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moeSlow last won the day on March 30 2012

moeSlow had the most liked content!

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Sleeper Hit

Sleeper Hit (5/10)



  1. why. people die over oil. diamonds. sugar cane. you gonna stop consuming?
  2. not other people. the mofo's wearing gas masks and shooting at you.
  3. 500 people and not a single one was carrying? batfans really take the "no guns" thing serious. 2nd amendment... where was it?
  4. you can bet cable tv news will jack off to this for hours. and then cuddle and spoon with it for days. but i hope they aren't "intimidated by thugs like [them]" sweet old man, tdk.
  5. "you got more chance of winning the power-ball than running into him" drug-dealer, TDK.
  6. keep your masturbatory updates somewhere else. this isn't the forum.
  7. a different catalyst maybe. but the crazy remains the same. whether it was a senator getting shot by the madman inspired by the tea party and cable television sluts or this guy shooting up a theater. something just clicks.
  8. why is it shocking to people that there are abnormal people in the world. someone shot a US Senator at a town hall. in the damn head. in broad daylight. crazy is crazy.
  9. I am happy American pie is doing bad. Giving 50 million to that crap while thousands of original works are on the shelf? screw that.
  10. same experience for on both my viewings... 5 mins before... the place gets packed... i think it had to do with family aspect... alot of them buy food togather rather than one person.. so they all wait in line and then it slowly fills up.
  11. why question its greatness... it has shocked everyone on this board.. that is impressive.
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