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Posts posted by Juby

  1. Because after the huge success, somewhere in March-April 1998, haters started their crusade against Titanic. Some years later they switch to Avatar and 2012 re-release remind everyone how beautiful the movie is. Titanic is a grand masterpiece, one of the best movies of all time. :worthy:


    10 hours ago, TalismanRing said:

    FYC: I could give hundreds but here's a half dozen (for now)


    Great movie, should be in every Top100! :bravo:

  2. For Your Consideration . . . My 7 favorites movies:


    The ultimate action movie & the best sequel of all time...



    ... and it's grand predecessor.



    The best comic book / superhero / Christopher Nolan movie (that's right!!)



    Just... Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!



    The best western I've ever seen / Probably the best movie soundtrack of all time



    The movie on which I weeped the most tears. . .



    Incredible touching masterpiece with the best movie villain of all time. . .




    • Like 5
  3. 20 hours ago, IronJimbo said:


    sorted by: WORLDWIDE, HIGH TO LOW


    4.) Episode IX $730M/$1450M


    No way. After The Last Jedi very mixed reception and without anyone from original trio (Luke, Leia, Han) "Episode IX" won't match even its predecessor's numbers. My prediction for now: $560 mln DOM + $700 mln OS, maybe. This would be first "the third movie in trilogy" which won't increase from the previous episode.

  4. 11 hours ago, Joel M said:

    It depends on what sources you choose to trust. Mojo has seperate numbers for the re-releases, 20,3 m. for the 1985 re-issue and 33,3 m. for the 20th anniversary. I don't see how a random article from the 80s or the 90s is more solid than boxofficemojo.

    But Mojo is not that solid and has contradictory information.


    Look here:



    Since the very beginning of its existence, Mojo gave E.T. $704,8 mln worldwide ($305,000,000 overseas estimated) - which isn't necessary the truth, because T2 was the first movie that crossed $300 mln OS (that's a fact!) and E.T. has no major releases between 1991 and 1998. The same numbers are on Guru site (probably based on Mojo or Variety from 1998), so let's assume Universal didn't overestimated the film, and this is true.



    However, after 2002 re-release the film add another $33,3 mln OS. So, it's final overseas gross should be ~$338,3 mln or something like that. Here Mojo has it estimated at $337 mln:



    And then, for some reason, they add another $$$ to E.T. overseas gross in 2004!! From where this money came from?! No one knows. It looks like they add another $20,3 mln (or even $20,8 mln) form 1985 again with splinting E.T. releases. The $357,8 mln OS is bullshit.


    Also, take a look on this:



    E.T. was at $639 mln worldwide in 1993, so its overseas gross was "only" around $239 mln that day and has no major releases in years 1993-1998. Interesting, isnt? ;) 


    The same story is with domestic gross of Jaws, but it's another story for another times. Universal wasn't very honest about numbers of their movies.

    • Like 2
  5. On 1/13/2018 at 3:24 PM, Joel M said:

    It was #2 behind E.T. which made 304m in 82' and another 20m in '85. 


    And it is notable how suddenly the OS grosses expanded in '89-'90. For every one of the mega hits of the 70s-80s (besides E.T.)  a little over-under 200m OS was the ceiling. And in the span of 89-90 we got this:

    Indian Jones 3         277m OS

    Back to Future 2      213m

    Pretty Woman          285m

    Ghost                      288m

    Dances with Wolves  240m


    I don't think it was just inflation, it looks like OS markets had another expansion back then, maybe a little smaller than the early 00s expansion or the China explosion a few years ago.


    That's actually not necessary true. Depending on source, E.T. overseas run was $305 mln (according to the Variety in 90s) or $280 mln (according to NYT in 80s). Ghost's overseas run was for years $300 mln (or a few dollars less according to the-numbers.com), Mojo updated it to $288 mln in late 90s or at the beginning of the XXI century. So, a lot of sources in early 90s could have gave us info that Ghost was bigger than E.T. and maybe that was true, cause films in that era were present in cinemas abroad for years! I would say, E.T. overseas numbers are not very solid, after 2002-re-release they definitely add too many $$ to its OS tank.


