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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. Marvel has NO excuse to not do a Black Panther Film. If they are worried give it like a 100 million budget.
  2. If OD is 43 ,100 million is locked. If it is 39 it will be close I think.
  3. lol I don't think this has a chance at 300. I think it will make around 260 like TWS.
  4. Lol god jandrew just because their both old doesn't mean they're the same person.
  5. I don't think Meryl Streep is in this movie either. Perhaps you mean Glenn Close?
  6. he is the one who says shit like nobody would like it if it wasn't Marvel. lol. He wants people to lay on him.
  7. Ok then, well you're wrong. Marvel makes a lot of good movies. This is a good movie. Thor: The dark world, for example, got lackluster response because it was a lackluster movie.
  8. LOL this movie has gotten great audience reaction and reviews across the board. Are you saying that's only because it's Marvel? Your opinion is the minority.
  9. I remember when I was younger I watched Chris Pratt on the tv show Everwood. He was like the annoying older brother of one of the female characters. Look at him now!
  10. Snoopy is trolling. He hates this movie. Have you read any of his other posts.
  11. I don't understand how you can continuously trash a move you haven't even seen when it has a 9.0 rating on imdb and a 92 rating on RT lol. If you don't want to see it so much stop talking about it.
  12. Ok I'll be nice and explain. A line in the trailer is "What a bunch of a-holes" So DeeCee was just making a joke encouraging people to see GOTG but you took it as directed at you for no reason at all. lol.
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