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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 14 hours ago, UserHN said:

    I was also shocked when I read that the budget is $170M. I thought less than $100M. The budget is more than CM. How did that happen? I saw nothing in the trailer that requires a budget this big.


    Captain Marvel looks like 30 (thirty!) million, badly spent. TV movie.


    You should all stop citing the name of this ugly mediocrity - and see what Alita!! did with the same money, 170m.


    Now THAT is something... But most of you didn't even see this great movie, did ya... 😕  So how would you know...

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

    This is like the sixth time I have seen this dude has talked about critics dying. Is this guy trolling or is he some mentally ill psychopath? I literally can't tell if he is serious or not.

    Someone put a restraining order on this stalker before he hurts himself out of mindless spite.


    Yes, critics will die out, you slavish nincompoop, and it already shows. In the age of social media, people are starting to have opinions of their own. Even people like you.

  3. I told you that this embargoes are up to no good, lol.


    HOWEVER, the Shay hates the stinking morally corrupt critics so much now (Alita was the final deadly blow, that will NEVER be forgiven) that I react not just independently of what they say - but flat out controversially.


    Till now Dumbo was expected to be the umpteenth prepaid Disney 90%+ RT shill-work - so I was disgusted by the very thought about it. Now that we see that is not the case, I am genuinely interested, wish the movie does all well, and expect it to be good - and can't wait to see it. :) The critics will die. Lack of integrity (be it because of hubris, ego, stupidity, corruptness or all in one) kills you faster than anything else.

    • Knock It Off 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Steele131 said:

    If an alright Alita film can make 400M, if Mad Max can make 375M. I think that’s the minimum. Guess we will see.


    LOL, Alita and MadMax are THE two greatest movies this decade, and Top10 ever.


    Dune should only be compared to BR2049 - a promising project that failed because of the director's unsalvageable style. It will also never make a single cent over BR2049. (259m. WW)

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Valonqar said:

    yes but disadvantage is that it won't have proper ending since it's only part one. And first half is much more talky and world building and could be confusing. It's like the political/trade part of TPM. And it's also lacking the sandworm riding money shots (though sandworm riding isn't nearly as cool looking as dragon riding so that's something to think about too).


    You keep admitting yourself that this project is a BAD idea.


    Why do you want it to happen?


    It can not happen, as a successful movie, even if it was a good idea. (Because there is no audience for a 200m budgeted movie like this.) But it is bad. So?

  6. 59 minutes ago, Curtis1986 said:

    So you mad that people went to see a film that has gotten rave reviews and good WOM. 


    No? Just asking why.


    Don't tell me you all find this natural?


    Also, reviews mean nothing, and Cinemascore is B- , so this is not where the answer lies. I can get why the previous movie (Get Out) broke out - but this one doesn't make much sense. Maybe Get Out had a really strong effect on the BO of Us.

  7. 2 hours ago, 2kt09 said:

    So...who's making that Dora/Sonic/Pika club?


    Not me... Although I first wrote about it here.


    This Dora thing is so... awful, even the Shay can not troll you, Pika-guys, with that. I'm just gonna pretend this movie doesn't exist.


    PS: And she's not even hot. If she was, that would still be something - but no.

  8. 8 hours ago, MovieGuyKyle17 said:

    So...we're actually doing this movie and it's not a elaborate joke on society? 


    No, no - no less than Pikachu, anyway. I'm just thinking of making a club Dora OVER/UNDER Pikachu - but maybe I should somehow include the strongest of the 2019 Game-Cartoon Trio first: Sonic!!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Alli said:

    If that spoiler FROZEN sent me is true...then i'm disappoint. called it earlier.


    it will make  money, but yeah same ol same ol


    I would never read a spoiler for a Tarantino movie. This is not some stupid Marvel movie, where the plot is always the same, or some other Disney movie, where the plot doesn't matter, because the visuals are everything...


    Of course, a Tarantino movie has all the dialogue and a 100 more things to cherish on subsequent viewings - but the tension of not knowing what becomes of the plot on the first viewing is not something to throw away lightly...


  10. I see some reasonable voices here, but the rest are still in denial.




    There is no way in fucking hell this movie project:


    1. Costs less than 300m (talking only the first movie + some adds).

    2. Makes more than 300m WW final.


    This is a COLOSSAL burning of money. Kudos to Legendary for that, they have been my heroes for far too long - but they are not especially smart, and I wonder how they are still alive. Anyway - this one will kill them.


    There is only ONE way to avert this disaster. Fire the Frenchie!

    • Like 1
  11. Top Shay Tarantino by decades! :)


    90ies: Meh! 😕


     1997 Jackie Brown 3/10

     1994 Pulp Fiction 4/10

     1992 Reservoir Dogs 5/10


    2000s: Getting there, but mainly with Kill Bill


     2009 Inglourious Basterds 6/10

     2007 Death Proof 7/10

     2004 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 8/10

     2003 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 9/10


    2010s: NOW we're talking!! :)


     2015 The Hateful Eight 10/10

     2012 Django Unchained 11/10


    Conclusion: slow learner, but at least he knows how to get better, contrary to the deteriorating Nolan.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Disbelief 1
  12. On 3/12/2019 at 5:39 PM, Deuce66 said:


    I think 10% of current market cap. would get Bob Iger's attention. $17 billion or so would probably get you on the list for the premiere. 




    LOL, if I had 100 times less than 17 billion (170mil), I'd have already founded a company, making movies that will drive Disney out of business. :)


    I could even start with 17mil. Many successful movies were made with much less than that.

    • Like 1
  13. 32 minutes ago, Scubasteve716 said:

    I know you’re a troll but over the last decade his 4 movies averaged $750 million a piece


    Same can be easily said for Michael Bay and a host of other hacks.


    Inception was Nolan's last really good movie - a decade before this next one.


    Batman3 made so much money only by being a Batman, not to mention following the brilliant TDK.

    Intheshitter made some money by following Inception - and because it was designed to fool basic people that they are smarter than they actually are. It's a neat trick, always works. I myself do NOT use it, as a writer, because it is unethical.

    Dunkirk was a good movie and somewhat of a return to form - but too niche, too weird, too noisy. Made some money, because Americans are taught to hate Nazis.


    There. Currently not liking a once good director does not make me a troll. Let him prove himself with his new movie - and THEN we shall talk, about events and anything...

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