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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. I really think some Americans haven't got the slightest idea how the world works.


    Liam Neeson is now a national hero in Bulgaria, most probably in all of Europe. His current movie will enjoy enormous interest. I believe that will be the case with most Americans too.


    He sabotaged nothing. He will have the last laugh. The shills and tools are only good for one thing - to be used by smarter people.

  2. This definitely looks like the best Laika so far.


    I've never really liked any of their movies. They looked dumb even from the trailers. Kubo, for a change, looked like the big deal - and was again a disappointment. All their movies flopped. I have no idea how they keep at it. I heard their founder had a big fortune to begin with - with which he finances their misguided endeavors?


    THIS movie though looks real good. I really hope it's not a disappointment again. Want to see it twice and hope it won't bomb again.

    • Like 2
  3. Fuck, I thought there was being a Superbowl trailer released... :( you killed me, Tree...


    The banner is no good news too. Will still not blue (I can live with that), Jafar looking like a joke (as do most of them), etc....


    Still this, Alita & Star Wars remain the Shay's TOP 3 for the year! And what a glorious year it will be! (after the abysmal 2018, or anything after 2015 😕 )

  4. 8 hours ago, tupek said:

    Too predictable, boring? Whats wrong with it?


    I remember many strong and beautiful moments from the second one (including the music), which I've seen FOUR times. It was a big step up from the kiddie film that is the first.


    The third was overhyped so my hopes were too high, it seems. I was even going to take my girlfriend to see it (she doesn't like animation). But it is much blander than the second. Very few strong moments, and the humour was forced or seen best in the trailers. Hope I like it more the second time - but that's the best I'm giving it, 2 views.

  5. Ugh... My IQ dropped 20 points just by watching half of this trailer (then I closed Youtube).


    Good thing I had more than enough IQ to begin with -- but really, this... thing is just the ultimate bottom of the barrel "entertainment". What do you do when even Bond is too high class for some castes of society? You give them a specially tailored Fast&Furious spin-off... :)


    PS: Poor Idris, he dreamt of being the hero in Bond - and now he'll have to do with being the villain in... this. 😕 I'll be rooting for him.


    Until the sequel, when HE becomes the hero. LOL!! Exactly what happened with the two other schmucks in this previously.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, JB33 said:

    God, I can't wait to see this. Your story about someone in your theatre going "WHAT?!" is priceless!


    WHY? I was going to see this - and when I found out here how broken it was, I most certainly didn't want to see it anymore.


    What's with the self-destructive behaviour of most people? Curiosity killed the cat?

    • Haha 1
  7. Nolan is dead to me.


    OK, half-dead - because Dunkirk wasn't a complete howler.


    So the Shay doesn't care about any movie Nolan might or might not make - until he proves he can make good movies again.


    So I am only interested in the Nolan movie AFTER this one - and only in case this one is not a failure.


  8. On 1/17/2019 at 6:41 AM, shayhiri said:

    SHAY TOP 10 WW 2019!!


    1 Alita: Battle Angel
    2 Aladdin
    3 Star Wars 9
    4 The Lion King
    5 Avengers 4
    6 Frozen 2
    7 Spider-Man 2
    8 Joker
    9 How to Train Your Dragon 3
    10 Shazam!



    It has recently come to the Shay's attention that James himself is behind T6!! A Cameron touch makes all the difference. I REALLY hated T3 and T5 (T4 was very good, but that is another thing) - so when I heard of T6 I just rolled my eyes really hard. But now that I know it's Cameron - I have to urgently include T6 in the

    Shay's Top 10 WW 2019:


    1 Alita: Battle Angel 1
    2 Aladdin
    3 Star Wars 9
    4 The Lion King

    5 Terminator 6
    6 Avengers 4
    7 Frozen 2
    8 Joker
    9 How to Train Your Dragon 3
    10 Shazam!


    + three runner-ups:


    + Spider-Man 2
    ++ Men in Black 4

    +++ Hellboy 3



    • Haha 2
  9. Not really. I'm looking forward to these two MORE than the Avatars, which are still too far away.


    A Cameron touch makes all the difference. I REALLY hated T3 and T5 (T4 was very good, but that is another thing) - so when I heard of T6 I just rolled my eyes really hard. But now that I know it's Cameron -- I now have to urgently include T6 in the Shay's Top 10 WW 2019!

  10. Yeah, it looks good.


    HOWEVER, they made the worst mistake ever: they blocked the reviews until opening day. This not only means the movie's got TERRIBLE reviews, but also is a grave sin by itself.


    Even if this movie's got 98% RT, the Shay is never going to see it now. A matter of principle. 😡

  11. 18 minutes ago, Cappoedameron said:

    Oh man you're right. That was a lot of 7 year olds playing Pokemon Go way past their bed time and driving cars and on college campuses and all those kiddie locations.


    Yeah man, thanks for making my point. These dudes are seriously fucked up. The proverbial man-children.


    But that's what happens when a simple mind gets indoctrinated at a very vulnerable age. The scars are for life, sometimes. And the mega-corporations are the first in line to cash in on the victims' misfortune (with a movie, in this case).

    • Haha 2
  12. On 1/5/2019 at 4:16 AM, TombRaider said:

    gal is interesting and exotic while brie is just your average bland american girl, no comparison, she has 0 charisma or appeal. i dont know how the hell she was cast instead of someone like blake lively


    nevermind scarlett probably has in her contract that marvel will never cast blake


    Sorry, Blake and Amber (Heard) are the same blond blandness in my eyes...


    HOWEVER - do you know who would have been great in CM instead of Brie? That's right, our gal Alicia Vikander. (Who was last tragically wasted in a stillborn would be product (Tomb Raider). There's no justice...) This way I might have even been interested in this stupid CM movie...

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