    The more impressive than Ghost is Terminator 2. It was a highly demanded sequel of a mare hit (but huge on VHS) which - according to the sources from early 90s - was the very first movie ever to cross $300 mln overseas, and with $312-315 mln (again, depending on a source) it was the biggest movie of all time! It's done it with R-rating in many countries, without 3D, without IMAXes, without China. I'm not sure if there is any R-rated film that huge overseas.

    + Domestic run of T2 was also great. It was 13th movie ever to cross $200 milion, it had very good legs after the second opening ever only behind the Batman! Combined nearly $520 mln was the second biggest movie of all time worldwide, only behind the E.T.!! And it could be even bigger, but VHS were release quickly, somewhere in Nov 1991. In Poland we have thousands of pirate-VHS of T2 before the cinema release, that's why T2 disappointed with an over 6 times smaller admission than T1 in 1985. :P


    I wonder how big T2 could have been today? Dom adjusted is $447,7 mln which gave us almost $690 mln OS in today's ATP + 3D + IMAXs + China (China loves Terminators) = easily over $1,2 mld worldwide (for a R-rated movie!).



    But the no. #1 in history is off course Titanic. His original run is the most impressive by far, with a huge margin over the rest.

    • Like 3
  6. I don't believe in "lists", because depended on a weather, my mood, or which film I saw more recently, I would write my list differently every day. BUT, it's only for fun, right?. ;) My briefly made Top100 favorites films (send also in pw):



    My seven favorites films (T2 is probably the most watched and beloved movie of my life :) ), all "10/10" or "A+" depended on scale


    1) T2: Judgment Day (1991)

    2) Batman Begins (2005)

    3) Rocky (1976)

    4) The Terminator (1984)

    5) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

    6) Braveheart (1995)

    7) Leon: The Professional (1994)


    The rest of mine "10/10"


    8) Titanic (1997)

    9) Jaws (1975)

    10) Casino Royale (2006)

    11) RoboCop (1987)

    12) Se7en (1995)

    13) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

    14) Toy Story 3 (2010)

    15) Million Dollar Baby (2004)

    16) Psy / Pigs (1992, it's a polish film directed by Wladyslaw Pasikowski)

    17) Pulp Fiction (1994)

    18) Man on Fire (2004)

    19) Gladiator (2000)

    20) Aliens (1986)


    21) The Last Samurai (2003)

    22) Forrest Gump (1994)

    23) Ghost (1990)

    24) Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)

    25) The Dark Knight (2008)

    26) The Matrix (1999)

    27) The Silent of the Lambs (1991)

    28) The Godfather (1972)

    29) Saving Private Ryan (1998)

    30) Unforgiven (1992)

    31) Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

    32) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)




    33) Good Will Hunting (1997)

    34) WALL-E (2008)

    35) Predator (1987)

    36) Toy Story 2 (1999)

    37) Toy Story (1995)

    38) The Course of the Black Pearl (2003)

    39) Heat (1995)

    40) The Abyss (1989)

    41) Batman (1989)

    42) Jurassic Park (1993)

    43) The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    44) Alien (1979)

    45) The Lion King (1994)

    46) One Flew over the Cockoo's Nest (1975)

    47) A Few Good Men (1992)

    48) V for Vendetta (2005)

    49) The Prestige (2006)

    50) The Bourne Supremacy (2004)


    51) The Bourne Identity (2002)

    52) The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

    53 No Country for Old Men (2007)

    54) Philadelphia (1993)

    55) Avatar (2009)

    56) Up (2009)

    57) Dead Man's Chest (2006)

    58) Revenge of the Sith (2005)

    59) The Return of the Jedi (1983)

    60) Star Wars (1977)

    61) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

    62) Potop / The Deluge (polish film, 1974, Jerzy Hoffman)

    63) The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

    64) The Bodyguard (1992)

    65) The Mask (1994)

    66) Speed (1994)

    67) Goodfellas (1990)

    68) The Incredibles (2004)

    69) The Usual Suspects (1995)

    70) Casino (1995)

