hope it will happen someday, in a country with a population going beyond 200m it's probably not too much to ask.

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It's fine, we have all the time in the world :P

I'd really love Brazil to have as much sources and numbers than in South Korea or China, let's hope it will happen someday, in a country with a population going beyond 200m it's probably not too much to ask.

You can find a lot about Brazilian Box Office on Wikipedia


Or ancine: http://oca.ancine.gov.br/notas_informes.php

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Iron Man 3 : 1.837.064

The Amazing Spiderman 2 : 1,664,000

The Avengers : 1.638.294

.X-Men Days of Future Past : 1,270,000

Thor The Dark World : 1.217.390

The Dark Knight Rises : 1.143.857

.Captain America The Winter Soldier : 1,106,000

The Amazing Spiderman 2 : 985.963

The Wolverine : 973,000

Guardians of the Galaxy : 850,079

Big Hero 6 : 494.226

Man of Steel : 677,000


Numbers without previews.


You'll find them on Page 1 ;) The Avengers 2 should easily be on top of this list, becoming the first comicbook movie to get more than 2m admissions OW.

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