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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 16 hours ago, ElsaRoc said:

    Uh, that's not what "strong female character" means.


    I just saw the movie and Alita is indeed 100% what I see as strong human being that I admire. She is very much like the main characters in my own novels (because she is created by writers who know the rules of good stories).


    So I'm gonna have to ask you to back your claim.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Royce said:

    What if it happens organically? There was no indication in the first movie that she was straight

    She was locked up in her room with no time to even meet people


    Idk why people are threatened by the idea

    We already have a straight couple (who even kiss, not just a peck but an actual smooch) yet if Elsa is gay then suddenly it's "sexual and not appropriate for kids" ??

    Just say you're homophobic and go...


    Lol, no one cares. The colour of skin or sexual preference of anyone shouldn't matter one bit.


    Filmmakers themselves should decide what is good about their stories and characters*. Anyone trying to persuade them one way or the other is the real culprit here.


    * And then the public judges how good the story is.

    • Like 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, rihrey said:

    i've seen this "being gay only if it makes sense" argument quite a lot lately. but i've never seen it regarding straight characters and their sexuality. straight characters are straight and that's it, there's no explanation as to why they are straight. so, why would it need to be particularly related to something or completely relevant to the story, and "make sense"? why can't a character just be gay? and we've had enough straight characters literally everywhere, i'm tired lol, i just want gays.


    Then read gay fiction, there's more than enough.


    Gay people are 10% on average, that's the max % that should be in stories.


    Much more important is - most of them are not OPEN gays, even nowadays. And in most historical settings they just wouldn't be alive, if they didn't hide. So an open gay Elsa in a historical medieval setting wouldn't work.


    A sci-fi story - you can have a whole planet of gays. :) It can even be a high concept: how and why they got this way and how do they procreate. But it doesn't sound very appealing even with a high concept, right? ;)


    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Harley said:

    I didn’t say anything about anyone being a lesbian. I was referring to strong female character but thank you for proving my point.  


    There's absolutely nothing whatsoever wrong with "strong female characters". See Alita, a perfect example. No one would have anything against it. On the contrary - they will be better liked by the viewers as a whole.


    But they have to be likable. Strong means nothing, if you're also a b!tch - just like with male characters. (Lesbian is also nothing wrong - but only if it makes sense in the context of the story.)


    Good thing is, so far such characters like Elsa and WW have been pretty likable. I've got bad news for anyone who tries to go the other way.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Harley said:

    Between this film and Captain Marvel it’s going to be a trying year on social media.


    Why, is CM gonna be a lesbian too? Boy, that would be SO appropriate...


    Elsa - no chance.


    PS: Just saw HTTYD3 a second time: Gobber has at least FOUR gay innuendo scenes with younger Eret! (It was only very vaguely suggested in HTTYD2 and most people thought it was a joke theory - well, not anymore!) So if someone likes this stuff in an animated movie - look no further.


    • Like 1
  6. 28 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

    Much better teaser than Toy Story 4

    I would actually pay TEN tickets price worth to the producers of TS4 - to NOT produce it, and NOT release the movie. I am THAT uninterested it this reheated overexposed ancient garbage. If more people were rich and generous like me, we could save the world from TS4.


    Pixar have been a joke for more than a decade now - with rare exceptions like Brave & Coco.

  7. Rapunzel is an old favourite. :) Her and Anna are exactly my type.


    And my very real girlfriend also looks like this (I can post pictures), so the "hentai" comments could be spared. ;)


    PS: Funny thing is - nobody seems to mind the repulsive incest and gay innuendo perversely pervading this thread. But when a handsome white man likes the female characters - ooh, how dare he!! :) Grow up, children.

    • Knock It Off 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Avatree said:

    what was the last major film that had its box office aided by people hating it?




    I'll do much better, I'll tell you which is the next one.


    Captain Marvel. Just posted recently a detailed analysis in CM thread - but it got mod-deleted swiftly - so not gonna post it here again, just in case. You'll have to do your own analysis on this, Tree.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, EarlyDeadlinePredictions said:

    Aside from Memorial Day release, this movie is similar to Solo in that they have to replace an iconic character/performance. Reaction to the first Solo trailers were pretty meh but reaction to this is pretty negative (at-least stateside). 


    Any ideas on how the trailer/genie reveal is playing overseas?


    Any good merchant (like me :) ) will tell you that there is nothing worse than MEH. Violent negativity (by misinformed brutes, who can't make a sound decision to save their life) is so much better!! As will the BO of Aladdin show.



    1. the general public stays away from such nerd meltdowns

    2. most of these will come back crying and seeking excuses when a proper trailer drops

    3. and the rest are flat out racist haters (so we hate blue skin now?), who were never gonna see the movie anyway, just crawled out of the woodwork to vent their ugly hate

  10. Wake up, people!!


    This movie is this year's A Star Is Born - only much more fun - so maybe this year's Bohemian Rhapsody (only that Danny Boyle is maybe the best director ever).


    In an excellent movie year even so far - this easily makes Shay's Top 5. Absolutely stoked, my girlfriend will enjoy this, will be a great movie - and most probably a BO smash, like the two 2018 musicals the Shay quoted!


    PS: Change the thread title FFS! This has a title - and a new premium release date in June.


  11. 53 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:


    Nope. This will do even worse numbers than all his recent flops.

    But maybe in Bulgaria (where he is a beloved icon of white supremacy, right?) it will surpass Avatar...yes? 


    And why is this? Cold Pursuit is like his best reviewed movie EVER, it was 92% at RT for a long time. Why do you want it to fail?


    And the story itself is classic, and will really click with all his fans and supporters. He kills gangsters in this movie, you know - hopefully of all colours equally, so it doesn't become a "problem" with political correctness again.

  12. 38 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

    I had no idea that Bulgaria was where the KKK originated!


    People like you do not deserve Liam Neeson (assuming you call him racist). You deserve real racists - so you can see and feel the difference.


    All the man did was go out of his way to explain how bad and dangerous racism is. And what did he get in return?... Such ungratefulness rarely goes unpunished.

  13. Yes.


    He did nothing wrong. All the people that attacked him are doing many things wrong.


    When a good person is wrongly accused and attacked, all good people come to his side and protect him. That's how the tables turn.


    So next time before attacking, some Americans should hold up and think for a bit - because it will come back and bite them in the ass.

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