    71) Pretty Woman (1990)

    72) Fight Club (1999)

    73) Mystic River (2003)

    74) First Blood (1982)

    75) Rambo II (1985)


    76) For a Few Dollars More (1965)

    77) JFK (1991)

    78) The Deer Hunter (1978)

    79) Platoon (1986)

    80) Man of Steel (2013)

    81) Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

    82) Superman (1978)

    83) 12 Angry Men (1957)

    84) Shrek (2001)

    85) Monsters, Inc. (2001)

    86) Shutter Island (2010)

    87) Armageddon (1998) - yes! A Michael Bay film on my list, It's stupid but I <3 it anyway

    88) Znachor / The Quack (1981, polish film by Jerzy Hoffman)

    89) Psycho (1960)

    90) The Godfather: Part 2 (1974)

    91) Schindler's List (1993)

    92) Love Actually (2003)

    93) The Negotiator (1998)

    94) Reservoir Dogs (1992)

    95) Django (2012)

    96) Gran Torino (2008)

    97) Rocky II, III, IV and VI


    I didn't think too much about positions 33-100.

    • Like 5
  7. I am a huge Terminator (and James Cameron) fan. I saw T1 and T2 dozens times and they are one of my favorites movies of all time. But still, I'm not sure about this project. T3 is fine - not good Terminator 2 sequel, but it's good blockbuster, good/fast action film and decent entertainment. TS was... average/bad, and it was the first "PG-13" Terminator which started its own trilogy (#LOL #fail). Genisys was even worse, also PG-13 (for the film about killing machines!) and also first and the only from planned trilogy. This new film is the third attempt for the new trilogy and again erasing everything after T2. This sounds just like Genisys 3 years ago. I hope Cameron/Miller will show me something new, and this won't be another kick-in-balls to this franchise. I really do. :(

    • Like 1
  8. Japan premier is also April 27th. Is this opens everywhere the same weekend? What is the Chinese release date? What about Peru, Russia, Romania and Lithuania? IMDb still states them as 3rd/4th May.


    EDIT: Romania is April 27th now, but China release date is not April 27th. It's May 4th :( Is the overseas/worldwide OW record still possible without China & Russia?

  9. On 3/19/2017 at 5:27 AM, excel1 said:

    Batman's opening weekend is the closest thing to maximum capacity we have ever seen. It increased 30% over the previous weekend, which was only 1 week old! That would be like TFA opened to $275m.


    Batman was an enormous media monster. There are tons of old highlights from spring and summer 1989 with MTV, Entertainment Tonight, etc. In terms of free media buzz, this could be top dog. THE DARK KNIGHT received similar attention, but only because of Ledgers's death.

    LOL, what a bulls**t. The Dark Knight was already a monster before the Heath Ledger's death - it was only an additional +boost to TDK's huge hype. I thought this ridiculous statement is no longer "popular" among movie fans, but I see even 10 years later it's still valid.



    On 2/24/2017 at 9:55 PM, John Marston said:

    here's the only trailer that released for the movie and the one people paid for other movies just so they can see this trailer. 



    it's a pretty bad trailer honestly. Just a bunch of randomly edited clips


    It's not the only trailer, it's the "main trailer", the final version. First teaser trailer has different beginning and ending:


    And agree, it's not a good trailer, but the visuals were outstanding, they build the hype (great Gotham, great Batman suit, great Joker).



    I love this film, Batman is one of my childhood favorites movies (still 9/10 <3), it was one of the record-breaking box office phenomenon and a big step in box office history. Here are few rare B.O. vintage Variety fragments about Batman:






    • Like 1
  10. It's too early to predict 2019, but I can imagine that "Star Wars: Episode IX" goes less than $620 mln DOM, and Toy Story 4 won't be released in 2019 at all. "Avengers 4" is underpredicted (we should wait how huge IW is going to be), IT: Chapter 2 is overpredicted and "The Lion King CGI-remake" might be bigger than B&tB in 2017! Wonder Woman II won't go any bigger than the first part (will be more frontloader with bigger OW). "Frozen 2" could be huge too.

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