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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. Cinderella is definitely a lock imo. No way that grosses under 100 million. Definitely more of a lock then San Andreas
  2. This is a freaking disgrace. All the movie theatre chains that boycotted the movie should be ashamed and Sony should as well for caving into these bluff terrorist threats. I have no interest in this movie (or any Seth Argentina comedy) but America just let North Kora win. They did exactly what the fucking terrorist's wanted.
  3. yeah Sleeping beauty probably ranks 4th after the 3 fairies, Prince Phillip and Maleficent. She's the one who doesn't actually have that many lines lol. But yeah in Maleficent the prince character was completely useless. There was no point to him.
  4. no he had a lot of lines. He was a main role I think. He had that song Önce upon a dream" with Sleeping Beauty and saved her from the dragon.
  5. I loved THG franchise and although i liked Mockingjay, I prefer Guardians of the Galaxy though., but I don't really care which is #1 i just find it funny, I was one of te people who made fun of people predicting 250 million for GOTG. And I kept on saying since like early 2013 that MJ had it in the bad and would win by like over 50 million and that might not happen....
  6. I've heard a lot of people in real life say "nothing happened. "
  7. We'll get a good grasp on the WOM and legs after Thanksgiving weekend
  8. yeah that's probably true. My friends and I are probably the exception (we saw Frozen OW and we we were 20 )
  9. Frozen has a more similar demographic to CF than Horrible Bosses and Penguins (kinda)
  10. I actually agree. Maybe not a what went wrong, but just a discussion of why it disappointed domestically.
  11. Still no MJ numbers? Is lions gate coming up with some way to play with the numbers?
  12. Uggh I have to leave to go somewhere in 5 minutes but I just want to see the actual for Mockingjay first
  13. LOL the thing about Avatar: The last Air-bender is despite how shitty the movie looked from trailers and the god awful reviews it received it still somehow opened to 40 million and had over a 3.2 multiplier.
  14. At the end of the film the words would appear: "Wait next December for Titanic: Part 2- The Sinking" where ALL the action happens
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